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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Choose your Warzones


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Can you please implement an option that allows the players to play only the warzones that they want? I am tired and tired, and I get incredibly frustrated when the same warzones keep popping up or when arenas pop up. The warzones I like the most are the ones I play the less because they rarely pop up. I realize that that you can't probably do this due to a low pvp population, but at least you can separate between arenas and normal warzones (8 man) and/or do like in the World of Warcraft where we can exclude 2 maps from coming up on the queue. This way we can have a little more control over what warzones we can play.


What do you guys think about it?

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Can you please implement an option that allows the players to play only the warzones that they want? I am tired and tired, and I get incredibly frustrated when the same warzones keep popping up or when arenas pop up. The warzones I like the most are the ones I play the less because they rarely pop up. I realize that that you can't probably do this due to a low pvp population, but at least you can separate between arenas and normal warzones (8 man) and/or do like in the World of Warcraft where we can exclude 2 maps from coming up on the queue. This way we can have a little more control over what warzones we can play.


What do you guys think about it?


Choosing your own WZ is what should have been done since day 1 instead of throwing us in random pvp area.

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This would lengthen queue times.


Yeah, for ****** pvp arenas. I think Hutt Ball would have the largest queues as a lot of people hate that one. Also if the arenas were level based like the pvp in WoW, it would make a lot more sense. Pylon seems more like a mid level arena, 4 man team would be more of a universal level, Turret and Datacore is more a high level arena. What they need to do is create a capture the flag one for low levels.


Also Happy, you sound one of those guys who hates cross-server pvp and pve ideas.

Edited by adproduction
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Well, I do prefer to have longer queues and actually play what I want, than to be forced to play what I don't want and hate. And to minimize the bigger queue times that is why I suggested only allowing to keep out 2 warzones, or separate between arenas and warzones or both. For instance if I could choose I would never do arenas, and would only do Huttballs, Alderan, the ship one and maybe novare coast sometimes, the others I hate them, specially hypergate which is the one I got the most, and I find myself most of the times quitting before it even starts.
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Well, I do prefer to have longer queues and actually play what I want, than to be forced to play what I don't want and hate. And to minimize the bigger queue times that is why I suggested only allowing to keep out 2 warzones, or separate between arenas and warzones or both. For instance if I could choose I would never do arenas, and would only do Huttballs, Alderan, the ship one and maybe novare coast sometimes, the others I hate them, specially hypergate which is the one I got the most, and I find myself most of the times quitting before it even starts.


That works too.

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I'd like to see a system that let you pick your preferred warzone when you queued and then have that influence the warzone that came up.

It would still be random, but it would reduce the chances of seeing ones that weren't picked and increased the chance of seeing ones that were.

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I'd like to see a system that let you pick your preferred warzone when you queued and then have that influence the warzone that came up.

It would still be random, but it would reduce the chances of seeing ones that weren't picked and increased the chance of seeing ones that were.


Well, that is very similar to what I suggested, instead of taking out what you don't want you reinforce the ones you do want. It's an alternative approach to the same idea, but giving a bit more emphasis on the one you want to play. Nice suggestion too.

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