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No sound bug


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When I get in a GSF game the sound goes off completely, when the match is over and I exit out, the sound comes back. This happens every single time I do GSF. Anyone know how to fix this problem?


Are you on Windows XP? I think it might be a known issue. Protip: Get Windows 7. You will then get a free upgrade to Windows 10 later this year. 10 actually uses fewer system resources than 7.

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I've had occasional sound issues that are normally due to "headphones came unplugged" (no, they didn't, but something thought they did), or "USB driver crashed". Windows recovers this gracefully and quickly, but if it happens during the game you are normally in trouble until the game thinks to change sound modes- say by starting or stopping GSF, or by changing the sound settings, or by closing and restarting.


But if it's happening under XP, it's the XP sound bug. That was on known issues before GSF launched (and still is), and it will never be fixed.

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I've had occasional sound issues that are normally due to "headphones came unplugged" (no, they didn't, but something thought they did), or "USB driver crashed". Windows recovers this gracefully and quickly, but if it happens during the game you are normally in trouble until the game thinks to change sound modes- say by starting or stopping GSF, or by changing the sound settings, or by closing and restarting.


But if it's happening under XP, it's the XP sound bug. That was on known issues before GSF launched (and still is), and it will never be fixed.


I use windows xp.


Is there anything I can do?

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I use windows xp.


Is there anything I can do?


I actually suspect that if you change sound cards it COULD have an effect, but I wouldn't recommend it. You'll likely want to get a box with 7 on it.


This topic comes up sometimes. It's been on known issues since December 2013. Lets see some others that were concurrent:



Galactic Starfighter



When in Galactic Starfighter all audio can completely turn off, the issue is resolved as soon as you leave Galactic Starfighter.


Attempting to change graphic settings while dead may prevent players from being able to queue for respawn successfully.


The Cinematics button on the Character Selection screen does not function at this time.


All Sensor Dampening upgrades are currently limited to 15k meters.


Ship Mastery icons do not explicitly state the amount of Requisition bonus gained by their use. (10%)




Players of the same faction may occasionally see chat messages from other Battles.


Cosmetics/Cartel Market


After unlocking any “Gas Canister” or “Chemical Reactant”, the player can no longer re-select the standard (e.g. “None”) cosmetic options.


Some cosmetics options, when previewed for purchase, will display a different ship model than what is described/shown in the Cartel Market. The item will still function correctly once purchased.


Preview Panel for Galactic Starfighter items is improperly labeled as a “Character Tab”.




If the player presses the “ESC” key while dragging a ship loadout icon, the icon will become attached to the game cursor until re-log.


Rapidly clicking Components within the Hangar can result in weapon preview effects looping improperly. Workaround: Close and reopen the Hangar.


The TZ-24 Enforcer improperly shares the same component icon between its two Primary Weapons. Mastered Ships do not display their gold ship icon as intended in the “Select Your Ship” interface.


The Ship Preview Window does not currently update previewed (but unpurchased) Components when the Crew Tab is first clicked.




Debuff icons may not appear properly for targets on the Targeting Computer when attacking multiple ships with the same debuff-applying weapon. Note that these debuff effects are still being applied to enemy ships properly.


The Munitions Capacity Extender minor component is currently providing slightly less of an ammo boost than the described 20% increase.


Damage Over Time effects applied to shields will always apply to the shield arc closest facing the attacker, rather than the arc it was originally applied to.




Passive Crew Ability “Depth of Field” does not currently extend your sensor focus range by 2500m.




Co-Pilot ability “Nullify” tooltip improperly states that it “reduces the amount of damage done to the hull”, which is incorrect. This ability instead buffs the “damage reduction” stat for ships.


The “Improved Firing Arc and Tracking” upgrade for Light Laser Cannons and Rapid-Fire Laser Cannons do not update tooltip values properly. Note that these upgrade bonuses are still being applied to these components correctly.




The “Battle Type – Domination” tutorial will not be marked as “read” in the Tutorial index until the user relogs.



Now, how are we, in 2015?


Windows XP Sound- still not fixed.

Graphics change whilst dead- who knows?

Sensor Dampening- This appears to have been fixed, but no one is really sure. Note that this was likely a deliberate balance change- the patch we think fixed it also nerfed sensor dampening.

Ship Mastery now say 10%

Same faction /say, pretty sure fixed

Inability to revert to default color, fixed.

Odd display on preview- never fully addressed.

Preview panel name string fixed.

Cursor glue bug, fixed.

Preview weapons bug- never fixed.

TZ-25 shares icons improperly- still an issue, but now an issue for every OTHER cartel ship as well.

Preview window doesn't reset when swapping to crew- I think they got this one, not sure.

Debuff icons can fail to display when applied to multiple opponents.

Munitions capacity extender bug- fixed shortly after this.

Dots hit the shield arc facing the attacker, not the shield arc applied to. Still remains and impacts the game and how to properly fly.

Depth of field- I think this got fixed, but are we really sure?

"Nullify" text bug- still has this bug, but the text is arguably more accurate. Damage reduction stat only applies to hull damage, after all.

Tooltip for RFL and LLC- fixed.



Around 50/50 on bugfixes isnt' great. We have no reason to suspect that Windows XP sound support will ever function.

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