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Leveling post 3.0

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Hi All,


I've got a level 26 Merc that I haven't played since pre 3.0. I'm having major issues completing the next story quest now so I'm wondering what I should be doing rotation wise to get this done.


All the guides I'm seeing are geared more at max level so I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what to do as I'm leveling up.



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For leveling spec Arsenal, it has stronger AOE and a much easier rotation/heat management. Make sure to spend a utility point on Boresights.


For weak/standard AOE packs: DFA>SB>move onto next pack, if DFA is on CD just spam SB until mobs are dead.


Single target (prior to lvl 41): Open with Tracer Missile then HSM>RS>UL>TM filler until the prior abilities come off CD.


Single target lvl 41+: Open with precast TM then BB/UL (on proc)>HSM>RS>PS>TM (on proc)>UL/BB (on proc)>hardcast TM filler(until UL/BB proc)

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