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most noob thing youve done or seen someone do in this game. no gtn "scams" please


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Not in this game, but still pretty stupid...


The game was Allods Online, which takes place mostly on a set of islands in the sky called allods (whence the name of the game). In between these allods is a whole lot of nothing much, inhabited by big scary-as-heck demons. So on my first character, I escaped from the mini intro tutorial area (like leaving the Gnarls to go to the Jedi Temple but you don't just walk) onto the lowest-level allod, and made the most elementary of mistakes, and fell off the edge of the allod, into the lower sky, where my character just fell and fell until she died.

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Went into my first huttball match early 2012. Got into a fight with a powertech and jumped into the green pool thinking it was kolto and would heal me. It didn't. Got /lol'd at the whole rest of the game.
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Sigh. Done this before and just did it again. Cadimimu or however its spelled. On the bridge where 4 mobs pop off the edge, I leap in with my marauder a split second after the merc knocks everyone back. So all you see is mobs flying off the bridge and me diving after one of them.
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Okay, ahem... I actually had to google how you take the taxi to leave the starting platform on Tython :D


Stuck on Athiss too.

Been called a ninja for not knowing need/greed (frankly, a tooltip might come in handy).


Fell to my death on my first return trip from the Coruscant Senate to the taxi (no railings? seriously?)

Fell to my death in the Cademimu FP. Twice. "Watch your step or you'll fall for hours" (Atton Rand, on Nar Shadaa, Kotor 2)


Now two years ago, a year into the game. Made fun of some veteran player as he "preferred to advertise to no end" for an offtank on Toborro HM while refusing to take me. He eventually did. I died twice to the adds in a flash and wiped the group. I was in 156's...


Recently, as a Living Legend. Was crafting stuff etc in my guild stronghold on Coruscant and pitied for some sorry folks that had been asking for half an hour for someone for the last heroic 4.

So I go "ok, lemme log in my lvl 20 sent and I'll help you". While I have an army of crafters that I barely ever play, I love to twink them, so I'm used to facerolling most stuff.

So the usual reaction on this particular H4 is "are you sure we'll make it?" especially when I offer to 2-man it. And I'm all "Don't worry I've run it a gazillion times, here, let me multibuff you. You know how to focus? How to place a target? See, this is how you target."

So this was an all sent party with a slinger and they were afraid as we had no tank and no healer. I went "don't worry heh heh I'll take him".

So we engage the boss and I notice he turns away from me all the time. I really have to give my all for him to turn back on me and let go of the other guys who were really low on hp. And the fight drags on forever, should have lasted a minute. What the hell? I start noticing that my damage comes in the littlest numbers - in the neighborhood of 50-60, barely ever 100.


Turns out I had bought Satele's sparring sabers weeks before that and had just equipped them to see how they looked and proceeded to GTN sales & such... and duh.. they were empty ^^

I apologized and re-equipped my inheritance 56' sabers and made short work of the sith at the temple datacron to prove I wasn't faking it lol!



Now there's another story involving a SUPER NOOB and myself. Who's the noobest? The n00b, or the fool that follows him?

Some guy in my guild asked for my help as he couldn't beat a boss. It was on Alderaan - his final class boss. I had never even set a foot there. My knight was still on Taris at that point - level 19 I remember. One or two months into the game.

I was awestruck by the beauty of the planet. But had to rush past those incredible surroundings (which took me back to real life memories)

Anyway long story short. I had no idea that you can't hit anything that's 6 levels past you. Neither did El Noobo, of course. So this guy conned me into a "won't be long, no, not far from starport" thing. Took us forever to reach the boss's base in the Juran mountains, and I would be randomly destroyed by lvl 27 manka cats I was aggroing while following that dude cluelessly on my czerka cruiser.

Took us an hour and after three wipes we called it a day.

The moral of the story, never follow a body type 1 character whose hat looks like a waffle. :rak_04:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Sigh. Done this before and just did it again. Cadimimu or however its spelled. On the bridge where 4 mobs pop off the edge, I leap in with my marauder a split second after the merc knocks everyone back. So all you see is mobs flying off the bridge and me diving after one of them.





I had a teammate do this once when I was on my sage healer. I think I laughed as hard that time as I did when I read your post.

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