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REQUEST: Bring WAR back to Star Wars, actual Conquesting, and open world PVP


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No, it's true. RP is a cooperative endeavor.

Obviously, you don't know what RP is. RP is getting into the role. While it is certainly more furn when others are present and interact with you, it is more than possible to do it on your own. In computer games, the programming/AI somewhat limits your possibilities (i.e. there are conversations, where none of the dialogue options would fit to the character I am portraying), you can still play your role regardless of spectators, group members or so.


Actually, from my experience, all those people who try to tell what is "right" or "good" RP and what is "wrong" or "bad" RP are tzhe ones caught in delusions - delusions of grandeur, at best. So, since you a) have no idea how I act in-character when you (or others) are not present, b) there is nothing like a "constitution of roleplaying" that dictates what is RP and what isn't, and c) I give a crap about uncreative narrowminded and judgmental BS-talking fool, it simply doesn't mater what you think should be "right". Fact is: what you state as fact isn't the truth, never has been, and never will be, apart maybe from the little illusional dreamworld you've built around yourself.

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Obviously, you don't know what RP is.

If you think you can RP alone,you are the one who does not know what RP is.


So, since you a) have no idea how I act in-character when you (or others) are not present

If you are IC when there is on one else around, you are inhabiting your own "illusional dreamworld." As that other poster noted, that's what solo "RP" is: day-dreaming. Or, as I noted, at its worst solo "RP" is delusional.


You need others to RP with, end of story.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I can't comment on the "open world PVP" part. I'm not a PVP person. But about conquests I agree and I've been saying since conquests were added that the concept seemed to have missed the mark.


I mean, in theory each conquest event is supposed to be focused around conflicts on specific target planets and they can also have a specific event theme on top of that. But what we really get is a few on-planet objectives for 1 out of 5 target planets and nothing for the other planets covered in that week's event. And while some weeks do feature a theme of flashpoints or operations or warzones or crafting more heavily than other weeks, conquest crafting always has a really heavy handed influence in every single one of them regardless of theme.


I suspect / imagine that part of it might be a limitation that they've enforced on themselves for the number of objectives that can be included in each conquest event. So if they were to include all relevant "defeat this many NPCs on that planet" and "complete heroics on that planet" and "kill an enemy commander on that planet" and whatever else, the list would expand very quickly and leave much less room for the theme objectives.


My suggestion for a solution would be to add a Conquest Mission Terminal to every planet that can ever be a conquest event target. This terminal would feature a bunch of relevant daily and weekly missions for the planet. They could include both PVE and PVP options, with missions to kill NPCs in specific regions, complete specific heroics, help kill an enemy commander, get a certain number of PVP kills, and whatever else they can think of. (If they were to add some sort of contested base on every planet that could be captured by either faction, perhaps one daily could call for some sort of activity at that location.) And then the conquest event only needs to make room for one objective per target planet. Repeatable objective: Complete any mission at this planet's Conquest Mission Terminal. Then if you're helping your guild out with conquests you could start each day at the planet that your guild has chosen for that week (for the guild bonus on the objective) and pick up your dailies/weeklies there. Then you start your daily conquest rampage on planet while queueing up whatever extra activities you also want to do.


(Ideally, all of the "once per legacy" conquest objectives should be eliminated and replaced with something that relies upon some sort of daily or weekly instead. That way the limit is only per character.)


Ummm, bump?


I feel like the point of this topic has been overshadowed and poisoned by all of this PVP and RP bickering. How about some other ideas to improve the core concept of the conquest events?

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Obviously, you don't know what RP is. RP is getting into the role. While it is certainly more furn when others are present and interact with you, it is more than possible to do it on your own. In computer games, the programming/AI somewhat limits your possibilities (i.e. there are conversations, where none of the dialogue options would fit to the character I am portraying), you can still play your role regardless of spectators, group members or so.


Actually, from my experience, all those people who try to tell what is "right" or "good" RP and what is "wrong" or "bad" RP are tzhe ones caught in delusions - delusions of grandeur, at best. So, since you a) have no idea how I act in-character when you (or others) are not present, b) there is nothing like a "constitution of roleplaying" that dictates what is RP and what isn't, and c) I give a crap about uncreative narrowminded and judgmental BS-talking fool, it simply doesn't mater what you think should be "right". Fact is: what you state as fact isn't the truth, never has been, and never will be, apart maybe from the little illusional dreamworld you've built around yourself.


Well your last sentiment there is patently false. It was definitely the truth and a Fact UNTIL the advent of Single Player RPG Video games that called themselves RPGs. Additionally this has NOTHING to do with good and bad role playing (completely subjective concepts) and rather what role-playing simply is.


When you simply look up the definition of Role-Playing in general... You see that every definition outside of that specific video game niche involves interaction with other people, whether it be with an audience, an ansambel, your psychiatrist or your partner etc. If you are sitting at home dreaming you are someone else you are dreaming and fantasizing.


Then when you go to the definition of Role Playing Games... They will refer to table top games, LARPs, MMORPGs and their predecessors the text MUDs etc. When they refer to SP games they say things like...


These games often share settings and rules with tabletop RPGs, but emphasize character advancement more than storytelling


And this story difference is what I am referring to. A Role Playing game, true to the term, allows you and those you play with to be, in essence, co-writers of the story. The setting is provided for you as are general plot lines but you, in collaboration with others, give your characters depth and the story a broader meaning beyond the largely linear path that a computer program dictates. With other people you move beyond the script.


Tbh there isn't that big a difference between what we call a SP RPG and and the "Chose your own adventure" books that first came out when I was a kid. They are written in the 2nd person and you go through a few pages, then you are faced with 2 or 3 options... Read a few more pages then you are faced again with 2 or 3 options. You have entered a fantasy world, where yes you become immersed in a character but it is in a story that you ultimately do not impact because all of the options are laid out for you. It is a fantasy. If we say a SP RPG is roleplaying then those Chose your own adventure books are also Roleplaying books and that is, sorry, patently ridiculous. Just because you slap a label on something for marketing purposes does not change it's nature.


This is NOT to say that the SP fantasy is any lesser than that of the ansambel Role-playing so please don't think I am saying that. Some people play those games intentionally because they don't want other people influencing their fantasy. All I am saying is that they are just very different and have to be addressed in different terms.


In the first you may craft an image of your character in your mind's eye, but you are trapped by the story in game, anything else you come up with is a personal fantasy that is divorced from the world that Bioware has written. In the multiplayer RP experience you create your own stories with other people, making friends and enemies, creating a shared world. There stories evolve beyond the script as you, in collaboration with others make a unique story in parallel with the script. The AIs of today are simply incapable of any thing but a linear

story experience that gives you an illusion of choice. In essence in one you have a fantasy in your head, in the other you can bring your fantasy to a sort of life and not just for yourself but for those that you interact with.


As an example...can you say "I like the dark side and the Empire will let me be dark without consequence" and then have your Jedi become Sith? No. That is simply not an option...you are trapped in that story. Now in an asambel RP situation there are still basic rules like that BUT you now have an avenue to break beyond them. As an example I have watched a Jedi Knight character get kicked out of a guild based on the Jedi order due to in character actions. Over time it was more and more clear that the Jedi Knight character was dark side and getting darker and after an IC attempt at intervention the Guild kicked him out. There was a NEW story for that character, made by the players and in that story there were IC consequences for their actions that were created by their fantasy. This is the difference between pure fantasy and roleplaying.


Now all of that out of the way...if someone said "bioware we want more stories not just chapter stories but continuations of our Companion stories" I would be in WHOLE hearted agreement. My only issue is when you try to say it is RPing, its not, it's story.

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