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Super Serious Starfighter Saturday on The Bastion, April 25th


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Wasn't there another 8v8, all double premades, earlier in the night? Domination on Lost Shipyards, I think. Republic won that one. :)


It is a shame a lot of the other matches were decided by "whose food is the most food like". Fun though! Very frenetic communication on Pubside.


Drako, how long will the stream of tonight be available to watch?


Yep there was another game on Lost shipyards, that's the game our team was stumbling over itself in mumble.

Edit: After watching the video I see exactly what happened, the following notes spoil the video so I'm hiding them for anyone that wants to watch them.


Right off the start we field Verain as our one and only Gunship, a huge problem as once he was pinned down we had no one actually pumping damage into the snared bombers on the nodes.(note how frustrated he gets in mumble) To make matters worse one of our Bombers swapped off of being a bomber without telling anyone and the third one dc'd at a crucial moment. This left us with only me as bomber on the whole team and somehow having 6 scouts. Once we lost our foothold we were never able to get it back and lost.


Playing this game actually taught me the meta for 8 player premade domination however, so in the next match we face off I put my plan into action.


In the rematch I take command of the two teams and get everyone to make an 8 man composition of 3 Gunships, 2 Scouts and 3 Razorwires. This seems to be the perfect balance of moblilty, damage and satellite defense I think you could even have only 2 Gunships to bring in something with repairs to really solidify your team.



The recent broadcasts on twitch holds everything I record for 2 weeks, however I put all Super Serious games on my Youtube channel. I should be able to get them up on the channel tomorrow.

Edited by Drakkolich
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Alright so I stayed up until 5 am to get these up as fast as possible since it was such a great Super Serious night.


While we did have a few games where one side had more premades then one all 11 games this week were vs atleast 1 premade opposition.


I highly recommend games 3 and 5 as they were fantastic.


I played a lot of bomber as usual, if you're looking for some Scout games I suggest games 7 and 10.


Here are all 11 games for your viewing pleasure!















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Wasn't there another 8v8, all double premades, earlier in the night? Domination on Lost Shipyards, I think. Republic won that one. :)


It is a shame a lot of the other matches were decided by "whose food is the most food like". Fun though! Very frenetic communication on Pubside.


Drako, how long will the stream of tonight be available to watch?




This is the only other one I have but I am pretty sure we only had one premade in this one.




Imp side anyway. ;)

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It is a shame a lot of the other matches were decided by "whose food is the most food like".


Yea. The premade on premades are kind of the rarespawn things that the whole night is about. 8v8 all premade definitely happen, but not every time.


The game Drako discusses was frustrating because two scouts could just like, watch me, and even if I could call out tunnels no one would do anything. I didn't realize we had launched without a second gunship or I would have mentioned something. Once Drako figured it out we had much better comp.

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