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Stock Night on The Progenitor


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Thank you for organizing this, I think we all had a blast! :) After a rough start with some smart rear-ends, we've nicely ganked them out and had really good fun.


Unfortunately "all ships allowed" does not go well with stock night.


The way I see it is we've had a really good balance of ship types: few gunships, few scouts, few strikers whereas the reps were lacking the gunships. For me, this was most obvious in that nail-biting domination that ended 1000-980 because, without bombers and Ion AoE, the gunships aren't as effective.

Edited by Asbetos
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In TDM this was all about 'everybody with gunship in hangar hop into gunship'. In Domination bombers were disrupting the ballance as well (however, less people had bombers in hangar).

Sure, there were few good matches (one TDM ended 49:50 from 49:48 :) ), but I think that it would be much better with only 2 basic ships allowed.

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In TDM this was all about 'everybody with gunship in hangar hop into gunship'. In Domination bombers were disrupting the ballance as well (however, less people had bombers in hangar).

Sure, there were few good matches (one TDM ended 49:50 from 49:48 :) ), but I think that it would be much better with only 2 basic ships allowed.


We've done it before and it's actually really really boring. No one can kill anyone, in domination you all end up doing rotations for minutes on end trying to get a satellite.

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We've done it before and it's actually really really boring. No one can kill anyone, in domination you all end up doing rotations for minutes on end trying to get a satellite.


Seriously? I had a match with epic battle for B node, with mostly strikes and scouts (rarely seen a bomber, never got hit by mine or GS) and killing was pretty heavy on both sides.

I can agree that gunships are ballanced in stock Domination (stock configuration = bad in close combat). In TDM though they have too much advantage.

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I really appreciate you guys making the effort to organize this and to lend the TS server.


Two points of constructive criticism, however.


1. You need to figure out how you want everyone to queue (and publish it HERE, not in chat on the day). It was very confusing to hear it in TS one way, and see it in chat another way.


2. You need to figure out what to do with the 13th guy that shows up. My friend, running as Chicken-stock on the Republic side (Beef-stock on the Imperial side, of the Soup legacy – he is proud of that naming scheme by the way) was that 13th guy. As he was not in a group, he never got queued through two games. Then the Ops group leader unceremoniously dumped him from the Op without a comment. I get that it is difficult to figure out what to do with the 13th guy, but a little communication goes a long way. He was willing to go to the Imperial side if they were one short. So after two games we went back to Shadowlands and got in our licks there.


To me, what this pointed out is that we could really use an advocate from Bioware that could put a bug in the ear of the developers and administrators on how they could set up events like this. It might not even take any code changes, but be a configuration option on the part of the administrators. Nick, are you listening?


Thanks again for making the effort. Hopefully next time a few of the bugs will be worked out (such as whether all ships are intended or not).


Stockboy-Bob and Comm-stock on Progenitor

Edited by JediMinerBob
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