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My PvP rotation. And reaction to a certain other youtuber

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I'll admit there are plenty of 'flaws' in his rotations/playstyle, etc.. I watched a couple vids of wiz on a madness sorc a while back and I don't think he used force leech once, which is a tad worrisome. But its not like he claims to be a pro level player or that the rotations he uses are optimal (to my knowledge). I can think of a few instances where he comes right out and says the opposite, he's having fun and using a rotation he enjoys. There's nothing wrong with that.


I'm actually a pretty big fan of his vids. I can't think of any swtor streamers that put nearly as much effort into commentary/editing as he does. It's quite refreshing. And lets not forget he's streaming regs, not ranked and by regstar standards wiz is above average to say the least.


lol no he isn't. Below average.

If you watch, he rarely beats anyone. Dots them up and runs away. Doesn't play to win, only pads his numbers.

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Despite me only occassionally viewing Wizbasky's video's - it is merely my personal opinion when I say that sometimes there is a little too much said during the video's, sometimes I'd simply like to watch the action (volume buttons fix this) - I can say that Wizbasky always states it is HIS way of playing so claiming some of his content is purposely designed to make players play bad is nonsense.


And lastly I would like to add that claiming he is full of himself is also nonsense. I cannot recall a single video in which he gloats, claims himself to be the best (he often says he considers himself to be just above average) or any of those things.

At best Wizbasky suggest people to try out things.


if you're gonna lash out at someone, make sure you have some proper arguments, because - apologies upfront - these statements basically make you look foolish.


And him up there flatly refusing to listen about fusion missile? lol

just goes to show, he'll suggest people try his way, but when someone says his way is wrong. He does his BEST to argue. Instead of 'trying' it out.

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Lol when i first saw the title of this thread i knew EXACTLY who it was going to be about. I'll admit when i first saw a couple of those videos my reaction was "i hope this guy doesn't think he is good and actually doing anything to win"...basically i didn't like how he wasn't PTFOíng. Anyway after watching a few and hearing him talking about his play style, skills he uses/doesn't use i realized that:


1. This guy is having fun. He's playing his way and enjoying the game he bought.

2. His videos are actually really good and interesting to watch. PLUS he's one of the few good swtor youtubers left. The only others i really enjoy are Fertelock (spelling?) and SkyTorRush's.

3. There's going to be plenty of people like me who think or dismiss him because he's not collecting orbs and guarding nodes.

4. He seems like a genuine and nice guy.


Now i'm not gonna move and attack the OP but i will say that people pointing out the clicking (sorry i turned video off after you called wizbasky a ***** idiot twice in one sentance) does give an indication that the op is more PvE orientated. Also rotation in PvE? I would say PvP follows a more "priority" outlook towards kills wouldn't u? and i don't just mean skill priority but enemy priority and what they are doing. We all know that simple skills such as slash has won warzone's alone when simply used at the right time (interupt etc) and the people with the most damage/heals/ protection etc aren't always the hero's.


TL:DR Wizbasky is a good youtuber, plays HIS game HIS way and is an asset to the swtor community. PvP has NO rotations, the big numbers at the end DOES NOT reflect the true win/loss outcome.


lol - playing your own way is fine....if it's not completely wrong. Which any rotation involving fusion missile is in arsenal. End of story :)


and please, absorb facts before making statements such as 'PvE' oriented.


There are rotations in pvp. Any that don't understand that are either new or bad.

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ferreous is a clicker and doesn't play pyro


let's leave those facts right there to simmer


and I beat everyone :)


btw, Pyro aka IO now, is garbage. Sorry IO fans, but it's true.

No IO merc will ever been a decent Arsenal merc.

especially once they give Arsenal mercs 5 stacks of decoy.


simmer on that


dot tabbers, pshh

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Ermm, I think you need to do over your video. It might have been informative if you weren't so uncivilized. I stopped watching after the bump- smuck comments. And I haven't watched all of wizbasky (spelling) vidoes but he made compelling points in the ones that I have watched and he proved it in the gameplay.


he never proves anything lol. He just seems to to new-ish players who don't know better.


and I'm not a civilized person. I'm an honest person. Being PC only wastes peoples' time

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Hello everyone this is WIZBASKY

:) ( I feel I have to start a forum post like I do my vids)


I was just visiting the forums answering another issue and came across this post.


Firstly let me say to everyone who posted here, I read every single word of every post and I would really like to say thankyou, I know my videos / comment / narrations can be a little one sided but as stated here by others, I play this game my way how I want and of course my videos & narrations will reflect that playstyle and not others.


I try all manner of utility combos & specs and rotations and yada yada yada, but I always come back to my core setups that I show in my videos as they are the most enjoyable.


I REALLY ENJOY Arsenal, I know 99% say go IO but I tried it and did not like it, I have always been arsenal and always will, although I don't play him much as I get rekted in pvp :(


The original poster is upset with me because he offered advice on my arsenal rotation which I did not agree on, and I proved it in a dps rotation video on my channel with a dps meter, that being said as you all say PvP is fluid, you use what you when you have it to get kills, that is all that matter.


I read all the flames & hateful comments on my channel, I read all the suggestions & tips on improving my rotations and videos, I do all that in the hopes that I can "satisfy everyone and make everyone happy" but of course as the old saying goes, you cannot please everyone. But I try.


I may not be very active on the forums responding to every question but I do on my youtube channel comments, if you have a question or want clarification on something I said, just ask you will get an answer or a video covering that answer.


Another thing that was commented on was that I am one of the few youtubers left doing swtor vids, I enjoy this game, but I can feel the game is getting stale / repetitive, just on the weekend another guild invited me along on a open world pvp event, that was fresh and exciting for me, I don't get to do that kind of thing, so I tagged along recorded it and made a video for my channel about that guild.


I play this game 99% of the time alone not in premades, so if you are looking for a 4th in your pvp premade give me a shout happy to join.


Thanks for all the kind comments, appreciate it and see you in game.



You didn't prove anything with the dps meter bub. As someone pointed out, you used power surge in your rotation WITH fusion missile but didn't use it in the rotation without fusion missile.

You purposely gave the rotation YOU favored the advantage with the meter lol.

on the same team as each other, I'll beat your dps every time. I'll even die 5 or so more times than you and still have higher dps.

just how it is.

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If you want to proclaim your video and tactics superior to someone else's, don't leave yourself open to such obvious counter criticism: You're a clicker, you have a hideous neckbeard, and you look like you live in your parent's basement.


none of which has anything to do with anything lol. No matter what anyone does, they are open to such idiocy. Grow up, acquire intelligence, then give an opinion that matters. Eh?

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Your arsenal videos are not good. Telling any arsenal merc to use fusion missile is bad advice.

For some reason I truly beleive your Arsenal merc videos are purposely designed to make people play a crappy rotation.


Oh and why did you make a video about the last 10 years of LOGO changes? You are full of yourself, that's why I don't like your videos.


Pookie, you're awesome

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Do you really think tearing down another swtor YouTube channel wil improve your standing in the community? Stop acting like a child. Where does he call you out by name and insult you? This isn't a white knight post but rather an observation from a long time player. You choose to post your likeness in a video and get roasted, you continue to defend clicking and suboptimal rotations (most pvp know its situational and reaction based) and now you are adding name calling and player bashing to your arsenal. Clean up yourself and your attitude if you want to be a public figure. Either that or maybe be on this game is already struggling and the glue that keeps it together is community.


Understand this. I don't care what people think about me. Like me, don't - I'm honest and I don't censor myself. Nothing anyone says gets to me. Call me fat, call me ugly - doesn't matter. That's their ignorance, not mine.

Far as community goes, I counter with - what community?

It's fractured. Some on one side, some on another, some down the street, and another group over in the field. It isn't united and never will be.

I will defend clicking as the majority of the game does it. I'll defend clicking as this game isn't about precision. On wildstar I was keybound. On GW2 I was keybound as those games demanded it. This? no.


and my rotation is sound on the merc. Only flexibility needed is missile blast and managing position so as not to be focused by ranged while you kite the melee on you. Managing self heals while still doing dmg. Timing knockbacks so they aren't wasted on immunity, same as stuns.

but the ROTATION for burning someone never changes. Never

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What trash is this?


When you have reached the point were you feel the need to go to the effort of making a profanity laden video and uploading it to youtube because some other person has a different viewpoint of stuff on a damned video game.....you need to re-evaluate your life....


aww does someone not like when others cuss? too bad.

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WIZBASKY, you are a class act.


After his post, I watched your videos. You make it very clear that you play how you enjoy playing. Most importantly, you listened to the point of views, of others who play differently from you.


Wizbasky, very mature, class act. Thanks.

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To wiz and the others in the thread - here is how I play merc. Here is how I own as merc. AND HERE is something your dps meters and practice dummies can't refute




It's great that youre very skilled at mouse clicking, bit it just seems obvious that using a keyboard, keypad, or naga would be a much more efficient way of playing.

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