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Insulting Devs...


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...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...

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...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...


Well it might be real people .. but people can also be idiots

and after 1.1 noting new is happed with the class

its still a Lame GIMP class, the reason people going nuts is they had it up to here , and it have to come out on someone and who is the people its the devs


people have give them 2000000 posts how to help the class and guess what they are not hearing

so F them


1. lower cooldown on def skills its the class that have the highest cooldown on def skills

2 some kinda heal or get out of combat



my jugg have 5 Def skills really low cool down my op have 30 sec cooldown

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Well it might be real people .. but people can also be idiots

and after 1.1 noting new is happed with the class

its still a Lame GIMP class, the reason people going nuts is they had it up to here , and it have to come out on someone and who is the people its the devs


people have give them 2000000 posts how to help the class and guess what they are not hearing

so F them


1. lower cooldown on def skills its the class that have the highest cooldown on def skills

2 some kinda heal or get out of combat



my jugg have 5 Def skills really low cool down my op have 30 sec cooldown


Not only did you make the OP's point for him, but you gave a fantastic example of how not to handle the lack of communication between the Sent/Mara Community and the Devs.


The more the Community rants, cries, moan, and overall disrespects the Devs and Admins, the less likely they will ever give us the light of day. [sarcasm] By my calculations (1 horrible rant = 1 day ignored), we might hear from them in an official manner within the next 6-7 years minimum. [/end sarcasm] These tactics are not working, and I hate sounding like a broken record, but the Sent/Mara Community needs to change tactics.

Edited by mastervalkar
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Not only did you make the OP's point for him, but you gave a fantastic example of how not to handle the lack of communication between the Sent/Mara Community and the Devs.


The more the Community rants, cries, moan, and overall disrespects the Devs and Admins, the less likely they will ever give us the light of day. [sarcasm] By my calculations (1 horrible rant = 1 day ignored), we might hear from them in an official manner within the next 6-7 years minimum. [/end sarcasm] These tactics are not working, and I hate sounding like a broken record, but the Sent/Mara Community needs to change tactics.


well its called frustration its common senes

and guess what its a human nature and if the devs was useing they brain they give us feedback

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...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...


I understand what you are saying and you are probably right,but what can we say for the developer who had the idea that using leg slash twice in order to root someone was legit? Where is the logic in that? That decision was as stupid as can be.

I would also like to remind you that constructive critisism doesnt always work.Remember the heal to full riot? Look at where sages are now.Overbuffed,mostly through utilities,while our utilities are trash.But our problem is at the numbers.We are so few,compared to sage's population.So,imo,we should approach the devs with both courtesy and sharpness.That is hard to achieve though,if you see your feedback beeing ignored


Edited by giorgo
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...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...

They were great many suggestions both on pts forum and here on how to bring mara to playable level both in pve and pvp they reacted with stupidity and lack of care(again) we are now reacting with rage there's nothing more to that.

PS:this class is unplayable for months it's not that we wanted them do it ASAP they had huge ammount of time to fix sent/mara

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i dont understand how people are claiming this class is "unplayable".. speaking from purely a PVE standpoint, I have had no problems. Sure, I leave the boss and do very little dps when I cant get into range, but knowing when to expect the melee unfriendly mechanics is key.


I am in a progression raid group that has

Guardian and Shadow tanks

2 Watchman sents

1 sage dps

1 gunslinger

1 sage heal

1 scoundrel heal


we have the first bosses of ToS and tR beat and are working on Bulo/sword squadron. DPS is never an issue for us, yea we (the sents) are doing less DPS than the ranged, but the fight always come down to executed mechanics.


I will mention that I am playing around with commando dps and may be running with it in our next raid night. Our healers have been complaining about healing melee on bulo :rolleyes:


i have been a sent/mara since launch and love it, but it has been nice (as a commando) staying in one spot for the majority of the raid and continue to be in range of the boss. man... ranged classes have it easy

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i dont understand how people are claiming this class is "unplayable".. speaking from purely a PVE standpoint, I have had no problems. Sure, I leave the boss and do very little dps when I cant get into range, but knowing when to expect the melee unfriendly mechanics is key.


I am in a progression raid group that has

Guardian and Shadow tanks

2 Watchman sents

1 sage dps

1 gunslinger

1 sage heal

1 scoundrel heal


we have the first bosses of ToS and tR beat and are working on Bulo/sword squadron. DPS is never an issue for us, yea we (the sents) are doing less DPS than the ranged, but the fight always come down to executed mechanics.


I will mention that I am playing around with commando dps and may be running with it in our next raid night. Our healers have been complaining about healing melee on bulo :rolleyes:


i have been a sent/mara since launch and love it, but it has been nice (as a commando) staying in one spot for the majority of the raid and continue to be in range of the boss. man... ranged classes have it easy

I will ask you a simple question why would you pick mara/sent to your ops group when any other class can do their work ten times better?

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I will ask you a simple question why would you pick mara/sent to your ops group when any other class can do their work ten times better?


because we play the classes that we enjoy playing most. sure it may make it more difficult, but why play a game if you are forced to do something that you really dont want to do.


our group has pretty much been the same make up since EC HM. with the only exception being replacing a sage healer for a scoundrel.

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because we play the classes that we enjoy playing most. sure it may make it more difficult, but why play a game if you are forced to do something that you really dont want to do.


our group has pretty much been the same make up since EC HM. with the only exception being replacing a sage healer for a scoundrel.

So you are casual and that's fine but no progression tier raid leader would take your toon for hm/nim runs just to nerf the whole groups progression.

btw:I also want to play the class i enjoy most but not on expense of my pve/pvp teams

Edited by Flamenfrom
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because we play the classes that we enjoy playing most. sure it may make it more difficult, but why play a game if you are forced to do something that you really dont want to do.


our group has pretty much been the same make up since EC HM. with the only exception being replacing a sage healer for a scoundrel.


Then...you are missing the point entirely. Every class is viable in the game, its just how viable they are relative to other classes.


...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...


I agree with your post in spirit. But I don't think many Maras/Sents are insulting the devs, much less attacking them personally (the occasional "**** the devs are so bad" aside). The situation really hasn't gotten there....yet.


The state of the Sent/Mara forums is quite simple to explain really. The lack of helpful change in 3.1.1 crushed a few thousand players' dreams of the class ever becoming viable for the foreseeable future. That boiled into frustration, especially as there were hundreds of helpful posts on how to fix the class. The tone in most posts is one of frustration. Not hurtful intent.


Edit: Did not read the recent posts. I guess you're right.

Edited by -Yui-
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So you are casual and that's fine but no progression tier raid leader would take your toon for hm/nim runs just to nerf the whole groups progression.

btw:I also want to play the class i enjoy most but not on expense of my pve/pvp teams


sure we are "casual" progression group that were (when they were relevant, and before new content was released)

4/4 EC NiM

4/4 TFB HM - 2/4 NiM

7/7 SNV HM - 2/7 NiM

5/5 DF HM - 4/5 NiM

5/5 DP HM - 1/5 NiM

10/10 tR/ToS SM - 2/10 HM


there are other strats to fights then those set by the "elites". Learn what works for your group make up and execute the method.


Then...you are missing the point entirely. Every class is viable in the game, its just how viable they are relative to other classes.

I am aware. If everyone in your group changes their class to the newest OP class to down new content, what are you really accomplishing? You didn't beat it in your original form, you had to resort to bringing something different to the table.


i am in no way claiming that sents are perfect as a class, they are hindered a lot right now in comparison to ranged. I am only saying that it is still possible to clear content in PvE. I do agree that this class needs improvements, however, this sents are not "unplayable".


I would love a channeled master strike that i could still use while moving that continued to strike no matter the range, as long as it was activated while in range :D

Edited by JSitruc
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sure we are "casual" progression group that were (when they were relevant, and before new content was released)

4/4 EC NiM

4/4 TFB HM - 2/4 NiM

7/7 SNV HM - 2/7 NiM

5/5 DF HM - 4/5 NiM

5/5 DP HM - 1/5 NiM

10/10 tR/ToS SM - 2/10 HM


there are other strats to fights then those set by the "elites". Learn what works for your group make up and execute the method.



I am aware. If everyone in your group changes their class to the newest OP class to down new content, what are you really accomplishing? You didn't beat it in your original form, you had to resort to bringing something different to the table.


i am in no way claiming that sents are perfect as a class, they are hindered a lot right now in comparison to ranged. I am only saying that it is still possible to clear content in PvE. I do agree that this class needs improvements, however, this sents are not "unplayable".


I would love a channeled master strike that i could still use while moving that continued to strike no matter the range, as long as it was activated while in range :D


Well said on every point.


PvE progression comes down to two core needs: Player's Skill Level and Group's ability to adapt. For a good progression group to work, everyone should be on the same skill level, if not, get them there by practice and patience. Adaptation is what sets the better groups from the rest. Most people assume automatically that adapting to the content mean changing the group's makeup. This can be so, quite often in fact, but if you have a set of players that know each other well, and understand the content, it should not matter what group makeup you have.


Comes back to patience; that dirty word that everyone seems to lack in today's games. If you cant handle not getting instant result, you should not be doing progression period.


Even full FOTM progression groups have issues. Having the best comp for the content means nothing if you cant handle the content.

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Of course group make up matters. It matters immensely, especially in a game with severe balance and mechanics issues like this game has. To deny that is to deny the basic state of the game.


What good is patience when their process is broken? The issues with the class are clear. The issues with the disciplines are clear. Any fool could see them, especially if you actually took time to play the class.


It is also just as clear that 3.1.1. did little to nothing to address our issues or appreciably improve our class or its relative competitiveness with other classes. It is still bottom tier for many play areas. Having to "make it work" or expend extra time and group effort to accommodate progression is failure. Design failure that Im not willing to tolerate.


We pay them. They are responsible for adequate customer care and responsiveness. They do NOT pay us. They are responsible for producing a professional product. Does anyone think that 3.1.1 was responsive to us, as customers, or improved their product, or was even a professional effort? I sure as hell don't.

Edited by Dyvim
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...will lead to the dark side. Though I can see where the anger and suffering comes from ;-)

For those who already ARE on the dark side anyway: It don't think it will actually help...


Remember, it's real people you are attacking personally, not just pixels or a name on the forums. I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles. Now you may want to question those alright, but I don't think it's fair to attack singular class designers that way. And besides all criticism, if you do want your suggestions to be heard, it doesn't make much sense to insult the people who would apply them.


I know this is difficult, but I urge you guys to keep it civil so the reasonable voices can be heard and the class can improve in the coming patches. I think Devs have already realized more needs to be done and more insults will not make that any clearer. If you do want to have a say about what's going to happen, you need to be taken seriously. Rants seldom are...


You don't need to worry about protecting the devs from harsh words written on an internet forum. Nor do you need to worry about them taking offense or getting their feelings hurt. They are adults who chose to work in the video game industry. They can handle the heat.


Going forward- if they choose to neglect, nerf and maim marauders into the ground merely to spite all the crybabies and post-3.0 criticism, they are even less professional than I thought.

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I'm sure they're trying to do the best they can and that they are not totally free in their decisions, since they have to obey global game design principles.

While I agree that rude attacks and flaming will get nowhere and is a counterproductive behaviour, I disagree with the idea that they are "doing their best". I believe that there is every indication that this game is being managed top-down by EA using a Minimum Viable Product business model. Read about it HERE, and you will be amazed at how feature after feature of the current state of SWTOR pop out at you from the text.


Remember that the EA parent company are not a bunch of eager developers and designers that want to make a game as good as possible, regardless of diminishing returns in sales vs. invested resources. They are management/marketing types who are all about sales vs. invested resources, and for them, SWTOR is an investment that must generate a huge return, or it will simply get shut down. In turn, I believe that the BW division that is handling SWTOR has their hands completely tied with regards to what they can achieve with what is probably a rotating and temporary staff of programmers with very specific assignments.


With that in mind, there may be no point for BW to engage the community at all, because even if they wanted to make the game better, I mean really better, the bottom line is that they can't, because they are simply not alloted the resources to deliver a quality product. What you see is what you get, and what we will be getting for iteration after iteration until the game finally withers up and gets shut down when revenue finally ceases to meet EA's expectations.

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While I agree that rude attacks and flaming will get nowhere and is a counterproductive behaviour, I disagree with the idea that they are "doing their best". I believe that there is every indication that this game is being managed top-down by EA using a Minimum Viable Product business model. Read about it HERE, and you will be amazed at how feature after feature of the current state of SWTOR pop out at you from the text.


Remember that the EA parent company are not a bunch of eager developers and designers that want to make a game as good as possible, regardless of diminishing returns in sales vs. invested resources. They are management/marketing types who are all about sales vs. invested resources, and for them, SWTOR is an investment that must generate a huge return, or it will simply get shut down. In turn, I believe that the BW division that is handling SWTOR has their hands completely tied with regards to what they can achieve with what is probably a rotating and temporary staff of programmers with very specific assignments.


With that in mind, there may be no point for BW to engage the community at all, because even if they wanted to make the game better, I mean really better, the bottom line is that they can't, because they are simply not alloted the resources to deliver a quality product. What you see is what you get, and what we will be getting for iteration after iteration until the game finally withers up and gets shut down when revenue finally ceases to meet EA's expectations.


And thats it!


As long as all these people buy the crap items from the cartel market the issue will never change! Look at the mined ptr changes ....new decoration items , new mini pets ....color cristall s.h.i.t and at the other hand the game changes are only a bare minimum of the changing list.


Cash is everything that matters and the pvp or pve subscribers generate less money than the casual players who give them a unreasonable high amount of money for their cartel marked s.h.i.t.


And that is not a developing issue ;) The Problem is a greedy publisher and the braindead people

Edited by Nefaras
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First of all thanks for participating in this discussion, I think this is better than what I am seeing in some other threads...


Remember that the EA parent company are not a bunch of eager developers and designers that want to make a game as good as possible, regardless of diminishing returns in sales vs. invested resources. They are management/marketing types who are all about sales vs. invested resources, and for them, SWTOR is an investment that must generate a huge return, or it will simply get shut down. In turn, I believe that the BW division that is handling SWTOR has their hands completely tied with regards to what they can achieve with what is probably a rotating and temporary staff of programmers with very specific assignments.


With that in mind, there may be no point for BW to engage the community at all, because even if they wanted to make the game better, I mean really better, the bottom line is that they can't, because they are simply not alloted the resources to deliver a quality product. What you see is what you get, and what we will be getting for iteration after iteration until the game finally withers up and gets shut down when revenue finally ceases to meet EA's expectations.


Very well put, though you are guessing some stuff. But that's exaclty WHY I was saying that a developer is surely doing his/her best under GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES that he or she is not responsible for. What you are describing is basically what anyone experiences who has a job in any company trying to compete economically. I find that very often management tends to cut down on resources a lot instead of strategically investing in human resources and product improvement and THEN converting that improvement into better sales. Lately companies are doing it the other way round, pushing budgets for marketing and advertisement rather than assuring the product itself is actually the best it can be.


Which is then VERY frustrating for employees who do care about what they are doing and face limited resources for that. I'm sure if you have taken a job in the gaming industry over any other job, you DO care about something like SWTOR. It must be really really displeasant to not be able to do everything you could think of yourself to make stuff better, but just not have the option to do so. And I think this feels even worse, when you get insulted for something you would have done many times better - if you had been given the resources to do so - and that you may be critical of yourself in the same way as the people who are insulting you for just that.


Which is why I said you may, as you just did (and me, too), criticize that system and that kind of management, but not so much the people who sit on the end of that line and have to act accordingly - probably many times agains their own conviction...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Not only did you make the OP's point for him, but you gave a fantastic example of how not to handle the lack of communication between the Sent/Mara Community and the Devs.


The more the Community rants, cries, moan, and overall disrespects the Devs and Admins, the less likely they will ever give us the light of day. [sarcasm] By my calculations (1 horrible rant = 1 day ignored), we might hear from them in an official manner within the next 6-7 years minimum. [/end sarcasm] These tactics are not working, and I hate sounding like a broken record, but the Sent/Mara Community needs to change tactics.


The devs don't respond to the sentinel community. Cant really blame him. Hundreds of posts later we get a small fix to one move in the game. The class is still broken.

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Well I will say the following, if there is no reaction no discussion happening and there was enough constructive feedback happening. I can understand anyone getting angry with the support. 1/8 the of the customers main a Mara or Sentinel (I know the number is more like 1/20th nowadays but since we lack true statistics I will go by saying customers perfectly split between the 8 ACs there are) these 12,5% of the playerbase pay subscription fees like anyone else. They expect the provider of the product to maintain an acceptable level of quality. When the problem arose in 3.0. the customers mouthed their demands in the majority in an objective and constructive way. The more time that went by with the unacceptable quality of the product staying the same the customers got more frustrated as the provider of the product didn´t react at all to customer concerns. When the provider aka Bioware anounced changes they were not what the customers wanted and contained an further quality drop for the product. Due to the little to no communication and not listening to customer demands, the customers if not leaving the product completely got even more frustrated.


At the moment we are in a state were the core of the customers maining a Sent/Mara have lost all trust they had in the provider to fix the product. Asking the customers to invest 200+hours to provide oneself with a Char that can participate in the Product to 100% on an acceptable level of quality (=fun?) is not acceptable for the majority who depends on their Sent/Mara for participating in most Content due to time restrictions.


So I perfectly understand anyone who just mouthes their frustration and doesn´t put up anymore constructive feedback. Well I may try it one last time, but after that its one Subscription Fee less they will take in. Waiting for more then 3month for a fix for 1/8th of a product is not tolerable by anyone.


I understand that someone this more time on their hands and multiple Avatars doesn´t feel the unability to participate due to producerfailure as harsh as the rest of the community. Still you should more then understand their frustration and lack of interest to try to mouth demands and concerns in a constructive way anymore.

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I agree with your post in spirit. But I don't think many Maras/Sents are insulting the devs, much less attacking them personally (the occasional "**** the devs are so bad" aside). The situation really hasn't gotten there....yet.


The state of the Sent/Mara forums is quite simple to explain really. The lack of helpful change in 3.1.1 crushed a few thousand players' dreams of the class ever becoming viable for the foreseeable future. That boiled into frustration, especially as there were hundreds of helpful posts on how to fix the class. The tone in most posts is one of frustration. Not hurtful intent.


Edit: Did not read the recent posts. I guess you're right.



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