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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it too much to ask for some sort of gear requirement before ppl Q for 60 HMFP?

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Personally, I think that they need to make the LvL 60 HM FPs easier in general. Moreover, HM FPs were always what you ran to gear up for raiding. That really isn't the case anymore......


I would disagree with that, hard modes should be just that....hard. BW should just up the recommended gear rating to at least 178. It is not hard to get 178, you can get them with basic comms until you save up for the 186 gear sets.

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I understand the issue with dps being overplayed and how that relates to q times. Although I am a founder, I haven't played much endgame content. I wanted to get my feet wet & learn FP/Ops strategies as dps first, before I bring my tank in.


My response was simply to explain to the other poster how it could take 2 weeks or longer to finish 3 HM FP's for the Galactic Conquest mission or whatever it's called. I guess if I could sit in front of my pc and play SWTOR all day q times wouldn't be as much of an issue :)


To answer your question, I'm on the Harbinger server, and typically play between 7-10pm ET.


Que times and your desire to learn do not go hand in hand. Your que times are long because you play as a dps. As a healer my q times are very short. Im sure a tanks q times are even shorter. So if you roll a dps you get to wait longer to learn. Just how it is. Its actually the reverse to your logic. If you had all day to wait for a q you would roll a dps toon, if you had short times you should have rolled a tank or a healer.

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Que times and your desire to learn do not go hand in hand. Your que times are long because you play as a dps. As a healer my q times are very short. Im sure a tanks q times are even shorter. So if you roll a dps you get to wait longer to learn. Just how it is. Its actually the reverse to your logic. If you had all day to wait for a q you would roll a dps toon, if you had short times you should have rolled a tank or a healer.


I get what you're saying. I've been playing since release & understand the relationship between advanced class and queue times.


My initial response was in reply to you saying it was almost unbelievable that it could take someone a few weeks to squeeze in 3-4 HM FP's. Since I only play every couple days, and even then for maybe two hours, it is very possible that it could take a few weeks for someone to complete 3-4 HM FP's using GF.


Regarding learning and advanced class queue times, I probably will switch to my tank if only to get quicker q's. My only reservation was being flamed by veterans for tanking when I don't know the fights. Some will say just watch the YouTube videos/read guides...but there are like 10-12 60 HM FP's. My time is limited as it is. I guess I'll just have to take one at a time...which...would bring us back to the queue time issue. Queuing for 1 FP out of 10-12 is likely to produce longer waits compared to queuing for all. You also are not eligible for the daily reward unless you queue for all of the FP's in a bracket.


I guess I just have to bite the bullet, and crash and burn a bit on my tank :)

Edited by tharbison
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Eh people will hardly kick a tank unless they want to wait.

Also get a guild a do runs in there. Joining a guild is literally the easiest thing to do.

As a test yesterday on a new toon to prove this theory I went to fleet and typed in "New player looking for casual guild to run fps". Got 2 whispers and a ninja within 15 seconds. We then did a few fps. So this is what you should do. Never rely on pugs.

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I for one feel that gear is a very poor indicator of what ppl are capable of. I've successfully healed Tython HM on my sorc in 172's (optimized). Granted we had a jugg tank at the time which makes the fight super easy, but still. I check achievements first, and if they pass (having done ToS, or TFB Hm, or something along those lines) I just leave it at that. If they fail ( no ops experience, and never done the FP HM) then the gear needs to check out, otherwise chances are good the guy will just be useless


Agree to some extent. If a person knows what they're doing regarding mechanics, then yes, gear won't matter as much. Refer to this link. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633655 Odds are, if a person isn't geared, it's very common that they don't know the mechanics or their class.


First who the hell are you to think you know what is the proper crit, power or surge? Someone that runs a parser daily and knows what diminishing returns are. More then likely just another Dulfy lemming, that if peoples numbers dont match hers then what, you think they are beneath you for running a FP? Nope, but's it's a good indication of what you're in for. Refer to the aforementioned link.


Probably one of these misinformed that thinks a sorcerer healer should be all power and no crit am I right?



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Agree to some extent. If a person knows what they're doing regarding mechanics, then yes, gear won't matter as much. Refer to this link. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633655 Odds are, if a person isn't geared, it's very common that they don't know the mechanics or their class.






I run a parser as well, in every FP and OP, and am quite aware of soft caps and diminishing returns. But I am not so caught up in my perceived knowledge of all to think that just because someone has a HP of 42k, they are not geared correctly, or cant do the FP. Honestly that is a lack of spec knowledge.


Not to mention, if you feel the need yo check everyones HP or gear, what are you doing in the GF in the first place? The only time I would personally think it acceptable is if someone came in with green or blue gear, then yeah push a vote kick. But if someone has orange gear, or set pieces and they just have a couple low numbers on a couple pieces of gear, if anyone initiated a kick on them b4 seeing what they can do...I would happily turn that kick around on the personthat started it.

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I run a parser as well, in every FP and OP, and am quite aware of soft caps and diminishing returns. But I am not so caught up in my perceived knowledge of all to think that just because someone has a HP of 42k, they are not geared correctly, or cant do the FP. Honestly that is a lack of spec knowledge.


Not to mention, if you feel the need yo check everyones HP or gear, what are you doing in the GF in the first place? The only time I would personally think it acceptable is if someone came in with green or blue gear, then yeah push a vote kick. But if someone has orange gear, or set pieces and they just have a couple low numbers on a couple pieces of gear, if anyone initiated a kick on them b4 seeing what they can do...I would happily turn that kick around on the personthat started it.


Agree, there are exceptions to the rule, but that is not the norm. I'll gladly take a person that knows what they're doing in regards to class and mechanics at 42k vs someone that has 52k and doesn't know what they're doing. In regards to your GF question, i enjoy a challenge. Running game content, shooting the sh*t with people, this is a mmo after all.

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I run a parser as well, in every FP and OP, and am quite aware of soft caps and diminishing returns. But I am not so caught up in my perceived knowledge of all to think that just because someone has a HP of 42k, they are not geared correctly, or cant do the FP. Honestly that is a lack of spec knowledge.


Not to mention, if you feel the need yo check everyones HP or gear, what are you doing in the GF in the first place? The only time I would personally think it acceptable is if someone came in with green or blue gear, then yeah push a vote kick. But if someone has orange gear, or set pieces and they just have a couple low numbers on a couple pieces of gear, if anyone initiated a kick on them b4 seeing what they can do...I would happily turn that kick around on the personthat started it.


People feel the need to check gear precisely because of so many undergeared or misgeared (tanks) ppl getting in the queue. And yes, ppl have to use groupfinder if their guildies aren't on or devote themselves to other parts of the game when they are.


Part of the whole point of the original post is that the gear requirement tooltip hasn't been updated and too many ppl are running in with their 55 gear, thinking they won't be that different from the tacticals and fail miserably, blame it on others, mechanics, or glitches, then just rinse and repeat.

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To gain the set bonus, you just need to equip the armoring. mix crafted mods and enhancements gives you higher power and crit, with a lower number of HP. A sorcerer healer doesn't really need a crap load of HP, you can tweak your gear with 186 that allows this as well as a slightly smaller HP total, and better power & crit as a result.


If someone is doing that, then they aren't "full 192 resurrected".

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Yeah hate to burst your rant bubble, but in full 192 resurrected, with augs my healer is right at 42k. Good luck booting the healer, more then likely if your dps, trying to boot a healer...I think you know how that is going to work out.


By all means show your profile here. Little late to this response, but plz, show us how you did it. In other words if you're in full 192's with augs, you wouldn't be at 42k as others have mentioned.


Prove us/me wrong.

Edited by Pirana
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Here we go again. Why don't we just ask BW to close the kriffing servers and be done with it? It's always everyone else's fault and not our own.


BW has recommended gear per difficulty level of FPs albeit not reflective of the actual requirement. Everyone wants to faceroll the Hard mode content and get mad if they wipe.


I quit GF if Battle of Rishi or Blood Hunt HM pops because they are a waste of MY time and I will not spend 90 mins wiping on the 2 mandos. No thanks.


Koriban Incursion and Rakata prime are the easiest of the HM FPs but sometimes you get a PUG that cannot get pass the first bosses. Most of the time it's a healer problem. Healer not cleansing those stuck in fire or not AOE healing when droid is at 30%.


Just yesterday I had a PUG that wiped about 6 times on the droid in Koriban Incursion. The healer keep saying she always finished it in like 24 mins so what was the problem and asked why I was taking damage since I was ranged...


The funny thing is I was never the first person to die in any of those wipes. She NEVER AOE healed at any point during the boss encounter, and I died when the boss ran out of people to point his laser thing at. In the end they all quit. I am pretty sure if they had stick around after the healer left we would have finished.


Additionally, after a wipe everyone will listen to suggestions IF YOU ARE NOT POINTING FINGERS. There is no point in kicking someone from a FP just because they have 178 gear, and I have never seen anyone in a HM FP that didn't have mostly 186 rating gear.


I have solo-ed Korriban droid below 10% after my team wiped. I have seen other tanks solo that same droid after we all died. I have face-rolled that FP many times on my tank and many DPS toons and I have also wiped and have group disbanded on the same FP playing the same toon. I don't get mad, I just consider it an experience.


Lvl 55 HM FPs count for the weekly and if you and you can do it in 2 hours if you get quick pops. Czerka Labs and meltdown HM count towards the CZ-198 weekly. Queue for lvl ONLY for the daily in that bracket, then queue for the 2 Czerka FPs ONLY and bam your weekly is done and you killed two birds with one stone.


You can randon queue for the HM 60 once just for the 16 elites then pick Rakata Prime and Koribban if you want the drops. The only way to Mess up rakata prime is if the healer suck.

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Full 192 BiS is 50k for a DPS/heals. Hate to burst your bubble ;)


just an observation ....

i got all purple 192 but legs, wrist and OH that are purple 198 with purple 186 augs, with all datacrons, all class buffs i reaching 49k+

and i know that i wear the right set for my AC.

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