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DF Slinger occasionally running into players I simply cannot kill


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Today it was a healer. I was unloading with what I'm guessing is a somewhat basic rotation but basically I kick in my two cooldowns, fire off my two dots attacks, And then alternate between wounding shots and then quickdraw followed by speedshot and back to WS... I believe she was tanked but another player was focused on her too. They pretty much let me just hammer away at the healer while they nuked the rest of my team. Not sure how much was dots spread to other players but I did 200K damage before they took me out. She just healed right back through it. I'm 60, got all PVP gear, and ranked PVP for headgear and my main gun. Is it normal I couldn't kill somebody under these circumstances?


Normally, any time a team lets me focus-fire to this extent, people die. What am I running into here?

Edited by Pherdnut
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Are you using your interrupt on her heals? If you are targeting a healer who is guarded and not interrupting a significant percentage of their heals they can just face tank you, especially if they have off heals from another in their group.
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Cross healing maybe.


Sounds like you guys lacked healers as well, and your dps couldnt stay on the field long enough to overcome theirs.


It happens.


This game caters to the trinity in terms of viability. All dps teams will usually not beat a team that has tanks and healers.

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In that situation you need to use interrupts+CC on the healer and knockbacks to seperate her from her tank.


Since you're playing a DoT spec, keeping DoTs ticking on both healer and tank can also help.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Thanks guys. Wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. It does seem a little unbalanced. 1 DPS on a tanked healer I could understand but we had at least two focused on her. I probably didn't interrupt but cooldown is so long on that I doubt it would have helped. CC/stun almost seems pointless in the current game. It just evaporates. Even when I try leg shot, then stun, then kick, most classes just keep moving/casting unless you have several players really focusing it on the same person.
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