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Instead of Predation On Its Own Cooldown...


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Then you lose the ability to use Pred when you want because you need to Berserk here and vice versa.


Berserk is a rotational damage mechanic, Predation is a utility mobility mechanic. Having them be mutually exclusive and not be standalones removes a lot of flexibility from the player in terms of counterplay and their ability to deal damage.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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I was actually thinking about this. If we make Defensive Forms baseline, we could replace it with a skillfull utility that gives +50% move speed for 4 seconds after using Zen/Beserk, and gives physics and movement impairing immunity after use. Would be a pretty sweet way of keeping uptime for the normal spec, but still leaving Transcendence/Predation available as an option of sacrificing damage for raid utility.
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You also need to consider that if Bioware does take predation off of the fury system, they might give it a cooldown of 45sec to a minute...maybe even more. I don't know about you, but I like the frequency with which I can use predation right now, especially in big pvp fights. Putting predation on a separate cooldown may cause marauders to be stuck under more CC, not less.


By rolling the two effects together, you get the benefits of predation and berserk, and take away the one thing that Bioware is sure to mess up when they "balance" it (long cooldown); and when it comes down to it, it is better than what we have now, so why not?

Edited by Svarthrafn
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You also need to consider that if Bioware does take predation off of the fury system, they might give it a cooldown of 45sec to a minute...maybe even more. I don't know about you, but I like the frequency with which I can use predation right now, especially in big pvp fights. Putting predation on a separate cooldown may cause marauders to be stuck under more CC, not less.


By rolling the two effects together, you get the benefits of predation and berserk, and take away the one thing that Bioware is sure to mess up when they "balance" it (long cooldown); and when it comes down to it, it is better than what we have now, so why not?


The only way that would be fair (giving it a 45s cooldown) is if we get physics / snare / root immunity during it, ala Hydraulc Overrides. if they don't give that as well, it would be a nerf.

Edited by Aluvi
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