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Do we need better defenses or defenses streamlined with Cover


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Permanent passive +30% damage reduction limited to 1 hit per 1.5s?


Against a hard hitting internal/elemental boss a sniper would mitigate more than any tank without having to use any cooldowns. Or skill.


Yeah, no. There is a big distinction between +30% damage reduction and 30% of a hit absorbed with a 1.5 second rate limit. Even if so, a Sniper does not have a shield generator. Plus when you're being attacked by 3+ people, 2+ of those attacks are not being absorbed. Especially when you toss DOTs into the mix. We wouldn't constantly be absorbing 30% of all damage due to the rate limit. You're simplifying the talent way too much to make your point.

If they wanted to nerf it down to 25-20% to allow that, I would be fine with that. Dropping it down to say, 10%-15%...? No way. That just really makes it worthless. I'd rather have Flash Powder.


We don't. We'll never be tanks when we turret and shouldn't be. What we need is reliable CC as the entire original class design is hinged on it. But the awkwardness of popping in and out of cover is what a lot of us enjoy about the class. I'm also not sure why we're the only class that doesn't get a passive speed boost given how critical mobility is. IMO, GS is not well-understood even by the PVP team.


Good luck getting reliable CC as long as people are begging for more immunity. We need more defenses if they're going to just buff the CC immunity of everyone else. The one thing that I think that might work instead of buffing our defenses might be some utility that made it so Leg Shot locked down targets with a root that was unbreakable by any kind of stun breaker so we could keep our enemy at range. You enjoy popping in and out of cover? Why? I feel totally exposed while popping out of cover and don't think I should have to keep an internal clock going off in my head for every 6 seconds to think "okay swap out of cover now" if I am allowed to free-cast. Do you think it's a good idea to hop in and out of cover with Entrench up while being focused just to refresh Ballistic Dampers? Theoretically from a damage taken standpoint, yes, it is, but on the off chance I would risk being stunned, no...You can say it dumbs down our class, but no, it really doesn't. It's just quality of life. The same could be said about something like the old sorc self heal requiring a GCD to activate. Would putting a GCD on Shield Probe increase how smart our class is to play? No. It would just make it more clunky. Same with having to manually reset our passive defenses.

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I had someone spam Flame Burst on me while out of cover. The damage was definitely reduced significantly when I had evasion up. Also this game has no bugs. ;) Even if it is a bug, I think they should just remove that caveat from the tooltip instead of fixing it...it's only 3 seconds long who cares if it still works as you make a worthless effort to run away with your tail between your legs.


Pretty sure it's not a bug. The passive (Hold Position) has two separate effects. One is the ACs cover benefits (leap immunity etc), and the other is the Evasion force/tech buff. I take the "in addition" in the tooltip to mean "The Hold Position passive also does this" rather than "when you are in cover you also." The cover buff and the Evasion buff aren't related to each other, they just happen to share a tooltip. When it comes to class passives, there are plenty of examples of the devs cramming lots different things that aren't directly affected by each other into the same tooltips.


On the topic of Evasion and bugs (cba rewriting so I'll quote myself):

Fix the force/tech damage reduction of Dodge/Evasion. Currently it only applies to the base damage of abilities, disregarding any boosts they get from the discipline/utilities. Further, it seems the base damage of abilities that do a set amount of damage per stack (Energy Burst, Deception Discharge) is considered to be the damage that would be done if it was used with only one stack. This means Energy Burst does roughly 80% of its normal damage through Dodge, as opposed to the intended 25%.

That kinda needs to get fixed.

Edited by diadox
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