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Two-manning the Dread Guards SM (TFB 2nd boss)

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For this conquest week, we had to prepare a TFB lockout for our guild, so we decided we might as well try to 2-man it. We've already done some 2-/3-manning in TFB before 2.0 but now that we are level 60, we wanted to give it another shot.


I didn't record our Writhing Horror kill because I already found a

for it by two French players. The first boss wasn't too much of a challenge, as long as you kill all adds correctly and stand inside the red puddles so you won't take too much damage, it is easily doable before berserk.


Now onto the second boss, the Dread Guards. After a few wipes and refining our strategy, we were able to 2-man it as well on our 6th try. I believe that this is a world first kill since I found no videos about it, but as with all 2-man/solo kills, there isn't any official leaderboard for these kills.

Edit: Nevermind, an Imperial group already did this 3 weeks ago:

Our composition:

Shadow DPS: 4590 DPS, 843 HPS, 1730 DTPS

Scoundrel healer: 811 DPS, 2193 HPS (1917 EHPS), 1472 DTPS

Video recording: http://www.twitch.tv/theeho/c/6295929

As you can see, we used stealthing out to swap Kel'sara when stacks got to high. Anything over 5 stacks became difficult to heal, and I only was able to get to 15 stacks by using Scamper on cooldown.

If you look at my DPS/HPS values, they are not very high, mostly because except for some burst spikes there wasn't a lot of damage incoming and since I had to kite the bosses a lot, there wasn't much room for DPSing outside of my autoattack.

The enrage was pretty tight but still healable, we killed him 34 seconds after enrage.


We did try out the puzzle boss Operator IX as well and have come up with some pretty interesting strategies to be able to 2-man it but unfortunately you cannot survive it or kill the adds fast enough. The punishment add has 157k HP and we don't see how we can kill it in between all the other damage you need to do, especially considering that it may appear as often as 15 times throughout the fight when you 2-man it.

We are definitely looking forward to trying this boss at level 65 because then you can probably ignore all the adds following you since they won't deal any damage.


We have yet to try to 2-man Kephess and TFB itself. While we'd need to get carried through the third boss to get a lockout, I think it should be possible to 2-man Kephess.

All in all, it was a complete waste of time. With a full house, we could've cleared both bosses in 15 minutes but took over an hour instead to two-man it. Oh well, at least we got 250k from the credit bosses and could save 15 minutes for our guild so that they can use the time for some other points this week. :D

Edited by Jerba
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Heh never a waste to put a new challenging spin on an old Ops. Nice video. Have you tried any of the bosses in SnV. I'd think almost all could be doable with Cartel Warlords being an interesting challenge of having to manage 4 bosses especially with having both Tu'chuk and Sunder on you. Syrak would require a huge amount of DPS to kill big ghost.
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Regarding SnV, already 4manned 8man HM. And no, I don't have proof of it.

On Saturday three guildies and myself 4 manned Rav 8m SM. We'll repeat this this week and record it(didn't have a clue about how to do it before, but informed myself and tried it out the last few days), so videos will be up soon :)


May I ask how you do OP IX with two man? afaik you can't zone in and out to change colors when you're in fight. And even if you can, how do you stand in the middel and press buttons and kill the datacores with only two man?

Edited by Torvai
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Heh never a waste to put a new challenging spin on an old Ops. Nice video. Have you tried any of the bosses in SnV. I'd think almost all could be doable with Cartel Warlords being an interesting challenge of having to manage 4 bosses especially with having both Tu'chuk and Sunder on you. Syrak would require a huge amount of DPS to kill big ghost.

Exactly, there is a lot to do in SWTOR after you are done with your weekly Ravagers/ToS run. Two-manning or soloing bosses is a lot of fun because you get to play hybrid roles you'd never have a chance to try out otherwise, in Aelunae's case half tank, half dps and in my case a mixture between healing and DPSing.

Hm, we did not try Scum and Villainy on 2-man yet but that's definitely something to try in the future. :)


Regarding SnV, already 4manned 8man HM. And no, I don't have proof of it.


May I ask how you do OP IX with two man? afaik you can't zone in and out to change colors when you're in fight. And even if you can, how do you stand in the middel and press buttons and kill the datacores with only two man?

Well, 4-manning is not special, 2-manning or soloing is where the real challenge lies. ;)


For Operator IX, our plan is to apply DoTs while the shield is up, then quickly run to the center and remove the shield. Once the DoTs expire, we have to run back, renew and so on. It would easily be a 1-hour fight and you'd get tons of adds you don't have time to kill but I believe it is doable with two players from a mechanics standpoint.

You cannot change colors while in combat but since we are both stealthers, we'd stealth out and then hit the console. I've done that before when we were 7-manning the boss because one player was dead or had a D/C, don't remember it anymore.

Edited by Jerba
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Exactly, there is a lot to do in SWTOR after you are done with your weekly Ravagers/ToS run. Two-manning or soloing bosses is a lot of fun because you get to play hybrid roles you'd never have a chance to try out otherwise, in Aelunae's case half tank, half dps and in my case a mixture between healing and DPSing.

Hm, we did not try Scum and Villainy on 2-man yet but that's definitely something to try in the future. :)

I know ppl who have done up to and including thrasher, it's definetly possible :)


Well, 4-manning is not special, 2-manning or soloing is where the real challenge lies. ;)

You saw i said HM? If you think it's easy, try to do it :)

Also we were stuck at Calphayus HM cause we didn't have an off heal capable dps for the second right phase(was a Guardian Tank, Mando Heal, 2 Sents) :(

For Operator IX, our plan is to apply DoTs while the shield is up, then quickly run to the center and remove the shield. Once the DoTs expire, we have to run back, renew and so on. It would easily be a 1-hour fight and you'd get tons of adds you don't have time to kill but I believe it is doable with two players from a mechanics standpoint.

You cannot change colors while in combat but since we are both stealthers, we'd stealth out and then hit the console. I've done that before when we were 7-manning the boss because one player was dead or had a D/C, don't remember it anymore.

Okay, thanks. I always thought stealthing out and changing colours wasn't possible.

But if it is, then it's definetly doable that way. Enrage only starts when OP IX itself spawns afaik, so that shouldn't be a problem. But you'd take alot more damage than usual because you can't delete all the circles in his shield phase.

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