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Dev Live Stream March 20


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The community team will be doing a live stream on March 20th to talk about 3.2. See the full details by clicking on the link below




The whole reason I bring this up however is because this would be a good time for us to go and ask about GSF. Yes the community team are going to be specifically talking about Ziost and 3.2, but even if we get them to say the same old "The devs monitor the forums, we're sure they're aware of things in the GSF forums" (and I'm paraphrasing there, do not take what I said as a verbatim response) we'll still be creating a visible presence. Having a visible presence makes it more likely that the community team will turn back to the devs and say "hey, just so you're aware, the GSF players really want some attention, maybe someone should respond to them."


That said, I realize people have work, school, life and all that so it may not even be feasible for us to do anything. I myself cannot even guarantee that I will be able to watch as the time frame of the stream is near the end of my work day. Nevertheless I am going to try and attend and will try to ask GSF questions.


Anyways, I posted this as a suggestion and food for thought. Thanks for your time and patience.



Please note that everything I have stated in this post is my opinion or thoughts and should not be taken as fact or a representation of the larger game community. If you have found part of my post to be offensive in some form or manner, please let me know immediately so that I may edit accordingly; it was not my intention to harm anyone with this post.


Thank you.


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Honestly at this point I'm afraid to ask, for fear of the answers I'll get.


I'm going to the Cantina Tour in Anaheim. I'll try to get in a question or two then.


And my question will be, "When will you nerf Gunships? Our GSF community agrees that they are grossly overpowered--our collectively agreed-upon suggested fix is that they should only be able to have one railgun, either Ion OR Slug, and that they get Rapids instead of BLC's. To make up for losing a railgun, they should get access to Ion Missile." :D

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@ Verain. I guess that really depends on your point of view. Bioware's always saying they can't say never so I guess until I hear a dev say that, I will continue trying to push them to do more for GSF.


@ Nemarus. I think a broader more general question might be a better idea like "what happened to the balance tweaks they were supposedly looking into?"

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I mean, you could ask "what happened to the balance tweaks", but we actually know what happened. I mean, go look at the folks who were devs for GSF, and then just go see what they are working on now. Bioware isn't going to post a Gantt chart or anything, but you can (generally) see them doing some other development. I think "when will GSF team assemble again" is a reasonable question if you want to go down that route, but even that's kind of personell-y to get an answer (IMO). I think "when will we see new stuff in GSF" is the real question we want to know the answer to.
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