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Returning player seeking advice on character selection


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I played during launch a little and lost interest, but I'm back now. I played a sorcerer to upper 20s before, but i find that I'd rather start over on a new character rather then trying to remember the storyline part way through.


Here's trickier part, though. I'm a little torn on what to play.


My default impulse would be to go sorcerer again, but I'd like some input from people about their own experiences. Obviously, what I prefer is up to me, but personal insights from others can be useful.


Here's how my thought process has gone so far in trying to decide:


-PVE pretty much exclusively

-Option to heal in groups if necessary.

-I do like a lightsaber, which obviously favors some variety of sith. And while the sorcerer does technically have/use a lightsaber it seems to be all about the lightning....'sins have stealth and fun saber use, but no healing.

-And stealth is darn handy....healing +stealth would lead me to Operator

-Operator has the benefit of a good storyline (I've heard), while the SI storyline has pretty mixed reviews.

-Between Sorcerer and Operator, current comments seem to indicate that Sorcerer would be significantly easier to solo with in terms of damage output...possibly also easier to heal.


Would the storyline and stealth+healing options of the Operator outweigh Sith fun and overall ease of the Sorcerer?


I suppose the obvious response is to do both, but I'd kind of like to focus on one first.

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For PvE and between the three healing/dps classes.


Healing: Merc >= Sorc >= Operative



Merc>= Sorc >>>>>> Operative


After 3.1.2.

DPS: Merc >>> Sorc >>>>> Operative


Stories. Subjective preference.

Operative > Sorc >>>>> Merc

Edited by MusicRider
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Thanks for the feedback.


After some very low level experimenting with Sorc and Merc, I think Sorcerer wins out overall. And based on what I see when I'm playing, there's a lot of people who came to a similar conclusion :) But I haven't done an running count.

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