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So can we give Marauder/Sentinel at least some help?


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I have a Marauder at level 37 and am having more hell than I'd like to have with it. Ever since around the 30 range, I've had nothing but pain and suffering while trying to level. I can barely kill strongs without losing 80% of my health while Elites can take me down to 90-99%. Pack of 2 strongs? Forget it, I'll lose all of my health even with my defensives on. At least if it's my level. If they're 2-3 levels below me, it's doable.


Yet, I can watch (from my "YOU ARE DEAD" screen) a Mercenary/Operative jump in and take on 3 strongs and have no trouble. Heal themselves a little, pew pew, dead things.


So why is it a ranged class that has the opportunity to do DPS from a distance can have heals, yet a MELEE CLASS that takes all of the damage to the face cannot even so much as cast a wimpy HoT to mitigate at least some of the pain? Why do I have to upgrade my mods at every opportunity possible just so I can complete my quests? What the hell, Bioware? I'm not even at endgame, why is midgame leveling such a royal pain? Do they expect me to just have a hired housemate follow me as a healer 24/7 just so I can do my own quests? Absolutely ridiculous.


I get being a DPS oriented class being squishy, but not like this. This is downright depressing. :rak_02:

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Ok so let us know which discipline you're running. Annihilation is not great for leveling but the other 2 are fine. If you're feeling squishy put +41 endurance crystals in both your sabers and you'll have a lot more health to level with and only do slightly less dps. Gear your healer companion as best you can. Always spend a utility point in defensive forms and spend one on path carver and practice using sweeping slash on mobs.


I main a mara for endgame and recently leveled another one just to see how quickly I could finish the main storyline and was level 46 by the end just using Vette and Jaesa. I leveled in Carnage discipline which has always been my favorite and is currently the easiest of the 3 but I also very much like Fury. Annihilation in its current form is nowhere near as fun as it used to be pre 3.0 and is really only effective in the hands of a highly experienced and skilled mara.

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That shouldn't be an issue to begin with. Every advanced class and spec should be able to complete the solo content with relative ease w/o enlisting the help of cartel crystals or any other "abnormal to the questline" means.


Personally I didn't have too much trouble with my mara, but I did notice I took a significantly higher rate of damage as compared to other classes while leveling, with fewer ways to mitigate it. Just about every self-cleanse/root utility isn't seen until nearing endgame, and even then you face sacrificing two of your best utilities just to have them. Imo this is a problem.

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Marauder/sentinel is the most fragile class in the game. My sorc (without the use of bubble) is more durable than a upclose melee class. It's utterly ridiculous. Even being 6 levels ahead of foes I have actually died fighting 2 strongs and 2 normal (A 3rd strong wandered over in the middle of the fight). But that has never been an issue with any other class. It is the only class that I actually find myself using medpacs with.


And PvP is another story. Without a healer you might as well not even bother with arenas as you won't last long enough to make a medal. No purely DPS class with no alternate means of medaling should be this fragile. I do them for dailies and if I so medal it's pure luck (killing blows) or coming in late to a match. It's the only class that HAS to pop their defensive CD's just to survive more than 5 secs. Where with other classes it's for emergencies.

Edited by Dayshadow
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