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Credit Storage to Legacy Bank [Subscribers]


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I've gone back and read every singe post in this tread..... and now I have a headache!


mostly, you are all (yes, all) going in circles when there is one simple truth we can not avoid:


why are we arguing? can't we all just agree that we would like to have this feature and let the bioware employees do their job at figuring out how it will be implemented? it's not like they are gonna do exactly what we want them to....


But I've said my piece in a previous post (and I've reiterated it in this post), so I acknowledge that I am merely repeating myself.


Have a nice and wonderful day

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I've gone back and read every singe post in this tread..... and now I have a headache!


mostly, you are all (yes, all) going in circles when there is one simple truth we can not avoid:


why are we arguing? can't we all just agree that we would like to have this feature and let the bioware employees do their job at figuring out how it will be implemented? it's not like they are gonna do exactly what we want them to....


But I've said my piece in a previous post (and I've reiterated it in this post), so I acknowledge that I am merely repeating myself.


Have a nice and wonderful day


THANK YOU! All I was trying to do is pitch the idea and then all I got were people saying "Yeah! Hey I want that too but it can't work unless you can solve these underlining issues and prove it, GO!" and you're absolutely right. We're just suppose pitch the ideas right it's not like they're going to implement the very idea in the exact way we pitched it. Hell I could think of 1 additional feature I would have loved to have when 3.0 came out with the UI changes and you could filter/highlight debuffs affecting your targeted enemies. Being a hatred dot-spec'd class I would have appreciated if I could filter to see ONLY my own debuffs on my targets rather than every single of them. You know because that would have been a hell of a lot easier to see and know when I need to reapply the dots my reliably and a feature by the way took 3 years since release add but that's beside the point.


All we need to do is up vote that we would like to see this feature. Let the devs make their own tweaks.

Edited by Phoenometroid
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THANK YOU! All I was trying to do is pitch the idea and then all I got were people saying "Yeah! Hey I want that too but it can't work unless you can solve these underlining issues and prove it, GO!" and you're absolutely right. We're just suppose pitch the ideas right it's not like they're going to implement the very idea in the exact way we pitched it. Hell I could think of 1 additional feature I would have loved to have when 3.0 came out with the UI changes and you could filter/highlight debuffs affecting your targeted enemies. Being a hatred dot-spec'd class I would have appreciated if I could filter to see ONLY my own debuffs on my targets rather than every single of them. You know because that would have been a hell of a lot easier to see and know when I need to reapply the dots my reliably and a feature by the way took 3 years since release add but that's beside the point.


All we need to do is up vote that we would like to see this feature. Let the devs make their own tweaks.


I'll up vote as much as you want.


I'm prepared to wait a long time for a legacy credit storage, though.


As I said, I believe they've already said they will not be implementing a legacy credit storage. That may be due to the problems for which no one in this thread, myself included, seems to be able to find a solution.

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Haven't really checked on the status of this since my only post and from the few that I was reading that were in response to my post, I felt that I was sounding like was looking for a way for the f2p/pref to get around the cred cap. That was not what I was suggesting but see how that could be taken, what I was meaning is that to keep the caps in place even, as in one MMO cap the amount that they can have in storage to lets just say 150k till they go sub and then they can have a set amount unless they unlock a increase. this could even be set up to were there is not a cap to the bank for total but instead a cap on withdrawals. One MMO i played did this f2p could store game funds in the bank but to a set amount to get more they had to buy the increase to that amount they did do a cap to the amount the acount to withdraw per week this could even be set up in SWTOR with it resetting when everything else, Weeklies, reset.


Or in the least allow a unlock in the market to be bought that is similar to Escrow that will allow more to be withdrawn one time use as well as having the item to give them access to the credit bank to begin with.


Hope this describes my intent with my earlier post a little bit better

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I share your desire for a legacy credit storage system, but I also recognize the potential for problems.


Johnny is a subscriber. He places 10 million credits into legacy storage from his main. He also places 100,000 from each of his other 10 characters. He leaves 50,000 on each of his characters for incidental expenses. He has a total of 11 million in legacy storage.


He drops to preferred for whatever reason. What happens to the credits in legacy storage? None of his characters are anywhere near the credit cap since they only have 50,000 credits. Do you allow his characters to withdraw from legacy storage to reach the credit cap which would bypass the restriction against transferring credits since only his main deposited more than 100,000 credits. Do you hold all the credits in legacy storage hostage, denying Johnny access to those credits, even though none of his characters are at the credit cap?


Add to this the potential for someone not paying attention when making purchases on the GTN to spend much more than they would like since ALL their credits would be available to be used for purchases on the GTN, not just those on that particular character. Can you imagine all the forum threads from players claiming to have been "scammed" then?


You're kidding, right?


Man this cannot be more ridiculous. What problem do you see??? If someone put 11 million on legacy bank and become F2P or Preferred just won't be able to get more than 350k from the bank, and also won't be able to HAVE more than 350k in their own inventory.


Is that hard to think or you're a.... ?!?! Come on. A kid with 8 years old can think this way and will know that this thing is VERY F!@*¨!@%&*¨ SIMPLE to do. There aren't problems.


Oh, and about the GTN buying thing... man.. come on, stop joking. You will buy things in GTN only with the credits you already have into your inventory. The one's in your bank will be there and ONLY THERE, that's why it's called BANK god DAMMIT.


Jeeesus... some people know how to create problems where it does not exist.

Edited by henriquecorseuil
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You're kidding, right?


Man this cannot be more ridiculous. What problem do you see??? If someone put 11 million on legacy bank and become F2P or Preferred just won't be able to get more than 350k from the bank, and also won't be able to HAVE more than 350k in their own inventory.


Is that hard to think or you're a.... ?!?! Come on. A kid with 8 years old can think this way and will know that this thing is VERY F!@*¨!@%&*¨ SIMPLE to do. There aren't problems.


Oh, and about the GTN buying thing... man.. come on, stop joking. You will buy things in GTN only with the credits you already have into your inventory. The one's in your bank will be there and ONLY THERE, that's why it's called BANK god DAMMIT.


Jeeesus... some people know how to create problems where it does not exist.

what if that player has all his credits on the credit storage and become preferred what then?

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what if that player has all his credits on the credit storage and become preferred what then?


That's very simple. Like any other thing in SWTOR, he must buy something like the Credit escrow on CM to get it back or just re-subb again to get access of it. As the title of thread says, it's a SUBSCRIBER feature.


Understood bro?

Edited by henriquecorseuil
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what if that player has all his credits on the credit storage and become preferred what then?


I don't understand why it would be the responsibility of BW to come up with a fix for player stupidity. When servervmerges were being done, we were told to remove all items from mail. I failed to do this on two out of twelve toons. Should BW have had to restore what I lost due to my own forgetfulness? No. If you're able to to sign a ToS agreement, you're able to take responsibility for failing to heed warnings about credit being unavailable after you drop your sub.


As for the transferring too much money between characters issue, why not make bank escow-only unlocks that are usable on each character ONCE for 350k, to be reset any time you resub. That would ensure you had access to the 350k each character would have dropped down to, without making it a limitless withdrawal account to bypass restrictions. Even if you had 350k already on each toon in anticipation of going oreferred, the additional 350k allowed is truly negligible when you have to pay Cartel coins or enough money for the unlock on the GTN, at least on my server, to make it not worth buying on the GTN unless you're someone like me playing sugar mama to my niece's preferred toon, not the actual FTP or preferred player.


Sign me up for Legacy storage, the framework is already set up for guild banks. There is truly minimal coding to put in. An intern could copy and paste the existing parameters over to Legacy. This is not rocket science or even something as time-consuming as a bug fix usually is.

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You're kidding, right?


Man this cannot be more ridiculous. What problem do you see??? If someone put 11 million on legacy bank and become F2P or Preferred just won't be able to get more than 350k from the bank, and also won't be able to HAVE more than 350k in their own inventory.


Is that hard to think or you're a.... ?!?! Come on. A kid with 8 years old can think this way and will know that this thing is VERY F!@*¨!@%&*¨ SIMPLE to do. There aren't problems.


What about the character that only deposited 50,000 into the legacy credit storage, leaving only 50,000 on that character? Do you let that character pull 300,000 credits from the 10 million credits in legacy credit storage to get to the 350,000 credit cap, even though this would BYPASS the restriction against transferring credits between characters. Do you deny that character access to the 50,000 he deposited into legacy credit storage?


Oh, and about the GTN buying thing... man.. come on, stop joking. You will buy things in GTN only with the credits you already have into your inventory. The one's in your bank will be there and ONLY THERE, that's why it's called BANK god DAMMIT.


Jeeesus... some people know how to create problems where it does not exist.


You must have a different understanding of some of the ways that many posters want a legacy credit storage to function. Many of the posters seem (to me, at least) to want a single pool of credits within their legacy from which they can make purchases without having to transfer credits my mail between characters, or having to go to the legacy credit storage access to withdraw credits from legacy storage. It seems to me that many of the posters want the purchase price to be directly taken from a legacy credit storage.


That is just the way I interpret those requests. Your interpretation may vary.

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Similar to the guild bank it would be nice to pool credits into our Legacy Storage, except we won't need to see which alt deposited what but would get the job done when you play on numerous characters. However just like the guild bank you can have this feature locked to those that no longer have a remaining subscription no longer allowing withdrawals or deposits. So if you know you're not going to pay another month you better stock up that 350k per character before you discontinue logging in.


Love this idea!

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Sign me up for Legacy storage, the framework is already set up for guild banks. There is truly minimal coding to put in. An intern could copy and paste the existing parameters over to Legacy. This is not rocket science or even something as time-consuming as a bug fix usually is.


This is exactly what I've been saying but others seem to want to project their own problems to it that don't even exist if it were to function in the exact same sense. It's either that or they feel that the bank should feel sorry for them for not logging in before they're out of time and give all their characters credit caps because you know... that's BW's fault.

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I agree that this needs to happen. I for one would be okay with all money earned just automatically being added to a shared bank. Raise the cap on the shared bank for F2P/Preferred. Make it 90% current cap multiplied by number of original character slots to said account type.
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This is exactly what I've been saying but others seem to want to project their own problems to it that don't even exist if it were to function in the exact same sense. It's either that or they feel that the bank should feel sorry for them for not logging in before they're out of time and give all their characters credit caps because you know... that's BW's fault.


i have suggest plenty of way's how it can work but the problem from all of the suggestions how it most work are the things that can happing and how do you wane fix that then.

and you tell we are thinking about or own problems?

i am sure not thinking about my own problems.

i am thinking about each suggestion that has been post about the problems it can have and try to fix that problem.

and if a problem from that suggestion not can be fix then we need a new way to let it work 100% and if it takes 100 fail suggestions how to fix it.

the only thing i have see you doing is focus on your own suggestion how to fix it and not about others.


and the reason BW has a credit cap for f2p and preferred players is maybe that there are playing the game for free and you know what will happing then i know it all then the game is closed since there cant fix the bugs from it and pay the servers where we play on.


each suggestion that has been post how it most work create also new problems with it that needs to be fix also before it happens in the game we all most see the problems from it.

and each suggestion most work 100% and have no problems that the players can get in the game.

that means also all scenario's that can happing with it most be knowing.


i also like to see a credit storage in the game but if it curse many problems then i better choose to not have one.

Edited by Spikanor
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I agree that this needs to happen. I for one would be okay with all money earned just automatically being added to a shared bank. Raise the cap on the shared bank for F2P/Preferred. Make it 90% current cap multiplied by number of original character slots to said account type.


You're either forgetting or ignoring the fact that F2P and preferred CANNOT transfer credits between characters. That is one of the restrictions that applies to F2P and preferred players.


You're suggestion would bypass that restriction by allowing those players to deposit credits with character A and withdraw those credits with character B.

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You're either forgetting or ignoring the fact that F2P and preferred CANNOT transfer credits between characters. That is one of the restrictions that applies to F2P and preferred players.


You're suggestion would bypass that restriction by allowing those players to deposit credits with character A and withdraw those credits with character B.


Not if they kept the current F2P/Pref banking restrictions that are already applied to guild bank deposits and withdraws. Only subscribers can put in or take out currency from the guild bank.

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Not if they kept the current F2P/Pref banking restrictions that are already applied to guild bank deposits and withdraws. Only subscribers can put in or take out currency from the guild bank.

so far i have read the Subscription, Preferred, Free-to-Play Features good.

it tells noting about the guild bank use.

it tells only that there can become leader from a f2p type guild and not from any other type of guilds.

and since you need 600k credits to open a guild bank and preferred status have a credit limit off 350k and most use a escrow to get the other 250k credits to open a guild bank that means that if there do it that way there bypass the credit limit.

since preferred status players can use automatic cargo bay's that means also there can use the guild bank.

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Not if they kept the current F2P/Pref banking restrictions that are already applied to guild bank deposits and withdraws. Only subscribers can put in or take out currency from the guild bank.


I was addressing this specific post:


I agree that this needs to happen. I for one would be okay with all money earned just automatically being added to a shared bank. Raise the cap on the shared bank for F2P/Preferred. Make it 90% current cap multiplied by number of original character slots to said account type.


Emphasis mine.


You'll notice that particular poster made no indication of a legacy bank being subscriber only, and actually wants F2P and preferred to be able to use legacy credit storage.


Allowing F2P or preferred to use legacy credit storage would bypass the restriction against transferring credits between characters.

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so far i have read the Subscription, Preferred, Free-to-Play Features good.

it tells noting about the guild bank use.

it tells only that there can become leader from a f2p type guild and not from any other type of guilds.

and since you need 600k credits to open a guild bank and preferred status have a credit limit off 350k and most use a escrow to get the other 250k credits to open a guild bank that means that if there do it that way there bypass the credit limit.

since preferred status players can use automatic cargo bay's that means also there can use the guild bank.


Ekwalizer is correct, I believe.


F2P and preferred can use the guild bank to deposit and withdraw ITEMS with the appropriate unlocks. They CANNOT deposit credits into or withdraw credits from the guild bank, however. This is likely to due to the very same credit restrictions which, IMO, make a legacy credit storage problematic.

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Ekwalizer is correct, I believe.


F2P and preferred can use the guild bank to deposit and withdraw ITEMS with the appropriate unlocks. They CANNOT deposit credits into or withdraw credits from the guild bank, however. This is likely to due to the very same credit restrictions which, IMO, make a legacy credit storage problematic.

i have found the post about it http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745423


Ekwalizer got it correct and wrong.


the correct part is with the restrictions from it that f2p and preferred have it.

but the wrong part is that is with guild ranks the leader cant chance the guild ranks from other players and how most that work then with the legacy bank then?

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i have found the post about it http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745423


Ekwalizer got it correct and wrong.


the correct part is with the restrictions from it that f2p and preferred have it.

but the wrong part is that is with guild ranks the leader cant chance the guild ranks from other players and how most that work then with the legacy bank then?


Spike, trust me on this. There are more than a handful of other hidden restrictions that aren't even listed on the http://www.swtor.com/free/features/ chart and I definitely can tell you with certainty that F2P/Preferred CANNOT deposit or withdraw credits from the guild bank nor can they use Flagship ports or guild repair funds. No amount of credits can be used no matter your rank in guild because it is completely inaccessible to a freemium account.

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Spike, trust me on this. There are more than a handful of other hidden restrictions that aren't even listed on the http://www.swtor.com/free/features/ chart and I definitely can tell you with certainty that F2P/Preferred CANNOT deposit or withdraw credits from the guild bank nor can they use Flagship ports or guild repair funds. No amount of credits can be used no matter your rank in guild because it is completely inaccessible to a freemium account.

i trust you.

but why there have not use the guild bank system at the start for the legacy bank for the credit storage option?

thats a question that only the developers know and we not.

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What about the character that only deposited 50,000 into the legacy credit storage, leaving only 50,000 on that character? Do you let that character pull 300,000 credits from the 10 million credits in legacy credit storage to get to the 350,000 credit cap, even though this would BYPASS the restriction against transferring credits between characters. Do you deny that character access to the 50,000 he deposited into legacy credit storage?




You must have a different understanding of some of the ways that many posters want a legacy credit storage to function. Many of the posters seem (to me, at least) to want a single pool of credits within their legacy from which they can make purchases without having to transfer credits my mail between characters, or having to go to the legacy credit storage access to withdraw credits from legacy storage. It seems to me that many of the posters want the purchase price to be directly taken from a legacy credit storage.


That is just the way I interpret those requests. Your interpretation may vary.



Yes. The interpretation is vary. And in your vision, you seek problems where they aren't.


First, create the Legacy Credit Storage or Bank. This must be a SUBSCRIBER thing only. Every vendor where you go or if you float into GTN and buy somthing, it will cost you only the credits you already have into your inventory (because it's your pocket...) The one's in your Legacy Bank won't be used or shaked.


Second, remove the credit cap from F2P and Preferred's. As I said in another thread, it's the most idiot and stupid restriction ever done in a MMO. Remove it. It will not impact in my pocket, in a pocket of a subscriber. I have plenty of others benefit that F2P and Preferred's don't. After removing this, the possible issue of unsubbing and losing money or else with the Legacy Bank is fixed. If you have money there and become a F2P or Preferred, the money just drop into your inventory. If you have throwed a few thousands with all your toons, the money will drop in the same amount you deposited there before. I mean my Sentinel has deposited 1mil there. And my Power Tech 2mil. BOOM, I became Preferred. Nice, now the 1mil of my Sentinel is back there in the inventory and the same as with my Power Tech 2mil's. It's simple. It's easy to do.


OR THIRD: If they don't remove the credit cap of F2P and Preferred's, then tell me (as I've seen in some answer here): why the responsability of this (if you deposit few thousands there and become as a F2P or Preferred and lose all of your money but only the max cap 350k is saved) would be to BW? No way. It's the PLAYER responsability to watch the subscription days left and else. Also, it's the player responsability to know the amount dropped into the Legacy Bank tool.


Now tell me, where are the problems all of you see? :eek:


Almost all MMO's have such a thing to do. It cannot be different from SWTOR. :D

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Yes. The interpretation is vary. And in your vision, you seek problems where they aren't.


First, create the Legacy Credit Storage or Bank. This must be a SUBSCRIBER thing only. Every vendor where you go or if you float into GTN and buy somthing, it will cost you only the credits you already have into your inventory (because it's your pocket...) The one's in your Legacy Bank won't be used or shaked.


That would defeat the purpose of a legacy credit storage for many of those in favor of a legacy credit storage, including myself.


Now, before you start saying that I am against a legacy credit storage, I have repeatedly stated that I would like to see one implemented, PROVIDED in can be done in such a manner as to retain ALL credit restrictions that F2P and preferred players have, including the inability to transfer credits between characters, while also not holding any credits in legacy credit storage (up tot he credit cap) hostage, should a subscriber drop to preferred.


Second, remove the credit cap from F2P and Preferred's. As I said in another thread, it's the most idiot and stupid restriction ever done in a MMO. Remove it. It will not impact in my pocket, in a pocket of a subscriber. I have plenty of others benefit that F2P and Preferred's don't. After removing this, the possible issue of unsubbing and losing money or else with the Legacy Bank is fixed. If you have money there and become a F2P or Preferred, the money just drop into your inventory. If you have throwed a few thousands with all your toons, the money will drop in the same amount you deposited there before. I mean my Sentinel has deposited 1mil there. And my Power Tech 2mil. BOOM, I became Preferred. Nice, now the 1mil of my Sentinel is back there in the inventory and the same as with my Power Tech 2mil's. It's simple. It's easy to do.


Removing the credit cap for F2P or preferred would be a huge mistake, IMO. The credit restrictions, namely the credit cap and the inability to transfer credits between characters, are two of the biggest incentives to subscribe, in addition to being among the few that cannot be unlocked. F2P and preferred players have access to escrows which will give them temporary access to credits above the credit cap.


Assuming that BW were to remove the credit cap on preferred and F2P , do you expect them to keep records of exactly how much each character has in legacy storage so they can place those credits back into a character's "wallet" if that subscriber drops to preferred?


OR THIRD: If they don't remove the credit cap of F2P and Preferred's, then tell me (as I've seen in some answer here): why the responsability of this (if you deposit few thousands there and become as a F2P or Preferred and lose all of your money but only the max cap 350k is saved) would be to BW? No way. It's the PLAYER responsability to watch the subscription days left and else. Also, it's the player responsability to know the amount dropped into the Legacy Bank tool.


Sometimes, life happens. Players dropping from subscriber to preferred could happen for many reason, including, but not limited to: a player who uses time cars losing track of time, a credit card for an ongoing subscription passing the expiration date, a large unexpected expense, etc.


IMO, denying a player access to credits UP TO THEIR CREDIT CAP is holding those credits hostage and is something that should BW should strive to avoid.


IMO, this is one of the very possible explanations as to why they have decided NOT to implement a legacy credit storage, despite the horrendous and gigantic effort required to use the existing mail system to send credits between characters. Unless I am mistaken, BW has already stated that they will not be implementing legacy credit storage.


The existing mail system, BTW, works very well to maintain all those credit restrictions that F2P and preferred players have, while allowing subscribers the option to transfer credits between characters.


As I said in earlier posts, players can create a "banker" who gets the credits that you would put into legacy credit storage if it existed. This ensures that the player knows which character to log onto in order to send credits to whichever character needs them. When sending those credits, players can include a piece of legacy gear. This will insure that those credits stay within their legacy and do not accidentally get sent to someone else.




Now tell me, where are the problems all of you see? :eek:


The problems I see have already been outlined and explained, ad nauseum. The fact that you don't want to acknowledge the existence of those potential problems does not negate their existence.


Almost all MMO's have such a thing to do. It cannot be different from SWTOR. :D


Really? The biggest, and arguably most successful, MMO does NOT have anything resembling an account wide storage. I guess that means it's not really needed to be successful, right?

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