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Petition To Restore Pyrotech/Plasmatech


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Plasmatech needs some serious help now, the dots are damned near useless, probably the worst in the game now in fact, our only good burst abilities were nerfed, shoulder cannon no longer is useful for our spec, the proc for pulse cannon was nerfed, I mean, at this rate they might as well have taken the spec out of the game.




Serously, whoever did this change needs to be fired ASAP.

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The people complaining about this change apparently didn't bother to read up on what was going on. Shieldtech/Shield specialists were grossly outperforming other tanks as far as DPS is concerned. Bioware deemed that unload was the culprit. "Okay so just remove it from the tanks." Welp apparently that's just not how it works. I play both tactics (AP) and tank spec. I don't miss it thus far. I always felt it was a clunky and unnecessary part of my rotation, so I removed it from my hotbar a long time ago.


Forget Unload already.


Issue is energy cell/heat management for Plasmatech/Pyrotech. I don't care if they lower the damage of Plasma/Pyro as long as we can keep the old rotation. It had such nice flow in it. Now it's ruined at least for me.


Sure you can still play Pyro/Plasmatech but it requires skill.

Edited by Halinalle
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Those *********** developers don't make any sense at all. They messed up with a class that wasn't the top dps in the game (at least not without the bug, that's THEIR responsability and that players couldn't avoid). Any competent developer would first fix the bug, see how the dps of the players in general would drop and ONLY THEN think about nerfing it.

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Everybody was complaining about PT burst in PvP, and now not only we have a lower burst in AP (which is right, to be fair), but Pyro has beed nerfed too, reasources and DPS. About -500 DPS single target and although we can deal with that, the rotation is screwed now heat wise. Sorc is on his way, too, with a bigger nerf than expected.

Edited by MackTK
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Just to repeat what others have said: the real issue with Pyro right now is the change to Flame Barrage causing heat management issues. This is the only change that really needs to be rolled back.


Unload was useful in certain circumstances where you either couldn't stand in melee range or when an add would die from Unload (so you didn't need to take the time to run over), but otherwise not really important for Pyro.


As a mid-range class with significant ranged options and Hydraulic Overrides, we don't need a gap-closer like Force Leap. I miss it too sometimes, but it just isn't appropriate for the class.


Moving damage off Immolate and Rail Shot and on to Flame Thrower is appropriate and useful for AoE, even if it is a net loss in single-target DPS.


The new bonuses to Kolto Overload are better than the old version, even if it had worked.


The surge bonus to Scorch makes crit a little more valuable for Pyro (bringing it closer in line with AP) and moves a little more damage onto an otherwise underwhelming ability. Pyro isn't really a burst-damage spec anyway.


Again, the big issue here is the change to Flame Barrage completely breaking heat management, and thus the rotation. Pyro isn't a difficult rotation, but it does make you pay for mistakes. Now you have to pay for doing it right . Having to spam Rapid Shots in between every ability is irritating and throws off the timing of Scorch and Incendiary Missile. Alternatively, skipping a Flame Burst and using Flamethrower with only two stacks is unsatisfying and clearly not how the spec is intended to be played.


I don't think petitions ever really work, but for whatever it's worth... /signed.

Edited by GrandHighAdmiral
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And here I was wondering why my PT after the latest patch started to feel so "clumsy". Anyway, I would like to raise a question - why was the unload skill taken away from the melee specs? It wasn't really that meaningful, usefull mostly as an "opening attack" - but gave the PT/VG - after all, a blaster-wielding class - some much needed flavour, and provided for a nice immersion.


As with the rest - it made me wonder for quite a long time, why was this BH/Trooper adv. class the only "melee" one without some "speed up" - as hardly the hydraulic overrides can be count as a reliable mean to get from place A to spot B, at least - compared to the warriors/knights jump, or the inquisitors/consulars force speed. I always took it was because of the longer range of "unload", that provided some "stop gap" before you finally got to that boss, but apparently - that is no longer the case. Wouldn't it be wise to at least give us the jump pack skill now, to get over that gap we have currently?


Well, I sincerely hope the dev studio will do something about fixing this class and make it usefull again, as I already start to feel people don't want Pyrotechs in their Ops groups, seeing them as a liability... :(

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BW have 2 choises :


- Make the Flaming Fist stacks Superheated Flamethrower or,

- Bring back the Flame Barrage as it used to be.


Otherwise Pyrotech is just unplayable. There's really no reason to play it on boss even for fun cause i think that no one is having fun with this new Pyro.

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I'd like for them to change the dot spread mechanic. Maybe instead of having tied to your target dying and another target having to be within 10 meters for the dot spread, have Pulse Cannon be what spreads the dot to whoever else is in the cone of attack. Edited by Arehonn
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Just to repeat what others have said: the real issue with Pyro right now is the change to Flame Barrage causing heat management issues. This is the only change that really needs to be rolled back.


Unload was useful in certain circumstances where you either couldn't stand in melee range or when an add would die from Unload (so you didn't need to take the time to run over), but otherwise not really important for Pyro.


As a mid-range class with significant ranged options and Hydraulic Overrides, we don't need a gap-closer like Force Leap. I miss it too sometimes, but it just isn't appropriate for the class.


Moving damage off Immolate and Rail Shot and on to Flame Thrower is appropriate and useful for AoE, even if it is a net loss in single-target DPS.


The new bonuses to Kolto Overload are better than the old version, even if it had worked.


The surge bonus to Scorch makes crit a little more valuable for Pyro (bringing it closer in line with AP) and moves a little more damage onto an otherwise underwhelming ability. Pyro isn't really a burst-damage spec anyway.


Again, the big issue here is the change to Flame Barrage completely breaking heat management, and thus the rotation. Pyro isn't a difficult rotation, but it does make you pay for mistakes. Now you have to pay for doing it right . Having to spam Rapid Shots in between every ability is irritating and throws off the timing of Scorch and Incendiary Missile. Alternatively, skipping a Flame Burst and using Flamethrower with only two stacks is unsatisfying and clearly not how the spec is intended to be played.


I don't think petitions ever really work, but for whatever it's worth... /signed.


This right here. I don't think Pyro/Plasma was doing too much damage but maybe I'm too biased in that regard, and a nerf to damage may have been appropriate. But this change doesn't merely nerf the damage but makes the spec just clunky and unfun. Please roll back the change to Flame Barrage. I can't believe that they didn't allow Public Testing on what was, by far, the most significant change to the spec.

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This right here. I don't think Pyro/Plasma was doing too much damage but maybe I'm too biased in that regard, and a nerf to damage may have been appropriate. But this change doesn't merely nerf the damage but makes the spec just clunky and unfun. Please roll back the change to Flame Barrage. I can't believe that they didn't allow Public Testing on what was, by far, the most significant change to the spec.


Hit the nail on the head. No testing = broken nerf. Amazing.

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Still no acknowledgement from anyone at BioWare If only Plasma Barrage/Flame Barrage was returned to its original functionality before 3.1.1 I would be willing to give the spec itself the benefit of the doubt

But in its current state it just isn't fun to play anymore its more of a chore than anything else

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I thought I could still do respectable damage with these new changes but with the Plasma Barrage change really messed up the entire spec. The damage nerfs were understandable, the rotational changes were unnecessary.

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Bounty hunter



Rain of fire has been redesigned: Kinetic and energy attacks deal 5% additional damage to burning targets. Additionally, flame thrower spreads your periodic incendiary missile effect to the targets it damages, as long as it damages targets already affected by your incendiary missile.

Superheated flame thrower now only has 2 stacks (down from 3 stacks), with each stack increasing the damage of your next flame thrower by 20% (up from 15%), causing it to slow affected targets by 45% (up from 30%), and making flame thrower immune to interrupts.


Nooo! No no no no no!!! This isn't what we wanted. This needs to stop right now. Nobody is arguing that there was anything wrong with Pyrotech before you guys changed it. So why did you change it and why won't you change it back!??!?!?!!!

Edited by CobraMG
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"Bounty hunter



Rain of fire has been redesigned: Kinetic and energy attacks deal 5% additional damage to burning targets. Additionally, flame thrower spreads your periodic incendiary missile effect to the targets it damages, as long as it damages targets already affected by your incendiary missile.

Superheated flame thrower now only has 2 stacks (down from 3 stacks), with each stack increasing the damage of your next flame thrower by 20% (up from 15%), causing it to slow affected targets by 45% (up from 30%), and making flame thrower immune to interrupts."


Yet ANOTHER nerf to Pyrotech damage... Super heated Flame thrower with 3 stacks at plus 15% damage per stack = 45% more damage..(as it is now) The proposed 2 stacks at 20% = 40% more damage.. Slows don't work on Raid bosses.. so that bonus is well.. useless to PVE.. Powertech is now pretty much only good in tank spec..


Well done Bioware - You make the game less attractive on a daily basis..

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"Bounty hunter



Rain of fire has been redesigned: Kinetic and energy attacks deal 5% additional damage to burning targets. Additionally, flame thrower spreads your periodic incendiary missile effect to the targets it damages, as long as it damages targets already affected by your incendiary missile.

Superheated flame thrower now only has 2 stacks (down from 3 stacks), with each stack increasing the damage of your next flame thrower by 20% (up from 15%), causing it to slow affected targets by 45% (up from 30%), and making flame thrower immune to interrupts."


Yet ANOTHER nerf to Pyrotech damage... Super heated Flame thrower with 3 stacks at plus 15% damage per stack = 45% more damage..(as it is now) The proposed 2 stacks at 20% = 40% more damage.. Slows don't work on Raid bosses.. so that bonus is well.. useless to PVE.. Powertech is now pretty much only good in tank spec..


Well done Bioware - You make the game less attractive on a daily basis..


If you used FT at 3 stacks you were doing it wrong. A Flaming Fist is worth more than a Flame Burst +15% Flamethrower damage, and that was the weakest option to swap out for a stack

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