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PSA: Changes to Stronghold Titles Coming in 3.1.2 Tomorrow


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Still no response on this. It makes no sense to waste WZ coms that I earned on medpacs, low level pvp gear that does nothing for you in WZ's, or basic coms. I have plenty of that stuff already. 60 pvp is fun on the 2 geared alts I have, but I wanted to roll on other servers as well, and not really going to go through all of that now. Ranked queues are slow as is, and it is mostly the same people over and over in the matches. I keep seeing "C'MON!! PLS QUEUE TEAM RANKED!!" or "Is solo ranked popping?" all night in chat. Something needs to change in order to get more people interested in queuing. The transfer of coms would encourage more people to play low and mid pvp as well as help get more people into 60 pvp with the correct gear (which EVERYBODY wants to see). I'm done with pvp for now. I will just keep raiding with my raid teams. The day I can transfer my coms that I earned is the day I might be interested to make more alts and get back in there. The pvp in this game is so much fun, but the current blockade on WZ coms is not.
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