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3 things to fix or change in order for mercs to be pvp viable imo


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This is focusing on pvp because our survivability is obviously the issue here.. its been stated time and time again. Ask anyone playing a merc and they will tell you the same. We are the first to be focused and will die in 10 seconds or less if the opposing team has their mind set on it. We need some help in the survivability and anti focus department as well as a few other smaller BUT not nearly trivial changes in order for us to be viable or to even enjoy playing the class in ranked.


1- Our DCDs are incredibly weak. 25% DR with our shields is horrible.. in comparison to other classes its almost a joke. People have better defense when stunned vs our major DCD, while other classes are virtually invulnerable for 12 seconds or more... some have invulnerability for 3 seconds every 10 seconds....giving them 18 seconds of NO damage every minute, not to mention a 4 second 1 min cd 200% dodge. Some classes have bubbles making them invulnerable while they heal. Some classes can literally heal to full and have 200% HP who are not healing classes. Others can just POOF disappear and can choose when to come back after your cd's are wasted and they let theirs refresh or just use them when they pop back out.


1a- I think that if our shield was upped to something around the 40% range would be way more understandable. OR as ive suggested before (something that was done in star wars galaxies in order to fix a similar problem) have shields react to each direct damaging attack to add 1% to our damage and last for 15 or so seconds after shields wear off.. Making people want to switch targets or suffer the consequences of mercs hitting hard enough where we might be able to take someone with us when we die in that 10 seconds at least.. so we get an oh Shiz button that causes a target switch..think of it like a damage boosting saber reflect


1b- Another idea from Star wars galaxies that BH's were given in order to balance us with the other classes.. An ability called prescience that gave us 6 seconds of invulnerability on a 1 min CD but when procced it was very noticeable so our opponents could easily see it was up giving them a chance to not blow all their cd's. Just an idea, but it did totally fix the problem BHs had that was very similar to the one we are suffering from now. Not so different from Force shroud, evasion, bubble, and many more I didnt mention.


2- Our heals are no where near any other class that has a healing spec. Ours 2 off spec heals are on huge Cds with a cast time that other classes dont have or have ways of getting around it and not have to decide hhmmmm do i use rail shot with a nice damage buff OR do i use this heal on a huge cd.. Ops get to roll and proc instant heal with their 2 kolto probes on NO cd.. their other heal with a HOT attached has NO cd... the channeled heal? NO cd... sorcs are similar with their instant heals as well. It seems everyone gets shorter CDs (dont get me started on our 24 second interrupt the longest in the game by 2 times in some cases.....dotdotdot....) shorter cast times or none at all, and larger more substantial heals. And the fact we have heavy armor doesn't balance this out... if it did then why are we the ones that get instakilled? People literally will tell the team right away "target the merc", not the healer.. the merc..


2a- We need One of two things, Stronger heals, or shorter CDs with little to no cast times. ORRRR bring back our aoe heal. I would love for the probes that ops get..both the heal and the shield. There is no way even if we had a sorc bubble that we could heal to full with our heals in the condition that they are in now. We cant even take the chance to heal a teammate because the CD is so long we will need it for our self in the next few seconds anyways, while ops can throw up probes on people no problem and sorcs can do the same and then throw up bubbles on them as well. And our KO is just a joke.. if we get a small heal over 35% then it totally negates KO completely. Why cant it just keep healing like the tank specs 2% of their total hp per tic till its over at the very least? or usable at 50, 60, 75%?? Also some DR on it for arsenal like pt pyro gets would be amazing as well.


3- So many of our abilities that we must choose from are just given to other classes in their skill tree. We are forced to pick between skills that almost every other class has for free. For example, arsenal mercs can pick the HEROIC ability energy rebounder to have our shield CD reduced 3 seconds every 1.5 seconds when we take damage but other specs have it for free.. but not arsenal merc its a freakin HEROIC ABILITY!?! OR stabilized armor giving us 30% aoe DR and 30% dr while stunned also given to multiple other classes but not us.. its a HEROIC ABILITY!! In that case we are better off being stunned than using our shields because its better DR than our MAIN DCD.. that just doesn't make sense to me why we have to sacrifice in order to just to get abilities that are freebeez for multiple other classes that have skillful level abilities that blow all of our heroic ones out of the water.


3a- FIX IT!! its self explanatory here...



I really hope this doesn't come out as a rant and im sure I forgot so many things that I know we need help with so im sorry if after you read this you guys go OMG YOU DIDNT EVEN MENTION BLANKETY BLANK! Please tell me what you think about my ideas or if you have any tweaks to them or ideas of your own. Lets just try to do it how the devs want, 3 examples of what our main problems are. I love this class so much and before i even played the game i knew a merc was what i was going to main. I played BH in SWG and even have the same name on my merc as I had on my BH in SWG. I payed $160 for the mega deluxe edition pre order and have been playing for 5 days or so before release because i got in the early access and all i want is for my merc, my main, my reason for buying the game to be honest... to be viable in pvp, NOT OP!! just let me be on par with the other classes!!!

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Ops get to roll and proc instant heal with their 2 kolto probes on NO cd.. their other heal with a HOT attached has NO cd... the channeled heal? NO cd...


I sincerely hope that bioware takes away your kolto shot and give you diagnostic scan instead. GL

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kolto shot?? you mean the 1k heal? i would love the heal with the hot attached for sure over that thing.... and what the heck does "lol. /5char"?? mean??


I just tried to respond to the devs in the format they asked... i didnt mean to make a wall of text or to suggest outlandish ideas, i just want to be able to pvp in ranked without being target practice for everyone before the fight realllyyy starts...

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I think it's wierd that PTs gets a movement boost on HO but mercs could utilize that way more but don't get it.


1. Give us the HO speed discipline

2. Increase shield defense

3. Have jet boost break snares and give a short cc immunity

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its just sad cause we haven't been changing what we want... its all been the same things.. i think if our heals got fixed to be on par with sorcs and ops and KO got a boost with some dr OR our shields got buffed up if not just with DR then maybe like my suggestion with the increasing damage boost to force a target switch at least!!
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its just sad cause we haven't been changing what we want... its all been the same things.. i think if our heals got fixed to be on par with sorcs and ops and KO got a boost with some dr OR our shields got buffed up if not just with DR then maybe like my suggestion with the increasing damage boost to force a target switch at least!!


Stop while you're ahead...

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This is focusing on pvp because our survivability is obviously the issue here.. its been stated time and time again. Ask anyone playing a merc and they will tell you the same. We are the first to be focused and will die in 10 seconds or less if the opposing team has their mind set on it. We need some help in the survivability and anti focus department as well as a few other smaller BUT not nearly trivial changes in order for us to be viable or to even enjoy playing the class in ranked.


1- Our DCDs are incredibly weak. 25% DR with our shields is horrible.. in comparison to other classes its almost a joke. People have better defense when stunned vs our major DCD, while other classes are virtually invulnerable for 12 seconds or more... some have invulnerability for 3 seconds every 10 seconds....giving them 18 seconds of NO damage every minute, not to mention a 4 second 1 min cd 200% dodge. Some classes have bubbles making them invulnerable while they heal. Some classes can literally heal to full and have 200% HP who are not healing classes. Others can just POOF disappear and can choose when to come back after your cd's are wasted and they let theirs refresh or just use them when they pop back out.


1a- I think that if our shield was upped to something around the 40% range would be way more understandable. OR as ive suggested before (something that was done in star wars galaxies in order to fix a similar problem) have shields react to each direct damaging attack to add 1% to our damage and last for 15 or so seconds after shields wear off.. Making people want to switch targets or suffer the consequences of mercs hitting hard enough where we might be able to take someone with us when we die in that 10 seconds at least.. so we get an oh Shiz button that causes a target switch..think of it like a damage boosting saber reflect


1b- Another idea from Star wars galaxies that BH's were given in order to balance us with the other classes.. An ability called prescience that gave us 6 seconds of invulnerability on a 1 min CD but when procced it was very noticeable so our opponents could easily see it was up giving them a chance to not blow all their cd's. Just an idea, but it did totally fix the problem BHs had that was very similar to the one we are suffering from now. Not so different from Force shroud, evasion, bubble, and many more I didnt mention.


2- Our heals are no where near any other class that has a healing spec. Ours 2 off spec heals are on huge Cds with a cast time that other classes dont have or have ways of getting around it and not have to decide hhmmmm do i use rail shot with a nice damage buff OR do i use this heal on a huge cd.. Ops get to roll and proc instant heal with their 2 kolto probes on NO cd.. their other heal with a HOT attached has NO cd... the channeled heal? NO cd... sorcs are similar with their instant heals as well. It seems everyone gets shorter CDs (dont get me started on our 24 second interrupt the longest in the game by 2 times in some cases.....dotdotdot....) shorter cast times or none at all, and larger more substantial heals. And the fact we have heavy armor doesn't balance this out... if it did then why are we the ones that get instakilled? People literally will tell the team right away "target the merc", not the healer.. the merc..


2a- We need One of two things, Stronger heals, or shorter CDs with little to no cast times. ORRRR bring back our aoe heal. I would love for the probes that ops get..both the heal and the shield. There is no way even if we had a sorc bubble that we could heal to full with our heals in the condition that they are in now. We cant even take the chance to heal a teammate because the CD is so long we will need it for our self in the next few seconds anyways, while ops can throw up probes on people no problem and sorcs can do the same and then throw up bubbles on them as well. And our KO is just a joke.. if we get a small heal over 35% then it totally negates KO completely. Why cant it just keep healing like the tank specs 2% of their total hp per tic till its over at the very least? or usable at 50, 60, 75%?? Also some DR on it for arsenal like pt pyro gets would be amazing as well.


3- So many of our abilities that we must choose from are just given to other classes in their skill tree. We are forced to pick between skills that almost every other class has for free. For example, arsenal mercs can pick the HEROIC ability energy rebounder to have our shield CD reduced 3 seconds every 1.5 seconds when we take damage but other specs have it for free.. but not arsenal merc its a freakin HEROIC ABILITY!?! OR stabilized armor giving us 30% aoe DR and 30% dr while stunned also given to multiple other classes but not us.. its a HEROIC ABILITY!! In that case we are better off being stunned than using our shields because its better DR than our MAIN DCD.. that just doesn't make sense to me why we have to sacrifice in order to just to get abilities that are freebeez for multiple other classes that have skillful level abilities that blow all of our heroic ones out of the water.


3a- FIX IT!! its self explanatory here...



I really hope this doesn't come out as a rant and im sure I forgot so many things that I know we need help with so im sorry if after you read this you guys go OMG YOU DIDNT EVEN MENTION BLANKETY BLANK! Please tell me what you think about my ideas or if you have any tweaks to them or ideas of your own. Lets just try to do it how the devs want, 3 examples of what our main problems are. I love this class so much and before i even played the game i knew a merc was what i was going to main. I played BH in SWG and even have the same name on my merc as I had on my BH in SWG. I payed $160 for the mega deluxe edition pre order and have been playing for 5 days or so before release because i got in the early access and all i want is for my merc, my main, my reason for buying the game to be honest... to be viable in pvp, NOT OP!! just let me be on par with the other classes!!!


^ this 100% agree

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here my 2 cent.



Energy shield:

> duration 8s (down from 12)

>20% dmg reduction (down from 25)

Everytime you get hit, energy shield get 1 energy charge, 1 energy charge will give 20% more dmg reduction (stack up 4 times). When you get 4 stack of energy charge you will go in TOTAL SHIELD.


Total Shield:

>duration 6s (max)

>100% dmg reduction

>Total shield reset the emergency scan and healing scan cd

When you are in total shield mode you cant move and you can't use any abilty with exception of emergency scan, using emergency scan will end your Total Shield. Exit from your total shield mode will give you one charge of Fast Food, Fast Food will make your next healing scan active instantly.


Jet boost:

Jet boost will give now 4 sec of immunity from cc and roots


Kolto Overload:

Kolto Overload will give you 20% dmg reduction

Edited by EneaBlack
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i like how KO works for tank PTs after you get past 35% it heals you for 2% of your hp per second... why cant we get that?? if we go one point of hp above 35% that wholel DCD is DONE!!! its stupid!! it seems like every other class has well thought out abilities but mercs... and look at all the changes being made just now!! jugs need MORE healing and defense?? MORE?! what the freak is going on here
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I think I know why we Merc / Mandos have never gotten any real loving in the defense category.


I think it is because in the eyes of the Dev team we already have the tools to survive through an initial focus. Between heavy armor, shock absorbers, and our shield, the damage we take during a focus attack should almost be completely negated.


In there eyes, the heavy armor knocks off about 30%. The shock absorbers are a passive and iniitializes as soon as we are stunned and that takes off another 30%. To them all we had to do was activate our shield prior to the first stun and it will last through two back to back stuns and that gives us another 25%. Combine the three and you have a 85% reduction and with two back to back stuns we now have full resolve.


Frankly though (and I admit I haven't tested this) but I don't think all three is stacking properly. Because even with out the shield I honestly don't think we get a 60% damage reduction. I don't know if the two are stacking properly (heavy armor and shock absorbers) or if shock absorbers is working as intended. But my initial gut reaction is that the two are not stacking in a 4 v 4 pvp focus attack.


Another issue is that if you blow your bubble prior to the first stun, you got nothing left to help defend yourself with. And that is why they are giving us Decoy. You can pop decoy after the second stun wears off to buy yourself a few seconds to heal up, move, or use some form of CC to give yourself some breathing space.


In the devs eyes, they probably think we are all idiots and not using our proper abilities at the right time. But I don't know about the rest of you guys but in most focus attacks I am always stunned by one or more stealth players. I can't get the shield off prior to the first stun because I never see the first hit coming. Stealth runs heavy on my server and in pvp you can almost be guaranteed to be running against at least 2 stealth players in a 4 v 4 DPS match.

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wow i really like your power barrier idea man! awesome job! keep this stuff comming! also why cant we get heals even close to the other off spec healing classes...our armor adds what like 8-10% damage reduction on physical agenda right? so not force or elemental if i understand it correctly?
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wow i really like your power barrier idea man! awesome job! keep this stuff comming! also why cant we get heals even close to the other off spec healing classes...our armor adds what like 8-10% damage reduction on physical agenda right? so not force or elemental if i understand it correctly?


I dont think is a good idea at all...

you guys are always whink only for Arsenal spec i see it so far from your post... IO most of the time dont take the utility of power barrier cos you dont get extra stack from this spec... and you dont think 20% dmg red. always up is a little OP? especially for healer, cos now they are not the best healer but not so bad at all... we need a bubble sorcs like ability for force others to change target.

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I dont think is a good idea at all...

you guys are always whink only for Arsenal spec i see it so far from your post... IO most of the time dont take the utility of power barrier cos you dont get extra stack from this spec... and you dont think 20% dmg red. always up is a little OP? especially for healer, cos now they are not the best healer but not so bad at all... we need a bubble sorcs like ability for force others to change target.


No, you know what's overpowered? Juggernaut survivability. I don't think giving one of the squishiest classes in the game an extra 20% damage reduction (that also has to be set-up) is going to put us anywhere close to Juggernaut survivability. And as for IO not getting Power Barrier, Power Shot gives you extra stacks. A fair trade off from spamming instants and constantly running out of melee range dont you think?

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maybe not constantly up but in all honesty we need something like that BAD like our shields being pushed up to 40% or my 1% per hit damage boost idea... AND our heals MUST be fixed to be on par with sorcs and ops.. they have like 10% or less difference in armor protection.. and with their talents and such im almost positive it ends up being higher anyways... the heavy armor excuse drives me crazy. these problems have been BEGGED to be fixed for ages now and still only the very tip of the ice burg has been spotted in binoculars.. its far from being worked on in any seriousness...
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Out of all of the things mentioned how come no one mentions Chaff Flare...It should be the number one DCD for a merc, especially in Arsenal. And it just got a HUGE buff! It grants 5 stacks of Decoy. Which each stack will completely absorb 100% of any force or tech attack! Pair that with pyro shield and you are adding 1k dps that reflects back to the attacker in the form of fire. Also, if you spec into Suit FOE, when those pesky sins put dots on you, activate cure and you now take 30% less damage from periodic damage for 30 sec.


Merc's are not that bad. I am actually very survivable in unranked and ranked....you have to know how to kite and when to use your DCD's (this comes by knowing your opponent)...It could be worse.....you could be a marauder.

Edited by Ryaja
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Out of all of the things mentioned how come no one mentions Chaff Flare...It should be the number one DCD for a merc, especially in Arsenal. And it just got a HUGE buff! It grants 5 stacks of Decoy. Which each stack will completely absorb 100% of any force or tech attack! Pair that with pyro shield and you are adding 1k dps that reflects back to the attacker in the form of fire. Also, if you spec into Suit FOE, when those pesky sins put dots on you, activate cure and you now take 30% less damage from periodic damage for 30 sec.


Merc's are not that bad. I am actually very survivable in unranked and ranked....you have to know how to kite and when to use your DCD's (this comes by knowing your opponent)...It could be worse.....you could be a marauder.


This is just so untrue i dont even know where to start. Youve either done very little actual pvp on your merc, or you pose so little threat the other team lets you stand still and pew pew.

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Played 2 matches on my gunnary commando today after returning from a very long break, this is how they went:


1st - Amazing match of Huttball, good damage and was able to kill lots of imps, we won the match and I hardly died. I thought to myself "wow this is amazing, going to spend some time getting this character geared and levelled" (lvl 55 atm)


2nd - BAD, just Bad. Focused as soon as I ressed. Died a lot more and struggled to kill anything. So yeah its random WZ so ofc sometimes you get a good team and sometimes a bad one. But I felt useless as soon as I was focused. After that I decided that maybe I shouldn't play it in pvp anymore.


Such a swing from one extreme to the other. Still not sure if its worth the effort to get roflstomped all match, or if I should just go heals on it or heal on my sage. The later seems more appealing.

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Out of all of the things mentioned how come no one mentions Chaff Flare...It should be the number one DCD for a merc, especially in Arsenal. And it just got a HUGE buff! It grants 5 stacks of Decoy. Which each stack will completely absorb 100% of any force or tech attack! Pair that with pyro shield and you are adding 1k dps that reflects back to the attacker in the form of fire. Also, if you spec into Suit FOE, when those pesky sins put dots on you, activate cure and you now take 30% less damage from periodic damage for 30 sec.


Merc's are not that bad. I am actually very survivable in unranked and ranked....you have to know how to kite and when to use your DCD's (this comes by knowing your opponent)...It could be worse.....you could be a marauder.


For someone making claims about ranked survivability, you are remarkably hard to find on both the solo and team leaderboards.

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