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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rishi Datacrons need to be Legacy Bound


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I don't understand what you're saying. Basically you've declared something an exploit, without anyone else or anyone else with power agreeing with you.

I'm just interested as to the capcity in which you decide what is and is not an exploit.


Is moving bound mods from one character to another via legacy gear an exploit, along with crystals that you download "extra copies" of from the cartel market?

Is using the "Sell back timer" to hold more coms than the cap an exploit?

Is using the "Sell back timer" so you can move basic comms from one character to another an exploit?


I guess what I'm saying is, can you elt me know the exploits you're aware of (that others obviously aren't) so that I can make sure I'm not going to get banned later?

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thats an exploit. it is intended that you grind it out for every single character


Not necessarily true. If they expected you to grind it out solo, then you would not unlock it for *everyone* on the planet. It would be in an instanced area, just open a convo option for you, etc... something to make it *yours* for doing the work.


Don't forget that there are a couple of crons that need 2 people to get in the first place!

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Oh the benefits of having a guild ship to summon guildies. Pretty much everyone in my guild has these datacrons thanks to our guild ship. Don't want to grind this **** out? Join a guild.


I'm in a guild with a ship... But we never do this sort of thing... How does the summon work so I can organise it

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if the devs hadnt wanted everyone to get the reward for the final boss of ravagers, they wouldnt have made it do that and left it for month+. but wait, that was an exploit. so why do you feel this isnt?


The datacron remaining open, was clearly designed and intended to remain open. Any player can see this. Big difference.

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Just wait for some idiot on fleet trying to sell it and go out there and get it.


Is idiot the right word?

I had a lift via a guild ship to the Endurance datacron on Makeb.

Cost me 50k credits, but certainly money well spent after my numerous attempts to get it failed.

The "idiot" was also making plenty of credits too, so not really such an idiot..

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