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Mission Terminal

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I would like to be able to add a mission terminal to my stronghold. Specifically, the mission terminal for dailies. They are already available at multiple locations at the fleet, and most the public areas in the daily zones. Having one at the stronghold and guid ship would be a nice touch.
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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


Bleh this just adds a long load unneeded load screen. :(

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


We can already see Fleet Chat from the guild flagship. Is there any possibility of making a flagship-only mission terminal? I would find this an acceptable compromise between "we don't want Fleet to become a ghost town" and "we want strongholds to be useful." FWIW, the comms vendors, both PVP and PVE, can remain on the actual fleet.


Oh, and a suggestion to increase fleet utilization: Put a mailbox in the PVP quadrant already. PVPers have been asking for this for years, and that very simple request has been neglected long time. I should add that the PVP quadrant of fleet is the ONLY quadrant with no mailbox and has remained so since launch. With terminals in the warzones now, the only two reasons to stay on fleet are for the fleet PVP chat--which is also accessible from the guild ship--and the vendors. So you really should be looking at making the PVP quadrant of fleet more convenient for PVPers if you want PVPers to hang out on fleet. ;)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Hi all!


We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


How about guild ships but not personal strongholds then? Then they are still on the fleet and in fleet chat.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


Well, what about Priority Transport Terminals? We need need NEED those in our Strongholds!

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!




More design "choices" that negatively impact game experience. It comes up often for a reason. Artificially forcing players to zone into fleet for this is ridiculous. I am not going to stay on fleet. I'll get what I need and go again. To wait for another load screen. So your hope of inflating population on fleet isn't going to happen. The repeated need to zone in to fleet and back out puts more strain on the servers. And the poor Harbinger needs a break. Won't you think of the hamsters?


Honestly, removing the fleets completely could be one of the best things you could do. Help this idea is constructive enough.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


To be honest, I would much prefer to see Priority Transport Terminals in our Guild Flagships. For our personal Strongholds sure it would be nice, but I think having them on the Guild Flagship would add another incentive for people to be part of a Guild and/or to have a Flagship.


Also, like AdrianDmitruk said, we need a mailbox in the PvP Section of Fleet!

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We shouldn't even need the fleet terminals. There should be a priority terminal (or some other item that functions like one) at the beginning of every flashpoint, an operation terminal of the appropriate type at the beginning of every operation (ToS, DF & DP have one very close already, so props for that), and there should be no need to return to the terminal to complete the missions (as implemented in all operations as of 3.0, so again props for that, but still not the case for flashpoint weeklies). And I guess the czerka flashpoints could have a terminal with the czerka weekly too, that wouldn't hurt either since you often get there thru GF.


Terminals are like quest-givers, they're usually placed in your character's critical path so that when you inevitably pass by, they are there to tell you "hey look! I have some mission(s) for you".


But at the level cap, it's the other way around. You have no reason to pass by the terminal, but you know you want the missions every week, and where to find them, so you go out of your way (to the fleet, where you had no business otherwise) to pick the mission for all of 2 minutes and then ****. And that's not terribly interesting or helpful.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!



Well then, put a Priority Transport terminal and maybe the PvP mission terminal on our Guild Ships - ONLY. You could do that, easily. Still part of fleet chat, but makes life easier for us all - AND it gives people more REASON to go to the Guild Ships!


Right now so many Guild Ships are like floating tombs with nobody on them. Adding some functional reasons to go there would really help that.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


I agree that Mission Terminals and gear vendors should remain on the fleet. However, you should really think about adding a Priority Transport Terminal as a decoration.



While you're at it, maybe you can finally add Rishi to the list. Yes, I get that it's a "remote" destination which is technically in another galaxy, but when the Republic and Imperial fleets both pay a visit to the system, I think it's safe to say from a lore point of view that they'd establish a permanent route to get there.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


That's cool, we'll just keep taking wz pops and leaving a wz after turning in a quest... that's probably better for everyone.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


Maaaan, could you reall not do some of us (but especially meeeee) a great favor and let us know what the story is with KotOR 2 / Iconic / Prequel / Traditional Jedi robes? PLeaaaaaaase. You'd make my days so happy and at least the uncertainty would be gone.

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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


by "particular" you mean popular right? , and mega roflcopter lol @ fleet/stronghold balance, that comment makes as much sense as Jar jar Binks in the star wars universe. L2dev post.


Hopefully that helps, please keep the great dev posts coming in.

Edited by Extinctionzone
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We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization

The fleets were made in hurry during game's beta. If u wanna keep adding to them and have them serve as the game's main hubs, you should at least bring them up to required level. It shows very much that they were quickly slapped together. Outer space skybox is not looking very good, outer architecture of the fleets is same copy-paste for both factions and the interior architecture doesn't look unique enough either.


Also, fleets already have all gearing vendors, 90% of quest givers, reputation vendors, stronghold listings, Cartel Bazaar and countless other stuff that will never let strongholds come even close to functionality. PVE/PVP mission boxes with dailies and weeklies is the least you should do for Strongholds and guild ships. BTW, when are we going to be able to make OPS GROUPS on guild ships? Seriously...

Edited by Pietrastor
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Hi all!


Thank you for your continued and awesome suggestions! I have seen this particular suggestion throughout Stronghold discussion, so I thought I would jump in and give some insight. While we have discussed the possibility of adding in Mission Terminals to Strongholds, at this time we do not have any plans to do so. We are striving to keep a balance between Stronghold and Fleet utilization, and as such you may see some functionality which is available in Strongholds not present on the Fleet, and visa verse. Mission Terminals are one such case, and we feel at this time they are best served to remain on the Fleet and not within Strongholds.


Hopefully that helps! Please keep the great suggestions coming in!


Sorry for my long delay on returning to this thread.


But I have to say this is a weak agrument at best. If you didn't have daily terminals at many of the daily locations I could understand this. But I can jump from one daily area to another and never step foot on fleet. So forcing me to go to fleet for the min or so that it takes me to reach the daily mission terminal only keeps me there for a min and adds a load screen in the process.


Due to the open availability of these terminals, keeping them out of strongholds and guildships is silly.


And to be perfectly honest, fleet on the Repub side on PoT5 is already a ghost town. Just this morning I went to Repub fleet to get the bounty hunter daily quest and there were 6 other players at fleet. I'm sure had I gone to the Imp fleet I would have seen a much larger number there, but the point is my few moments at Repub fleet did nothing to change the fact that the population simply isn't there. And even if it was, I still would not be one of those guys who hangs around at fleet waiting on something to pop. Fleet is were I go to deal with certain vendors and get quests nothing more. I doubt I even spend one solid minute at fleet every time I go there.


Asking for this is a valid request. And thinking that this will somehow make fleet more important is just not the case.

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