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Old PvP'ers returning?


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Some of us from the guild Breakfast have returned to Swtor, and we was wondering what old school players still play the game. I have seen only a hand full of names I remember (Scold from MVP), and fellow republic friends. However, I was wondering who else from the old Ranked 8v8 Warzone guilds are still playing. I understand some people have moved servers and or changed names and possibly guild names. I was just wondering how everyone is doing and what they thought of the state of Swtor.
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Some of us from the guild Breakfast have returned to Swtor, and we was wondering what old school players still play the game. I have seen only a hand full of names I remember (Scold from MVP), and fellow republic friends. However, I was wondering who else from the old Ranked 8v8 Warzone guilds are still playing. I understand some people have moved servers and or changed names and possibly guild names. I was just wondering how everyone is doing and what they thought of the state of Swtor.


Mostly everyone worth mentioning is gone


However, there as been a decent showing the old MVP 8's team: Purerage,Teacher,Otto, Guda have been around recently. Don't know where waka went, was playing casually for awhile.


Onasis is the only person i've seen noteworthy on Pub side


other than that i can't remember any anyone else from the glory days of 8v8 still around on this server


From Matchless me glory and honor play a decent amount

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I see...

Well from Breakfast it is me: Biskits'N'Gravy - Scoundrel Healer




Sometimes Blanket will show up for some here and there; though most of us play WOW arenas now. (note that the Guild names/players above are not the actual toon names in game now).

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With that being said we will be que'ing for Ranked Warzone group when we feel like we have the appropriate gear. We are normally on from 8pm-12pm central time. If other groups normally que or would like to set up times please feel free to message me in game.
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With that being said we will be que'ing for Ranked Warzone group when we feel like we have the appropriate gear. We are normally on from 8pm-12pm central time. If other groups normally que or would like to set up times please feel free to message me in game.


I just have to say... I hated your comp when season 1 hit. That's all. WB :)

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How's the APAC times here for pvp? thinking bring a toon or 2 here. Used to play here back in the days of Bad Company etc and with bobcow etc.


The more people here the better. Matchless will be queing a decent amount S5 if people continue to que throughout the season. Not a fan of people running double hatred sins however...


Also who was you toon in Bad Company? You play with Big Johnson and hood-rat?

Edited by Valzanik
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The more people here the better. Matchless will be queing a decent amount S5 if people continue to que throughout the season. Not a fan of people running double hatred sins however...


Also who was you toon in Bad Company? You play with Big Johnson and hood-rat?


This was back before they merged into Synergy, I mained a Vanguard back then. So hood rat, jiraya (rip) and was that bigjohnson?


Moved from apac server with Midian to Harb as they were my pve Toons but now I just pvp, but did ranked 8v8s with bobcow, chief etc. I subbed back and not many around, just a few of the lukewarm guys. So I just play my jugg and Pt there solo.

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This was back before they merged into Synergy, I mained a Vanguard back then. So hood rat, jiraya (rip) and was that bigjohnson?


Moved from apac server with Midian to Harb as they were my pve Toons but now I just pvp, but did ranked 8v8s with bobcow, chief etc. I subbed back and not many around, just a few of the lukewarm guys. So I just play my jugg and Pt there solo.


What happened to jiraya??

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So far I've been able to get Yort and Maniac to resub from Crits and Giggles.


Stealthkilla as well. Baugles apparently still plays as his job allows him (I have yet to see him online).


Also, I see BondingAgent pub side time to time. (I think he mostly plays imp side).


oh ya, and Fivez plays from time to time. He's pretty busy gettin swoll tho ;P

Edited by Spankky
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