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The Most Powerful Force Users in the Galaxy (CANON)


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Actually all of my arguments were made from pure logic, meanwhile your only argument is literally "lol no canon, Vader caught Sids by surprise, he's obvs better". If your going to try and argue your point then at least answer my previous posts (without using ad hominems) as so far you've ignored them.


welcome to my world.......

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Since your arrival, yes :D


However, when any normal Star Wars fan wants to get information about the most powerful force user list especially if he's looking for a canon list by searching in google, they'll find the most accurate information provided by a knowledgeable objective Star Wars fan who's not a fan of one particular character but all of them.


My service is free of charge.

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Since your arrival, yes :D


However, when any normal Star Wars fan wants to get information about the most powerful force user list especially if he's looking for a canon list by searching in google, they'll find the least accurate information provided by a highly subjective Star Wars fan who's a fan of one character not all of them. Allowing them to see a Fanon list.


My service is free of charge.


Fixed it for you.

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Beni, Jarons, Pads and them are like walking SW encyclopedias man. This argument is done lol They've proved me wrong more than once lol


If they are walking SW encylopedias I must be the walking SW library. They lack information on the new canon, they still provide Legends sources as canon and their judgment is biased because of the EU background.


You noticed they couldn't provide their own list in a meaningful manner with reasons? Because their list would be something like;


1. The Ones

2. Darth Sidious

3. Yoda

4. Mother Talzin

5. Mace Windu

6. Luke Skywalker

7. Darth Vader


It's better as long as it's closer to EU lists. But remember Darth Sidious' power is 100%, Vader's 80%, all other names are between 81-99%. So these are all close to eachother but in a fight situation don't forget Sidious would win 10/10 with his 100% power compared to Vader's 80%. Because you know he can create force storms :D But somehow although others' power level is close to Sidious (dont call him Palpatine especially not Sheev) they're no way near powers like that.


Besides the sarcasm, even in EU, Plagueis and Vitiate would eat Sidious alive. One was so powerful that eventually reached God's power, create life and stop death, other one ruled thousands of years and could wipe out entire planets when he wanted to with complete control over it. But these are rather recent feats and statements compared to Lucas and other EU books that claim Palpatine's the most powerful sith ever. It's been retconned since 2012 time and time again with Plagueis and Vitiate. Lucas's known for changing his mind a lot but they're holding onto Lucas' old claim and old EU books.


Even if there would be a force user that could destroy entire galaxy with his will in a moment, they would still claim sheev is the most bla bla bla because Lucas and force storm bla bla bla :D


It's funny I was never a fan of particularly one character except Pal... sorry, I should call him Darth Sidious, when I was young but guys like these have really been pushing me to hate him.


In short, they lack the proper knowledge even in their playground Legends let alone they can share any valueble insight in the new canon. Let's not forget, one of these guys fight to death to prove novelizations for previous film are canon. He has been proven wrong again. No surprise there :D


With this post; I want to reiterate my words on Sidious before I used in a previous post.


"Sidious was a sith lord that was defeated by Windu and he was the sith lord that tried to escape from a fight with Yoda and eventually killed by one-handed weakened Vader. He didn't even have the strength to kill his master in a duel so he killed him in his sleep despite the rule of two demanded a duel for the stronger to survive"

Edited by Permaximum
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If they are walking SW encylopedias I must be the walking SW library. They lack information on the new canon, they still provide Legends sources as canon and their judgment is biased because of the EU background.


You noticed they couldn't provide their own list in a meaningful manner with reasons? Because their list would be something like;


1. The Ones Kind of obvious.

2. Darth Sidious ATM this is accurate, you still haven't proved this as wrong.

3. Yoda Again accurate.

4. Mother Talzin Not too sure here.

5. Mace Windu Not too sure here, probs 7.

6. Luke Skywalker Skywalker maced Vader, so accurate. Should be 5 or 4.

7. Darth Vader Probs should be 6.


So humble. :rolleyes:


Besides the sarcasm, even in EU, Plagueis and Vitiate would eat Sidious alive. One was so powerful that eventually reached God's power, create life and stop death, other one ruled thousands of years and could wipe out entire planes when he wanted to with complete control over it. But these are rather recent feats and statements compared to Lucas and other EU books that claim Palpatine's the most powerful sith ever. It's been retconned since 2012 time and time again with Plagueis and Vitiate and Lucas's known for changing his mind a lot but they're holding onto Lucas' old claim and old EU books.


Plagueis and Vitiate beating prime EU Palpatine? :rolleyes:


As for citing Plagueis Midichlorian Manipulation as proof of superiority, you seem to have forgotten that Plagueis only ever killed one person with it. A non-Force Sensitive person at that. And it took him considerable time. Citing Vitiate's world eating is equally ridiculous as the first time he did it he required a ritual and the aid of (IIRC) 8000 Sith Lords and on Ziost he was basically an essence/non-corporeal. Add in the fact that Vitiate has no lightsaber feats and that Plagueis only has a few and it becomes clear that Palpatine is easily the best out of the group.


Also, whining about how ridiculous EU Palpatine is and then going on to compare Vitiate to him? That's rich. :D


Even if there would be a force user that could destroy entire galaxy with his will in a moment, they would still claim sheev is the most bla bla bla because Lucas and force storm bla bla bla :D


No, we would make a fair consideration of their feats and hype, then place them accordingly. Besides, if anyone is hand waving evidence it's you, we have all provided canon evidence and logic for why Palpy > Vader and all you keep on doing is "But Vader is the Chosen One, he managed to blindside his master and die, that is much superior". It's getting old, either acknowledge canon evidence or close this thread because you're making a mockery of yourself.


In short, they lack knowledge even in their playground Legends let alone they can share any valueble insight in the new canon.


Really? Because I seem to remember you starting this thread because you couldn't handle the EU list, again you claiming that Beni, Zoltan, Jarons and others don't have knowledge of the EU is rich.

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Alright. I'll give you the same chance too. What I wrote below is true or not when it comes to "canon"?


"Sidious was a sith lord that was defeated by Windu and he was the sith lord that tried to escape from a fight with Yoda and eventually killed by one-handed weakened Vader. He didn't even have the strength to kill his master in a duel so he killed him in his sleep despite the rule of two demanded a duel for the stronger to survive"

Edited by Permaximum
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"Sidious was a sith lord that was defeated by Windu"

Losing in a lightsaber battle to Mace Windu is nothing to be ashamed of, we hear time and again that Mace is only second to Yoda and besides that battle started as a 4 vs 1 and then Sidious blitzed 2 of them before Mace could even do anything. Also Sidious may have lost the saber fight but who was it that ended up dead? Yes, that's right Windu. And before you try the "Palpatine said he felt weak and had Anakin help him" then answer this: if Palpatine really was that weak, then why was Mace begging Anakin for help and then why did Sidious obliterate Mace seconds later?


and he was the sith lord that tried to escape from a fight with Yoda


Why would he not try to escape from Yoda? He had just exterminated the Jedi, had complete control over the Republic/Galactic Empire and was still in risk of being the last Sith left due to Vader's well being unknown at that time. He literally had everything to lose whereas Yoda only had that chance, he would've been stupid not to try and flee. Besides, Yoda and Palpy were pretty much equals in that fight, it was a 50/50, so again what would he have gained by not fleeing?


and eventually killed by one-handed weakened Vader.


Vader completely blindsided him and made it so that he didn't take the full force of his lightning. He also had the Force itself working against him as Vader was destined to kill him. Despite all of this Vader still died due to him receiving a short blast of lightning. You know, the lightning that knocked Yoda out and killed Windu. He also had no reason to think that Vader would turn on him considering that he had gotten Vader to slaughter a village full of innocents and an entire temple full of his former allies, some of them being children.


He didn't even have the strength to kill his master in a duel so he killed him in his sleep despite the rule of two demanded a duel for the stronger to survive"


This argument is literally pointless as there are two (three counting the EU) counter-points that destroy it. First of all, why would an immensely powerful Darksider challenge another immensely powerful Darksider when it would create a massive wave of Dark side energy through the Force that the Jedi could detect? It would be stupid to risk making them aware of his existence. Second of all, treachery and deceit are the bread and butter of the Sith, they always take advantage of a weakness they see, for Palpatine he saw that his master didn't keep his guard up around him and so he used that as a tool to advance himself.

Edited by PadsterPwns
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This is too easy. Gona throw a wrench in there.


Did you guys know that Sidious' lightning didn't kill Mace? It was the fall.


Now slaughter each other while I watch.



Besides Pads, you have more important things to do. Like conceding that Fisto dies.

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This is too easy. Gona throw a wrench in there.


Did you guys know that Sidious' lightning didn't kill Mace? It was the fall.


Now slaughter each other while I watch.



Besides Pads, you have more important things to do. Like conceding that Fisto dies.

To be fair it still incapacitated him, so Sidious would have won either way.

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Since your arrival, yes :D


However, when any normal Star Wars fan wants to get information about the most powerful force user list especially if he's looking for a canon list by searching in google, they'll find the most accurate information provided by a knowledgeable objective Star Wars fan who's not a fan of one particular character but all of them.


My service is free of charge.

I LOL'ed. Good luck with that. :)
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Having read the thread, it's obvious that the greatest issue (aside from the attitude of the OP) is in the list and the logic used to create it:


The Most Powerful Force Users in the Galaxy


1. Darth Vader (The Chosen One, brang Son and Daughter (the Ones) to their kness, Killed Palpatine with one hand, immensely powerful in the new canon material,)


2. The Ones (Exceptionally powerful force wilders, Celestials. The Father, the Son and the Daughter. Almost living embodiments of the Force)


To sum up, these brief sentences alone show the following:


1. Willful dismissal of canon material.

2. Ignorance of canon developments

3. Dismissal of context

4. Irritatingly poor grammar


All of which begs the question, how does one make a canon list if one ignores elements of canon? While the rest of you answer that question, draw your attention to the rest of the list, wherein we'll see the final fundamental flaw in this list's design:


The Most Powerful Force Users in the Galaxy


3. Yoda (When he was 900-years old he fought Palpatine. Palpatine tried to run away from the fight and had shown fear on his face throughout the fight. Yoda was unlucky with his position ( trying to reach above from the lower ground during the fight) and the gravity was working against him when he used TK. Because of his small size he dropped to the ground and Palpatine's guards came. So, he left. If it wasn't for the environment, the fate (refer to the prohecy) and the guards Yoda would defeat him eventually)


4. Mace Windu (Defeated Palpatine, respected and acknowledged Yoda's superiority, supports above)


5. Darth Sidious (Defeated Talzin with the help of Dooku and Grevious but Talzin had Maul's help too)


6. Mother Talzin (Was shown almost as powerful as Sidious in the canon comic)


7. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Defeated young Vader, almost killed Darth Maul, killed General Grievous)


8. Count Dooku (Defeated young Kenobi and very young Anakin Skywalker at the same time, killed by young Vader)


9. Luke Skywalker (Vader didn't show his full power against his son but Luke still bested conflicted and light-hearted Vader who was trying to lure him to the dark side. Luke also resisted the Emperor's influence )


10. Darth Maul (Killed Qui-gon Jinn, he's a survivor and he's still alive)


11. Qui-Gon Jinn (Very skilled fighter, great force knowledge, learned how to become one with the force)


12. Typical Jedi Council Member (Plo Koon, Kit Fisto etc.)


13. Kylo Ren (Had shown great force power)


14. Rey (Defeated injured Kylo-Ren, immense force potential)


15. Ahsoka (Could duel Ventress while she was a padawan with some help from another force user, quickly defeated two inquisitors as an adult)


16. Savage Opress (He could force-choke Dooku and Ventress in the same time)


17. Asajj Ventress (Was shown as a skilled fighter and assassin, dueled Kenobi and Anakin at the same time and survived a couple of times)


18. Quinlan Vos (Close to Ventress)


?. Kanan (Surely there were more powerful force users than him)


?. The Grand Inquisitor (Kanan eventually defeated him at last but he had shown decent skill with the force)


?. Ezra (Good force potential, only a child)


?. Snoke (He has great connection to the Force, is capable of sensing emotions and reading thoughts, wise and can see events from afar. Trains Kylo Ren, is the leader of the First Order)


?. Darth Bane (Created the sith rule of two and he's even known by the Jedi)


?. Darth Plagueis (According to Palpatine, he is so powerful and so wise that he could create life and save people from death. If what Palpatine says is true, then he is Godlike and no doubt takes the first spot)


In addition to all of the factors above, the reasons cited for placement show an interesting trend. That is to say, the reasons for placement are entirely based on combative feats. Take, for example, Obi-Wan Kenobi. His placement is based entirely on circumstantial feats, rather than the merits of his strength in the Force. Similarly, many characters are placed for the same reason.


So, another question, how can this list determine the most powerful Force users when it dismisses context and is based on circumstance alone?

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