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Dark and Light


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Sometimes very strange sense of th Dark and the Light have game developers. May be they are dark corrupted? :) For instance Korriban. You'll be given the light points if you will lie or if you falsify the science results and calumniate the person for greed. Or, for instance, Ord Mantel. There are two similar quests where you have choice between to help the refugees or the republic army. In one case for help for refugees you'll get light points, in other - Dark. Next very strage quest is "Lost son". The family lost they young son. When you find him if you insist him to return to his mother you'll get Dark points, but if you agree that he will be a runabout, I'll get Light points.


What is a stupid man with wrong sensation about Light and Dark corrupted this fine game? :)


PS Oh no. I just got Dark point for protecting the defenceless girl (Syreena, that I like) from the thugs (quest Security Breach). And I was not who shooting first, only protect myself and her. And it's story line. Such stupidity...

Edited by Splarv
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Jedi Consular. Save the female Republic Scout, or save data about medicines and therapies that can save billions of lives in the galaxy? Dark points for saving the data that can save billions of lives. Light points for saving the girl, but dooming billions of sick people....


No f*ck!ng sense.

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Or the quest on Taris where you get dark side points for insisting that deserters return to their posts, and light side points for letting them escape, knowing that without them their comrades won't be able to fend off the rakghouls, and effectively dooming everyone at their post who didn't desert.


Silliness, I tells ya.

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While some choices might not make sense, a lot of the rationale comes from knowable consequences vs. predicted/potential consequences.

Using the Taris example: You know these soldiers you encounter are broken by battle - you can see and hear it. You don't know for sure that letting them desert their posts will doom their comrades. It may be very likely, but you cannot be sure, therefore you are causing individuals harm for potential benefits in the future. As it turns out, the republic gets driven off Taris by the Empire anyway, so ordering those deserters to return to their posts may have gotten them killed, along with their comrades.

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