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Huttball makes Intercede Godlike!!


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Hey peeps


So my subscribers are going up and up nicely. What I want to know is how can I improve the vids? Im looking for constructive criticism not just criticism :)


I want to make the videos more enjoyable for you (the viewer) but im stuck with what I can do differently.


Anyways feedback is good. Leave me a comment in my video. If you like it give it a thumbs up. If you want to see more then subscribe to be notified when I bring another out. I am bringing 3 videos per week.




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I know and I love it.



EDIT: Oh, I see you're looking for advice. My only videos are short clips of something happening and my toon proceeding to kill himself somehow after.


People like visual effects -- zoom up replays on amazing force pushes, MLG sounds, all that.


Tbh I haven't watched the video yet, will when I get a chance.

Edited by Exosasa
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I'm pretty sure Intercede makes Intercede godlike. I've had that ability save my hide so many times that it's not even funny. Sure it requires a teammate to be in a useful spot, but if your team has even a tiny bit of situational awareness then that Sage I Guardian Leaped to will generally pop a few off heals and/or a bubble on me so keep me up.
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I'm pretty sure Intercede makes Intercede godlike. I've had that ability save my hide so many times that it's not even funny. Sure it requires a teammate to be in a useful spot, but if your team has even a tiny bit of situational awareness then that Sage I Guardian Leaped to will generally pop a few off heals and/or a bubble on me so keep me up.


it almost feels like he came up with that title as a social experiment to see who would comment on the title (inferring that they didn't read the OP) and who commented on the content of the OP itself.

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it almost feels like he came up with that title as a social experiment to see who would comment on the title (inferring that they didn't read the OP) and who commented on the content of the OP itself.

OP is new #1 psychologist

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Sure it requires a teammate to be in a useful spot, but if your team has even a tiny bit of situational awareness then that Sage I Guardian Leaped to will generally pop a few off heals and/or a bubble on me so keep me up


No kidding! When everyone seems to be dead-determined to LoS you and drag you out into the open chasing after them screaming: "Healing trance!" a guardian that conveniently lands in front of you is a balm on the healer's heart.

Edited by DomiSotto
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No kidding! When everyone seems to be dead-determined to LoS you and drag you out into the open chasing after them screaming: "Healing trance!" a guardian that conveniently lands in front of you is a balm on the healer's heart.


Honestly it's a lot more amusing than it probably should be.


My thought process: "Oh crap, my cooldowns are up and I'm screwed"

*Sees sage sitting at the opposite side of the node, well away from enemies*

*guardian leaps to him*

*Sage pops some heals on me and a bubble*

Me: "Well that worked out...."


it almost feels like he came up with that title as a social experiment to see who would comment on the title (inferring that they didn't read the OP) and who commented on the content of the OP itself.


Saw a video link, didn't really care, so commented on the title instead.

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Haha well.... This went errrmmm..... Yea lol


Well if anyone does end up watching the vid let me know what you think lol


My next title will read WATCH MY F**KING VIDEO!!! lol


But yea intercede is amazing. Apart from those occasions when you want to intercede, you click on the person you want to jump to and then they run out of range and leave you getting creamed by the enemy lol those times suck *** :)

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So the jump/intercede bugs are fixed now? Last time I played juggernaut I remember when jumping on the guy on end zone ledge you ended up in the pit or in some occasions fell trough the floor..


Doesn't happen now it seems. Or it never has with me mate

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