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Enhancements and Stat priority for Sharp Shooter (Marksmen) gunslinger. PVP

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Oddly enough, Marksman is the only spec in the game that I know of that can get a min/maxed set without having to buy extra mods or enhancements. This is solely for best burst, not sustained, as getting the kill is more important than numbers overall, especially in arenas.


Set Pieces


So let's get started! You'll notice that there are two sets for snipers, and both have the same set bonus, so you can interchange between the sets. So I'll just list the stats on the piece, rather than the name of the piece. The set will get you to the 95% ranged accuracy, the 70% crit bonus, and the rest to alacrity, as far as tertiary stats. Pretty nice, eh?


Relics - Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution - for obvious reasons

Ear - Power/Surge

Implant1 - Power/Accuracy

Implant 2 - Power/Accuracy

Bracers - Power

Head - Power/Alacrity

Chest - Power/Surge

Gloves - Power/Accuracy

Belt - Power

Legs - Power/Surge (you have to go into one of the operative sets, but you'll still get your set bonus)

Boots - Power/Accuracy

Mainhand - Power/Surge

Offhand - Power/Surge

Augments - Power 52 x 14

Stim - A cunning stim, of course! (though you could use aim, but I'll get to that later)


Overall Stats (Ranked set)


This includes a stim, so don't forget one! :D

Endurance - 2844

Cunning - 2250

Power - 2207

Surge - 430

Accuracy - 344

Alacrity - 86


As you can see, it is a full power set, which works amazingly in pvp, since your tree gives you crit bonuses to pretty much everything. You might also notice that the accuracy goes a bit over the 95% mark, but honestly, you can't change out any of the enhancements or you'll drop under it.


The Aim Debate


Many people will tell you that you want to stack aim instead of cunning, because it has better ranged crit, and I honestly agree, based on both parsing and real-world pvp. It'll lower your tech damage a bit, but orbital strike and corrosive dart are fluff damage anyway, just used to stop caps or debuff your opponents in real-world situations.


The reason for using aim is diminishing returns on mainstat crit. As either stat goes up, it gives less and less crit, but both give the same ranged damage bonus. Optimally, you will have them at exactly the same number, maximizing the crit%, but that's a pain in the butt, so I personally just get them close enough by switching out the mods in my set for aim mods. You could also get an aim armouring for those pants up there, which means you can just buy aim/pow/surge pants, if you like.


On a side note, keep the cunning mods! You never know if Bioware will choose to change the stats for snipers to force people to stack their actual mainstat.


Finishing Thoughts


I feel like this is obvious, but these are just my opinions, and if anybody has some extra info that I didn't cover, please tell me so I can test it hehe... I hope you have fun hitting people in full gear for 15k+ (Ambush crits with relic procs and Target Acquired, if you didn't know :D tho it can hit higher).


P.S. - Should I make a marksman pvp guide? I've been debating it, as I've not really seen any around. Any thoughts?

Edited by Kitsanth
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Don't stack aim gear under any circumstance. That is a terrible idea.


I personally run 0 alacrity in pvp. Any movement, stun, knockback, or line of sight will totally negate any benefit you get from alacrity. If you want to gear for full burst gear all surge enhancements. If you want to gear for the most reliable and consistent damage gear to 95% accuracy and the rest in surge.

Edited by kvandertulip
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Don't stack aim gear under any circumstance. That is a terrible idea.


Gee, thanks for the great reason you gave.

I do agree though. Since if you even once want to try something else, then you are not bound to Sharpshooter because of aim stuff.


However if OP only uses Sharpshooter, then getting aim is beneficial. The only abillity that does not benefit from aim is Vital Shot.

All other abilities use the ranged bonus damage instead of tech. Both cunning and aim contribute equally to this (stat * 0.2).

Same thing counts for tech crit chance and ranged crit chance. Thing is, you get less crit% per point the higher your cunning/aim. So splitting up is optimal (4000 cunning gives less ranged crit% than 2000 cunning and 2000 aim).


But the difference are minimal and it restricts any changing to other diciplines.


So is aim usefull for Sharpshooter? Certainly.

Should you use aim? I discourage anyone to do so since you restrict yourself to 1 dicipline for a slight increase in damage.

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Oh, yeah... the one alacrity piece was from back when I did engi at the start of 3.0 to fit a series of shots into the time of 2 GCDs... I should probably change that, as it de-optimizes burst for marksman.


I'm not gonna change the aim thing tho. As the above poster stated, it works if you're just gonna play marksman, which is what the whole thread is about. I will put something in there about it not being good for other specs though :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't gunslingers need Crit though? Or is it all power based in Marksman? Usually play DF in PVE so new to MM.


For PvP, the only real reason to hit somebody is to kill them. The crit may increase your overall damage over time, but you won't be hitting as high numbers per hit. The real secret to marksman tho is looking at the tree. Other than ambush/aimed shot, which gets your auto crit proc, all of your other main attacks get a passive 4-15% crit chance, which helps negate the lack of crit and allowing for higher power stacking, which, in turn, increases your ability to get big hits resulting in fast kills. In PvP, this translates into stacking full power and letting that passive crit give you around 23-34% crit chance on all your non-ambush attacks.

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