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Season PVP Rewards All but Unattainable in Solo Rank


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Title I think speaks for itself. Just to get basic level reward you have to reach at least 1350 in rating. Considering there isn't even 70 merc / mandos who have managed to meet this requirement across all servers in solo rank, I would argue that this goal is simply beyond what can be expected of this class under the current class balance.


I mean my god BW. Don't the numbers speak for themselves? We have been asking for something ... anything to make the class even remotely viable in 4 v 4 and your answer is to eventually give us decoy?


*** ???


So tell me guys and gals, what do you think? Am I right to be ticked off?

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I pay to enter this formela 1 race, but im only allowed to drive a wheelbarrow ( http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Empty_Wheelbarrow.JPG )


Your damn right im upset :(


Even as I sit here I'm actually getting more ticked off because this is yet another part of the game I can't participate in. It is getting close to the point where my continued subscription is being questioned.


I don't do end game flashpoints. I really don't see the reason to run an instance over and over and over again only to have that gear become obsolete in less than 6 months. All you have done is shown you can memorize a map and a few boss fights. Do it enough and you can do it in your sleep. And the gear is worthless in PVP. My pvp gear I can use in dailies and pvp. Hell with open world pvp, you actually need to stay in the pvp gear. But that PVE augmented raid gear does nothing for you as soon as a pvp player crosses your path.


PVP on the other hand, every match has a unique set of varibles. No two matches play out the same even if the teams were identical. And to be honest, I htink I vecome a better player doing PVP. I have to learn to use all my abilities and not jsut a select few. This is not something where I pop a CC before each fight, wear a target or two down with my rotation, and then focus on the CC targets afterwards. This is me wondering every second of the match which ability to use and when. I am constantly processing more information in pvp than I ever would in PVE.


In PVP, you are looking at your health bar, your CDs, your opponents health, their resolve, you looking for healers, you are looking for team mates in trouble, you are looking at AOE heals and damage, you are constantly moving, and looking at the status of objectives. There are some matches so close that you can't even afford to blink unless you are rezing.


By the end of the match, my heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, and my eyes need a moment to refocus from a lack of blinking.


And then I get into a 4 v 4 and I am dead in the first 10 seconds on my mando or merc. Yeah ... that was fun. so if I don't do flashpoints, ranked pvp is out of the question, and 4 v 4 regs is barely playable, waht does that leave me? Taht leaves me with dailies and 8 v 8 reg. Not much to play to justify a subscription. At some point you don't need the credits or the reputation the dailies are giving you.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Considering there isn't even 70 merc / mandos who have managed to meet this requirement across all servers in solo rank, I would argue that this goal is simply beyond what can be expected of this class under the current class balance.


I'll take your "isn't even 70 merc / mandos" for the 1350 rating and throw another number at you. Only 373 Merc / Mando players have gone above the starter rating of 1200 :D


Also we tried to get the combat team to listen to the feedback we were giving in the PTS forums, we really did. I'm not sure they can read English though :(

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Only 373 Merc / Mando players have gone above the starter rating of 1200 :D


This if anything is something to be aware of from a dev point of view. Why are so few of our class even bothering? The answer for the community is painfully obvious, because we get slaughtered like lambs. Up to the devs to open their eyes and realise that its not good for the game.
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The next question after that is "How many of those 373 were healers?".


Probably 50%


I've seen more DPS mercs than healers on ToFN, so I'd assume that it's be the same on the other servers. And to be honest, you only need to win around 4 games or so to get 1200 iirc.

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The next question after that is "How many of those 373 were healers?".
Sad thing is that even if the heal spec is the most viable, it is still the absolute worst of the 3 healers for solo ranked. Nothing from the merc/mandos part can be done to avoid being tunneled/focused.

Chaff flare change for arsenal wont change anything either, chaff flare for IO will be a speedbump at best.

The 5% increase in kolto overload make me spit my coffe all around me in a panic attack (how can someone design this piece of c-rap and feel good about it?).


All in all, some real bad mojo going on in the head of the balance dude up in the sky.

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The next question after that is "How many of those 373 were healers?".


Actually, I would have thought that the next question would be;


"How does that compare to the other Advanced Classes".

  • Shadow / Assassin - 1272
  • Sage / Sorcerer - 1189
  • Vanguard / Powertech - 950
  • Guardian / Juggernaut - 698
  • Scoundrel / Operative - 494
  • Commando / Mercenary - 378
  • Sentinel / Marauder - 256
  • Gunslinger / Sniper - 239


So you can see which classes are not fairing so well or are under represented. So we're not the worst off looking at it like this. 378 now :D


It's actually a shame the leaderboard doesn't break down by advanced class spec, so we can see at a glance which specs are over-performing or under-represented. I still don't think the two changes we've been given mean squat in the grand scheme of things though, purely lip service by developers who don't play the class and understand the inherent problems (even from reading the crapton of feedback they've been given).



Edited by Transcendent
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Actually, I would have thought that the next question would be;


"How does that compare to the other Advanced Classes".

  • Shadow / Assassin - 1272
  • Sage / Sorcerer - 1189
  • Vanguard / Powertech - 950
  • Guardian / Juggernaut - 698
  • Scoundrel / Operative - 494
  • Commando / Mercenary - 378
  • Sentinel / Marauder - 256
  • Gunslinger / Sniper - 239


So you can see which classes are not fairing so well or are under represented. So we're not the worst off looking at it like this. 378 now :D


It's actually a shame the leaderboard doesn't break down by advanced class spec, so we can see at a glance which specs are over-performing or under-represented. I still don't think the two changes we've been given mean squat in the grand scheme of things though, purely lip service by developers who don't play the class and understand the inherent problems (even from reading the crapton of feedback they've been given).




I too am curious about the breakdown in class representation. And to be honest, I think this lack of information is deliberate on BW's part. Because I have a feeling most of the Merc / Mandos listed are healers just like with Operatives and scandrols.


They don't care to release the information because they know there would be fallout. But in player verbal backlash as well as lost subscriptions or active players. By just telling us what they do, they can at least semi cover up the poor PVP performance of some class designs.


I honest think they make class changes based sololy on PVE performance. I truly don't think this development team gives any true credence to PVP play.

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All the mando needs are defenses, it is the only class lacking in them..... BW thinks because they have heavy armor its enough, well heavy armor doesn't stop them from getting cc ****ed and burned down and the only thing to turn to is your Kolto overload(which should be buffed) or a 25% shield which isn't ****
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I don't even think the 2 little buffs mercs are getting are enough. and I am kind of upset that one of them is different. assualt is getting 4 more charges of decoy, and IO is getting 10% more defense chance. 10%, big slap in the face there. both specs should get the 5 charges of decoy.


2nd buff is what, kolto starts at 40% instead of 35%? again not enough.

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All the mando needs are defenses, it is the only class lacking in them..... BW thinks because they have heavy armor its enough, well heavy armor doesn't stop them from getting cc ****ed and burned down and the only thing to turn to is your Kolto overload(which should be buffed) or a 25% shield which isn't ****


I don't disagree. Give Merc / Mandos one focus break and call it a day - regardless of what form that focus break takes. As it stands now, all a decoy will do is give you a second or two to burn through all of your utilities before you die versus burning through just half of them before you bite it which is what happens now.


Our off heals are too weak to save us ...


Our shield is too weak to save us ...


And even combined they are too weak to save us ...


And it takes precious seconds to activate a instant heal, shield, warzone medpack and adrenal, knockback (if applicable). Seconds you simply don't have. But if you don't take the time to activate all of these skills, you are dead before you do much more than shoot e-net.


Our stuns are single target, and other than giving us an opportunity to use our one minute stun and force an opposing player to use their cc break early, this does nothing for us.


What we will get is an opportunity to throw down some dps along with the e-net before we die versus throwing an e-net and hoping somebody on your team can take the opposing player you targetted down before they get a chance to heal up.

Edited by ForceWelder
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This if anything is something to be aware of from a dev point of view. Why are so few of our class even bothering? The answer for the community is painfully obvious, because we get slaughtered like lambs. Up to the devs to open their eyes and realise that its not good for the game.


I noticed that each Season has its own FOTM class - and this is the one which primarily gets rewards. Others don't.


Gunslingers, for example, are at the bottom for every season, as far as I can see it.


Mercs / Commandos are there now.


I wonder which class will get most Season Rewards next Season ? And the Season after that ?

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