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Best Money Making Schematics


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Probably new dyes of varying degrees, at least they were the last time I bothered crafting and checking. :)


I did actually look at Black Blue Hawkeye crystals yesterday and they were int he 50K+ range with a cost of probably under 30K to make but they don't stack so I don't want to waste the GTN slots on 20K profit. :D


I generally run mission discoveries for TH/Arch for my crew skills now or war supplies to get weekly conquest.


I play the GTN to make mad amount of money now though, I did need the crew skills to get me an initial credit base to be able to play the GTN though.

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Probably new dyes of varying degrees, at least they were the last time I bothered crafting and checking. :)


For artifice dyes are my most consistent sellers, but the prices vary a lot because of steep competition. I sometimes have to be patient to get the pricing *I* want.


In addition, grade 36 hilts sell well.


I have not had much luck with enhancements but I have heard that they sell well too.


In other words, it's hard to go wrong with artifice right now.

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I actually make a large amount of money selling very low-level blue hilts and enhancements. There's a sweet spot there (I would say between levels 11 and 19) where you can make a killing off people who like to totally deck out their baby alts in carefully selected full orange outfits; they're excited about the look and want to wear it ASAP, but at that level their alt hasn't collected nearly enough comms to fully mod it.


Of course you can't sell these individual items for nearly as much as you can sell high-level items, but the money for me comes from the *quantity*. You can collect the materials for them so much faster, the missions are so cheap and fast, and the actual craft time is so much less than high-level items. Plus I can easily sell full sets to people in one go (since, as I said, they have so few comms), whereas with the higher-level things I often don't sell more than 1-2 at a time (since people are just plugging a couple of holes as opposed to completely outfitting a character).

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The purples probably sell ok also ( well they used to ) for the richer folk who prefer an easier time of it with the stat boost. Whilst they won't sell as fast it certainly doesn't hurt to throw a few purples in amongst your blues at a higher price point for those that are interested.


In fact I would imagine a lot of lower level stuff sells better and for more profit than ever with all the extra higher level items there are to be made now ( extra dyes alone must have stripped a lot of the supply out of the lower markets ).

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The purples probably sell ok also ( well they used to ) for the richer folk who prefer an easier time of it with the stat boost..


The reason I sell blues and not purples is because the economy on my particular server (Ebon Hawk) makes me lose money doing so; it certainly might be different for your server. While I might sell the blue mods for 20k while the blue gems only sell for 1k (or usually less), I can only sell the purple mods for 30k, whereas I can sell the purple gems for 20k each. So if I made a purple mod (which takes two purple gems) for 30k, I lose 10k when I could have just sold those two purple gems for 40k, while I make an 18k+ profit on the blue mods.


As I said, it depends purely on the economy of your specific server. You want to check the prices of blue mods, purple mods, blue gems *and* purple gems regularly, so you get an idea of what the "standard" going rate is and whether it's more profitable to sell crafted mods or raw materials of that particular level. Also remember that prices can change wildly between tiers, so be sure to check them all if you want to maximize your profit!

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I'm not selling much of anything crafted lately, the prices have fallen below my effort threshold personally, but that varies a lot from person-to-person obviously. I made a couple million credits on the dyes earlier in the year (green/white and black/blue and black/red were best), but others jumped in and prices fell to 50k credits per dye which became less attractive than the 75k-100k I'd been selling them for previously.


Relics are very high-risk, high reward now with Operations BiS gear outpacing the crafting relics by multiple ratings levels. I've made more money selling Enhancements than anything else in March probably on Artificer. It varies a lot from server-to-server, but it's becoming a pretty low-margin sellers market on most. We are just too many days into the current content to still sell a ton of 186 gear when so many people are in 192/198 gear for Ops already.

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