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This is by far the Ultimate MMO


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Rather then bragging of my colorful history with MMO's I will be brief. I've played quite a few MMO's and I have my opinions on a wide variety of them. There. SWTOR out of every MMO I've played at launch and even in its matured stage is by far the ultimate MMO out of each one currently on the market. Some may disagree, but here is what I'm so impressed with when it comes to this game. Mind you these are just my opinions. You're entitled to your own as well.


1. Space Combat

Now I know what you're all thinking: "Space Combat is your number 1? Why?" Well, to be honest I was one of those idiots on youtube who would bash space combat in this game when it was announced. It was a big dissappointment and I cared nothing for it. That is until I shut up and actually tried it for the first time yesterday. You know those times in MMO's where you say "eh, I don't wanna quest or PvP right now. So now what?" Well, I had one of those moments yesterday so I gave Space Combat a try. Four hours later I couldn't believe how fast the time had flown by. It's a tunnel shooter, but hey since when are tunnel shooters not fun? Space Combat looks good, it's fun, and it doesn't break the immersive feeling of the game. In fact it further encourages it. If you haven't given space combat a go I highly encourage you to. It's a side activity that rewards you with cool titles, items, and exp. Lots of fun. Pazzak now please as SWTOR's 2nd side game!


2. Combat and PvP

You know in other MMO's where a little bit of text comes up that says "Parry" or "Dodge"? Yeah, I'm sure you do. What I'm also heavily impressed in this game by is the fact when you parry - YOU PARRY. When you dodge - YOU DODGE. When I've been sent back to low level planets on my SI I always find great joy aggroing blaster weilding mobs and watching my toon deflect those blaster bolts. My inner nerd swells at such a sight. On the note of PvP - I love it. I know some people complain about knockbacks and such but for me that doesn't ruin the PvP experience. Huttball is great when me and my friends all play together and score for our team and the other Warzone's are just as fun. I can't even say there's any classes that are overpowered or underpowered right now (but my friend says his Operative isn't doing enough damage). Combat looks great, it's fast paced compared to other MMO's, and the world PvP and Warzone's are tons of fun.


3. PvE Content

Trash. Boss. Trash. Boss. Trash. Boss. You know the routine. Although Bioware has followed this routine in SWTOR they've mixed it up to make the encounters more interesting. It was so cool killing the captain on the Black Talon and then watching how the story played out, but it was also awesome when a light side Sith won the roll to save him and you were able to see how the events changed based on that decision. It makes you want to go back to dungeons you haven't seen the other side of in terms of decisions and it makes dungeons less repetitive. And what about the use of professions in dungeons? Finding hidden passages if you're an Archeologist or reprogramming broken droids if you're a slicer. Holy molasses is that awesome and there are some places in the Flashpoints I've not even seen yet because we didn't have the right people with the right skills to go there. For example that gas room in Hammer Station. What's in there? It makes me excited to do the instance again just to experience the new stuff within it. When it comes to PvE content the flashpoints are easy at first and then as you level up they become a bit more tedious and challenging. Also - Crowd Control how I've missed thee!


4. Story

Do I need to say anything more? The story in this game is wonderful and I'm loving the Sith Inquisitor class storyline. Even the planet stories I find heavily interesting and immersive. Rebellion on Balmorra, the clean up on Taris after Darth Malak's destructive attack. All of it is immersive, fun, and enjoyable for any RPG fan like myself. SWTOR puts the RPG back in MMORPG and that's why it's awesome. I've found myself since completing act 1 of the SI storyline wanting to level up each class now to experience their class story lines as well. I wasn't expecting the game to be this immersive - but it is.


5. Companions

Rather then seeing companions as pets or slaves I see them as crew members. When it comes to professions I look at it like they are aiding the crew in gaining a higher level of crafting or becoming more skilled at investigation. Because of this outlook I've found even professions to be an immersive part of the game. It makes it feel like I (the player) am not the one doing all the work. If you wanna live on my ship you'd better work like I do! When it comes to groups I love how Khem can tank for a party or other companions can heal if necessary. Bioware you outdid yourself on this idea. It's genius and it's great. However I will admit that 2V-R8 needs to SHUT UP sometimes. Yes, I do want to deactivate you, you tea leaf!


Honestly, I can keep listing a huge amount of stuff I find awesome in this game. I love advanced classes, the looks of gear, the RP-love you gave to this game, the heavy group content, the stylized look and feel to the game, and so forth. Is the game perfect? No, but hell it was just released. WoW was unplayable at launch for the few here that might remember like I do. This game has bugs but frankly the only one I can say I've encountered that was "major" was that I killed a few NPCs and they were laying on the ground doing the dance animation while dead. That didn't break my immersion though and I got a good chuckle out of it. So yes, there's my one 'major' bug I've encountered thus far. That, and some times the game logs me out when I Q up for a warzone, but this has only happened to me twice so it's no biggie to me.


Over all this MMO I can consider one of my favorite games of all time. It has something for everyone which is what makes it so great. I was expecting a good MMO at launch but what I got was by far one of the ultimate MMO's (or games) ever made. Bioware you learned from past MMO mistakes and you implemented some amazing features in this game. If someone hates your game because of X reason, who cares? For every person that played to level 3 and hated this game you have 10 more who are playing it religiously and loving it. Keep adding more space combat missions, put in pazzak, don't ever put in a LFG tool, keep encouraging group gameplay, and above all else don't get greedy with success!


Great game Bioware. You have a heavily satisfied customer here along with all the people I play with. Keep up the great work! I especially can't wait to see what you implement with the Legacy System.


*Also, yes I know I used the words "Great" and "Fun" a lot in this piece, and looking back at it I was surprised at how many times I did in fact use those two terms. But that's just it guys... This game is great. This game is fun. Can't stress that enough.

Edited by Nixxiom
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I am really enjoying this game. Yes there are bugs, there are some things that bother me (the biggest thing being the AH), but overall. I am really enjoying this game. I havent tried space combat yet, but I have tried everything else. This isnt my first MMO by far, but so far it is the most enjoyable.
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I like this game a lot. I also think when GW2 comes out it will redefine the traditional Fantasy genre. I will be playing that game as well.


What I don't get is the need for some of the GW2 trolls to compare the games? They are as different as can be in the MMO world.

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It's funny, I was thinking about this last night.


When I first joined Rift, for it's beta, I had barely left the noob zone and walked into Silverwood before a zone event started, and obviously it hooked me in, like 'omg this is amazing so much better than WoW!!!!' Problem is when you do these zone events, it starts as 'OMG' and goes to 'meh' by the 100th time. Everything feels the same, and I got bored.


How does this compare to SWTOR? While, actually it doesn't. I compare SWTOR to my early WoW experiences. There wasn't a bunch of Murlocs invading Elywnn or something, just like Ord Mantell didn't have this huge hook either, but it built up.


The Story, the first Flashpoint, first Companion, getting my Ship back....


Just like in WoW.


SWTOR, to me, doesn't need a hook to make it amazing, because the sum of all pieces make it so. To me it does everything right and doesnt rely on one shallow part of the game (ie zone events in rift) to make it stick out in my memory.


Just like in WoW.


Now don't flame me for that, because in the end, I left Rift after ~6mos, and I've played WoW for 4 years. So atm, calling something 'just like WoW,' in this aspect, is exactly what you want to be. Rift started a 10, then slowly fell...9.5....8.....whereas SWTOR and WoW both started as a 6....then 6.5.......then 8.....then.....


Personally, I think Blizzard is gonna have some issues with me next month, as that whole 'annual pass' only works if the CC you have it on has funds on it ;)


Bioware, you have me for at least a few more months. Please don't let endgame be a letdown :)

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The space combat is 'meh' at best. Feels like an iphone app.


I can almost guarantee if there was no space combat people would be complaining. Its better to have something than nothing and this something is pretty well done. I remember that SWG had no space at launch, that was a travesty.


Is it the best space combat suited for this game? No. But its still enjoyable and a nice break from questing.


There is room for improvement and revamps. Something I'm sure will come in the future.

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I can almost guarantee if there was no space combat people would be complaining. Its better to have something than nothing and this something is pretty well done. I remember that SWG had no space at launch, that was a travesty.


Is it the best space combat suited for this game? No. But its still enjoyable and a nice break from questing.


There is room for improvement and revamps. Something I'm sure will come in the future.


ATM space combat is a great minigame. Nothing more, nothing less...

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I have only found a couple of bugs so far.. one involving a companion of the trooper who during a cutscene was the size of a smurf... It was a really funny bug.


The other so far is in the Imperial Agent story, a bug where a story is forwarded without you input (the npc is clearly answering questions and the three responses option isnt showing)


Having said that, im having a blast with the game and I want to thank Bioware for the wonderful game. Its a solid game with a solid fundation and this is the first game when I dont feel the need to level or min-max.... every level up is irrelevant because the quests and the challenge are so much fun

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Thank you! Thank you OP for putting into words what I have been feeling so eloquently. I am also having so much fun and I noticed so many negative posts and I was thinking I am having so much fun with the variety of things to do in the game I don't understand how people were so upset with how the game turned out. My mind jumps around a lot so I don't write well but you really nailed it. Seriously! <3<3<3
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Thank you! Thank you OP for putting into words what I have been feeling so eloquently. I am also having so much fun and I noticed so many negative posts and I was thinking I am having so much fun with the variety of things to do in the game I don't understand how people were so upset with how the game turned out. My mind jumps around a lot so I don't write well but you really nailed it. Seriously! <3<3<3


I feel the same.


Well said Nixxiom.

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No, just like all MMOs.


So far I have played:






Linage 2







And now SW:TOR


Welcome to MMOs.


Did you even read my post fully?




I'm not saying the game is like WoW, because I really don't see how it is. Yes it's got raids and hotkeys w/e, but it's got a lot of different things than WoW.


No, please go read my post again, Not just read 'just like WoW,' read it. I'm comparing it to WoW in the fact that Rift was a hollow game once you got past it's invasions and rifts, whereas WoW and SWTOR both have built on one thing and gotten better and better as I leveled through.

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Gotta agree with the OP.


Space combat is simple but fun, and there's much more of it than I expected.


I love the pvp- I find Huttball to be awesome. Yeah, you do get stunned/knock backed alot, but the sides are mirrors so there's balance... and I've found in games where people pass rather than just trying to power their way through four waiting jedi it goes way better- pretty sure the people who have issue with it are those who don't pass.


The story doesn't need anything said- it's BW, it's what I expect, and they sure didn't fail me.


I find combat is fluid in looks and actions (though I find cover to be the one thing that lags, making playing my IA in pvp very frusterating), and the GCD doesn't bother me- it feels way more strategic than WoW ever did, that's for sure.


PvE combat, with the abilities that effect monsters in different ways, is also far more strategic than WoW.


There's room for improvement... but, it's a game in its first week... I'd sure hope there would be room for improvement.


This is by far the best mmo launch I've been in, that's not even a question- AoC, Rift, Aion, WAR- don't even come close in what's available. I look eagerly forward to what they'll bring in next.

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