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Jaxo & Tanno Vik Question (spoilerish)


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So, there's a mission where my good friend Jaxo is in dire straits and my character is forced into a very binary decision. If I choose the Light side option, my Havoc Squad teammate approves. If I choose the Dark side option, my Companion takes a hit of several hundred affection points.


So here's my question... what happens if you bring Tanno Vik along as your Companion? Frankly, he irritates the hell out of me... every conversation with him results in negative affection that I have to then buy off with gifts, and when there is a group scene I get positive affection ratings from EVERY crew member ~except~ Tanno Vik for most decisions.


I almost never use Tanno Vik as a Companion but I wonder if, in this case, having him out would have let me make the Dark Side choice and suffer no penalty to Companion affection? Not that my decision would necessarily have changed, but I just wondered if Tanno's irritable, contrary nature could finally be useful.


Anyone ever use Tanno for this mission?

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To be honest, I don't even remember these missions for any companion I have gained. Once you reach a certain alt number these things just blur. But I have always focused more on light / dark points than companion points.


If the companion reputation is important to you as you level, there are ways to deal with it without spending a fortune gaining gifts.


One very cheap way is to buy level 1 and 2 gifts off the fleet vendor as soon as you gain the new companion. Buy level ones until the reputation gain drops. This happens around 2k. Then buy the level 2 until the same thing happens. This should put you at around 4 - 5k. Total cost to do this should be less than 20k.


The second thing you can do is then run low level flashpoints. You should be able to breeze through them and each one should offer you multiple chances to gain companion reputation. And you can rinse and repeat until you just can't tolerate it any more or reach max level.


The third way is to have your spare companions do missions that reward companion gifts. This can get a bit on the expensive side but if you are in the level 60 bracket or close to it, your quests / daily runs should more than cover the expense.

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Everyone has a massive drop in affection except Forex.


Jorgan because you're being a dick

Elara because you're being a dick

Vik because it puts his life in danger

and Yuun because you're being a dick


As for why Forex likes it:



Forex loves you for it because the requirements to train 1 spec ops soldier are far more than 300 normal soldiers, let alone the difficulty in finding an individual who can make it through Special Forces training.



Do note that Vik likes light side decisions, so long as they aren't you bullying around people. For example, he didn't like me conscripting all of Makeb to the republic army, or putting the republic in charge of Corellia.

Edited by TACeMossie
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I think Fourex would love me if I told him to rip off his arm and make a toaster out of it for me. :)


I didn't think about how Vik might react THAT way... another reason to leave him on the ship (he's good at Armormech, so that's what he does. All day, every day. GIT BACK TO YER WORKBENCH!)....

Edited by Sorpaijen
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