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Beginner's Question: What do the colors mean?


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When you get into the starting screen, where is shows the names of the members on your team and the opposition, why are some of the people shown with brighter green (or red, for the opposition) backgrounds? Are those people that queued as groups?


As always, thanks in advance.

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Stasiepedia links to this, which is the answer:




"The highlighted folks in the main list are the 3 other players in your squadron. Galactic Starfighter groups people into 4 man squadrons. Secondary fact, if you look at your minimap/map you will see the 3 other members of your squadron highlighted there as well!


Get out there and coordinate!"

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Note: If a premade IS there, they will get grouped. But it doesn't mean that any given group is a premade.


The only situation I've seen in game where squadrons are equal to premade groups was an 8v8 with 3 squadrons with 3, 3 and 2 players in them. It might be possible to get 4 squadrons a 3 people in a 12v12, but I've never seen that.

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