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Type 2 Bomber General Use Build


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The most popular version of the type 2 bomber is probably the one specified in Stasie's Guide. This build is very good in team deathmatch but (as stated in the guide) it gets shredded by the T1 Bomber in domination. Lately I've been playing quite a bit on Progenitor and ToFN servers and I've noticed a few players using an interesting variant of this build that appears to have a place in the domination meta. Let me know what you guys think.


Basically the build is exactly the same as the Stasie guide except you ditch the evasion and running interference for deflection armor and hydrospanner. Also, you put armor penetration on your railgun drone. Why does it work? Well, you place the railgun drone about 9000m or so away from the SAT on your team's side of the map. A great location is inside one of the doorways in Kuat Mesas B or just beside an asteroid in Lost Shipyards B. The railgun is great because it pesters scouts and also does 312 damage directly to the hull of CP bombers. Meanwhile, your ship has 39% damage reduction which means you can eat 5 seismic mines. With good timing of your repair drone, you can heal up some of that hull damage. Hydrospanner provides another bump to your hull. Seeker mines with AoE aren't quite as useful as seismic mines or even interdiction/concussion mines, but they are certainly dangerous. There is also the potential to use interdiction drive engine and HLC to do some serious damage to CP bombers. The biggest counter to this build appears to be BLC scouts. Evasion and running interference might work better against scouts, but a BLC with TT and/or Wingman shooting up close doesn't miss often anyways. Of course, if the other team has good coordination they can pull a ship off the SAT to kill your railgun drone. But that exposes them and can be a meaningful distraction.


T1 bomber is typically a better choice, especially in Denon where hyperspace beacon is so important. But I think this build may have a purpose in Kuat Mesas and Lost Shipyards. Overall I think the most useful purpose of this build is to stack it with an allied T1 bomber -- they synergize well because the T2 bomber can repair to T1 bomber's hull. And the two bombers can both use their HLC on enemy CP bombers that have been hit by interdiction mines/engines. Also, it's always a huge plus to offer a repair ammo drone if you have any pods users on your team.


This build retains most of its deathmatch strength, albeit it is quite a bit weaker against BLC and slug railgun so you wouldn't be able to take as many risks. I'd be interested to hear about people's experiences fighting against this build or using the build.

Edited by RickDagles
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I definitely like the build I've played it many times. However the biggest edge the charged plating Razorwire has over this bomber isn't actually the siesmic mines, it's the interdiction ones. Once you've landed a 20 second 60% turning snare on a Bomber it's game over. The other problem is the Razorwire can just line of sight the drone and play safe on his mines on the other side. Even if you land a seeker aoe on the first interdiction mine it's pretty hard to keep that up consistently.


I absolutely agree that it is a great ally to the standard charged plating Razorwire though, these two on one node are pretty much invincible. They compliment each other really really well.

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That T2 build definitely compliments a T1 on a node. If you're using it mainly for node protection, I'd run interdiction drive on it too. It makes the ship slightly less flexible in TDM, but I usually run two T2's--one for dom and one for TDM so I don't worry about it much. It's a really strong choice and I've seen it used in SS night to great success. Lately I've been using a T3 strike with a T1 bomber on the node, which I like better for some situations, but that's not relevant to your post.
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use the T2 bomber in Dom matches sometimes and my favorite build is: HLC, seeker mines, interdiction probe, interdiction drive, repair probe(w/ shield boost) and servo-jammer. the idea is to bring all near by enemy ships down to your speed and turning. also the bonus with the interdiction probe is you can have 2 out at once to cover both sides of a sat or have one at 2 different sats.
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Imgawna that can be a great build against a team of scouts but in my experience the Rampart/Razorwire chews that up pretty badly with seismic and interdiction mines. The problem is that those interdiction drones take an entire minute to regenerate compared to the 15 seconds that it takes to regen interdiction mines. Still, with deflection armor, hydrospanner, and repair probes it would also make a pretty good ally to a friendly T1 bomber. I just feel like the railgun drone with armor piercing is a bit more useful. And the drone typically lasts longer since it doesn't get destroyed by mines or HLC.
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