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Premades in Unranked, what are their goals?


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While I understand the reason people do it, to group up with their friends, etc, what are their goals? I mean, obviously it isn't a challenge to them to go into unranked at 60 and just faceroll the other team, and a LOT of people have simply stopped playing 60s because of it. IT really seems that some premades soley do it -only- to troll unranked.


Then you have the premades that roll ONLY fotm classes, don't these guys realize they are categorically making people leave pvp? I mean, it really seems like that is their goal. There is one specific imp guild on TRE servers, which I wont name because I know this thread will get deleted, which seems to ALWAYS be online, and always runs 1, if not 2 premades that are queue synced, and over the years people in my guild who ran solo, and on my friends list who run solo have simply stopped playing warzones because of it, or flat out left the game, do they not realize what they are doing? I know it isn't their fault that BW is incapable of doing something like cross server so making groups of premades only match up with other groups is not -that- viable, but it would just not seem fun to me. Why don't they just go into group ranked? I mean, I KNOW they aren't impossible to beat, hell me and a group of randoms on arenas have done it before, but when it comes to 8 v 8 objective, it seems nearly impossible. I know people will say "well, then group up", if people were actually WILLING to group up I would, but whenever I ask on rep fleet for people to group up, I get met with absolute silence.


To clarify I am not asking for premades to be not allowed, nor am I saying they should stop queuing with their friends, I am legitimately wondering why some people only run premades all day long on regs, not ranked group, and if they are aware that they are driving away a portion of players.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Perhaps their goal is to play some PvP with their friends, y'know, to have fun and get some laughs? Eskha-Christ forbid people group up in an MMO. Seriously though, it's regs. If your team is getting wasted either carry them or get good enough to carry them. Otherwise suck it up, collect your comms, and queue up again. Edited by Hei_Atzfel
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Did you not read my first sentence?


I did, and my comment still pertains. You're whining about getting beat by people who are better than you. So what if they group up? I've watched that video you posted, so I'm pretty sure the majority of these people you're complaining about would beat you whether or not they were in a premade.

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No, I am not whining, nor is your attack on me warranted, it is a legitimate concern, I stated twice I know it isn't their fault that bw is incapable of making x server. And you mean the video I made when I first started playing that discipline at 2 in the morning? If you are incapable of having civil conversations, you can feel free to leave now, or I can simply put you on ignore. Up to you. As for them beating me, try again, whenever I get them 1 on 1, they don't 75 percept of the time. :)


No, you're whining. It's the same whining that has been going on for years. It's an MMO, it's going to happen. Get the hell over it. As for your video, "first time playing the spec at 2 in the morning" doesn't change the fact that you used a cooldown properly ONE time in the entire video. Burning your shield to get interrupt immunity when not even a single person has so much as LOOKED at you? Yeah I'm so sure you're any threat to anyone. I would have a civil conversation, if I thought you new anything about this game, but since you're whining about premades.....

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If I could queue up a group of 8 for regs I would.


I would love to group up at ALL, but my guild seems to be anti pvp, and like I said before when I ask on fleet I seem to be met with deafening silence :confused:, then you have the people that complain about premades saying they should be removed or banned, etc, which is just silly. I don't think that at all.

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You answer the question in your very first sentence mate.


They do it to play with friends and to have fun with them. Their goal is to win and have fun doing it. No, they won't face big challenges vs randoms, but they'll still enjoy it. Fast way to farm Valor and commendations.

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You answer the question in your very first sentence mate.


They do it to play with friends and to have fun with them. Their goal is to win and have fun doing it. No, they won't face big challenges vs randoms, but they'll still enjoy it. Fast way to farm Valor and commendations.


I guess so, guess I will really start to have to group up, because my frustration level is hitting the roof with these guys :p, hell I may even leave my guild and look for a pvp guild on rep side on TRE, yet those guilds seem to be rather inactive lately :confused:

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Their goal(s) is to have fun and to avoid the aggravation that comes with getting a team where 6/8 players have less than 1500 expertise and don't know what they're doing.


People have posted numerous times that grouping reduces the derp factor that you can encounter in WZs.

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Their goal(s) is to have fun and to avoid the aggravation that comes with getting a team where 6/8 players have less than 1500 expertise and don't know what they're doing.


People have posted numerous times that grouping reduces the derp factor that you can encounter in WZs.


The derp factor IS high lately.....anyone know any pvp guilds recruiting on rep side of TRE? I mean, a challenge is fun to me, helps you grow as a player.....but there are limitations.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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meh. I would support a solo only queue, but there really isn't the population for it. and we already have 3 separate queues.


the goal is to pvp with friends. and rated doesn't pop. or, in my case on JC, there's only 3 regular pvpers, and we're all dps. (luls) one's a jugg, one's a pt, one's a merc. that's one good, one OP (soon to be nerfed) and one weak class. translation: not competitive in rated. no point pugging a tank or heal while a friend sits. also...not fans of the balance in game. can't take it seriously enough to queue atm.


all of that said, we usually end up against other premades anyway. some LD50 guys were opposite us in at least 3 WZs last night. holocron had a virtual 8m with 7 guildies opposite us in a NC. I get that you sometimes get grp'd with other grps vs pugs and the matchmaking in regs is horrible. but that's really the issue, imo.

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It's an interesting question and I think it depends on a number of things:


Firstly, how reasons differ from goals. I group up because I've been playing with the 6-7 active people in my guild for several years and enjoy their company. If they're not online, I solo queue. If they're online and I want to play in the same bracket as them, we often group up - if not I'll solo queue. Sometimes I'll even solo queue when we're in the same bracket because I don't feel like being in a group. Here my reason defines my goal: I group up with the goal of interacting with friends. I don't think there is a broader goal here beyond winning and learning to play our classes, which should be the goal of anyone PvPing.


Secondly, how you define a pre-made. This is a question that comes up time and time again. Four people grouped up does not equal an instant win. I have been steamrolled as a group, and have won plenty of times in PUGs against groups, both in arenas and objective-based WZs. Very often my guild uses Teamspeak, but if you listen to the recordings of our games you'll find we rarely actually talk tactics. We're usually in complete silence, or chatting about the people we're with/against, or talking about classes. Calling "inc" happens in the Ops group because we are aware there are other people outside of our group.


So that's communication - how about group composition? You will face groups who have brought together a Tank, Healer, 2 DPS. Or those running FOTM builds. But not all the time (at least on my server). My guildmates and I play the classes we feel like playing - we usually rotate through our alts for dailies and end up with bizarre combinations.


I guess what it comes down to then is this difference between what I would call a "true pre-made" and a "casual pre-made". A true pre-made actively uses voice chat to talk tactics, coordinate attacks, and have an optimal team composition. I can't give you a "goal" for doing that simply because I don't do it myself. A casual pre-made is literally a group of friends coming together and playing, who perhaps just happen to be good players.


I very often suggest that we all drop guild and see if pre-made accusations continue, because very often that's what it comes down to. If a team of randomly-guilded players gets defeated by another team of randomly-guilded players, it's GG and well played. If a team of randomly-guilded players gets defeated by a team of same-guilded players, it's a pre-made ruining PvP. A lot of the time their goal is just what you said in your first sentence though - to have fun with friends. :)

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While I understand the reason people do it, to group up with their friends, etc, what are their goals? I mean, obviously it isn't a challenge to them to go into unranked at 60 and just faceroll the other team, and a LOT of people have simply stopped playing 60s because of it. IT really seems that some premades soley do it -only- to troll unranked.

Its not always such pain. I was in few premade groups who were actually worse then the opposing group. It's not necessary bad for you, all depends! ;)

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While I understand the reason people do it, to group up with their friends, etc, what are their goals? I mean, obviously it isn't a challenge to them to go into unranked at 60 and just faceroll the other team, and a LOT of people have simply stopped playing 60s because of it. IT really seems that some premades soley do it -only- to troll unranked.


Then you have the premades that roll ONLY fotm classes, don't these guys realize they are categorically making people leave pvp? I mean, it really seems like that is their goal. There is one specific imp guild on TRE servers, which I wont name because I know this thread will get deleted, which seems to ALWAYS be online, and always runs 1, if not 2 premades that are queue synced, and over the years people in my guild who ran solo, and on my friends list who run solo have simply stopped playing warzones because of it, or flat out left the game, do they not realize what they are doing? I know it isn't their fault that BW is incapable of doing something like cross server so making groups of premades only match up with other groups is not -that- viable, but it would just not seem fun to me. Why don't they just go into group ranked? I mean, I KNOW they aren't impossible to beat, hell me and a group of randoms on arenas have done it before, but when it comes to 8 v 8 objective, it seems nearly impossible. I know people will say "well, then group up", if people were actually WILLING to group up I would, but whenever I ask on rep fleet for people to group up, I get met with absolute silence.


To clarify I am not asking for premades to be not allowed, nor am I saying they should stop queuing with their friends, I am legitimately wondering why some people only run premades all day long on regs, not ranked group, and if they are aware that they are driving away a portion of players.


Yeah, some PvP guilds have become a problem. Although I want everyone to enjoy PvP, the premade teams have discouraged me from queuing. Since I have finally obtain my last piece of gear, unranked, I decided that I no longer need to constantly play PvP matches. So, the 'roaming guild death squads', my name for premades, can fight amongst themselves.


I was going to try ranked PvP matches; however, (1) the queues don't trigger for me, (2) the premade groups are discouraging, and (3) unranked PvP gear is useless and glitched.


I am going to modify my unranked gear for PvE.


I am itching to get into the Revan missions.

Edited by Linyivee
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It's an interesting question and I think it depends on a number of things:


Firstly, how reasons differ from goals. I group up because I've been playing with the 6-7 active people in my guild for several years and enjoy their company. If they're not online, I solo queue. If they're online and I want to play in the same bracket as them, we often group up - if not I'll solo queue. Sometimes I'll even solo queue when we're in the same bracket because I don't feel like being in a group. Here my reason defines my goal: I group up with the goal of interacting with friends. I don't think there is a broader goal here beyond winning and learning to play our classes, which should be the goal of anyone PvPing.


Secondly, how you define a pre-made. This is a question that comes up time and time again. Four people grouped up does not equal an instant win. I have been steamrolled as a group, and have won plenty of times in PUGs against groups, both in arenas and objective-based WZs. Very often my guild uses Teamspeak, but if you listen to the recordings of our games you'll find we rarely actually talk tactics. We're usually in complete silence, or chatting about the people we're with/against, or talking about classes. Calling "inc" happens in the Ops group because we are aware there are other people outside of our group.


So that's communication - how about group composition? You will face groups who have brought together a Tank, Healer, 2 DPS. Or those running FOTM builds. But not all the time (at least on my server). My guildmates and I play the classes we feel like playing - we usually rotate through our alts for dailies and end up with bizarre combinations.


I guess what it comes down to then is this difference between what I would call a "true pre-made" and a "casual pre-made". A true pre-made actively uses voice chat to talk tactics, coordinate attacks, and have an optimal team composition. I can't give you a "goal" for doing that simply because I don't do it myself. A casual pre-made is literally a group of friends coming together and playing, who perhaps just happen to be good players.


I very often suggest that we all drop guild and see if pre-made accusations continue, because very often that's what it comes down to. If a team of randomly-guilded players gets defeated by another team of randomly-guilded players, it's GG and well played. If a team of randomly-guilded players gets defeated by a team of same-guilded players, it's a pre-made ruining PvP. A lot of the time their goal is just what you said in your first sentence though - to have fun with friends. :)


I appreciate the well thought out answer =).


Its not always such pain. I was in few premade groups who were actually worse then the opposing group. It's not necessary bad for you, all depends! ;)


That actually has been the case before, unfortunately not the case for said guild on TRE atm, they are good together, not great alone, but really good together and I honestly think I have went against them -every- match for the last month, and it has gotten rather aggravating.

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Running all FOTM classes to destroy regs is not the players fault but Bioware's class balance.


Does it suck? Yeah. Are they still just a guild playing among friends? Yup.


Hopefully, the goal of your match is to win or try to win. Players who play every class will probably better than you if you only know how to play one or two. If they happen to be on the FOTM, oh well nothing you can do but take your spanking and move on.


I speak from being on both ends of premades.

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Running all FOTM classes to destroy regs is not the players fault but Bioware's class balance.


Does it suck? Yeah. Are they still just a guild playing among friends? Yup.


Hopefully, the goal of your match is to win or try to win. Players who play every class will probably better than you if you only know how to play one or two. If they happen to be on the FOTM, oh well nothing you can do but take your spanking and move on.


I speak from being on both ends of premades.


Im starting to group up now, fighting fire with fire.

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