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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Has any Dev addressed Class only loot options?

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Instead of free for all?


I do think a need for class should be implemented. The "but my companion!!!" argument doesn't even fly anymore (though tbh I never thought it flew to start.). As you level greens are more than doable for your comp...when you finish the Expac you can get them better gear from the Rishi and Yavin dailies and the Yavin weekly.

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I do think a need for class should be implemented. The "but my companion!!!" argument doesn't even fly anymore (though tbh I never thought it flew to start.). As you level greens are more than doable for your comp...when you finish the Expac you can get them better gear from the Rishi and Yavin dailies and the Yavin weekly.


The for my companion never flew with me but with the introduction of the CM and all the new armors shells in the game getting armor comparible if not better then what is given or drops in like Heroics or FPs shouldn't even be a problem.


pair a Cybertech with the CM and you can easily outfit your comps.

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Abso-freakin-lutely. Made all the difference in LotRO.


Also led to BoP gear being awarded to the guildmate who had already won it five times over instead of the player of the same class, who had run the same instance with the same guildmates hundreds of times (more than six hundred the last I checked before quitting) in search of same drop, ever seeing the drop at all.


Oh, yeah, the "five times over" is only counting the times I saw the same item I needed go to guildmates who already had it, who were awarded it again in their player loot and had no ability to trade it to me, even though they were specifically trying to help me get that item.


I ended up leaving that game because my RNG was so horrible (and I suffered the same with getting major legacies for my offhands, but that's another discussion...)


Though LotRO didn't have the two-hour grace period allowing items to be traded within the group. If the grace period stayed (to avoid the nightmare described above, and allow guilds to trade redundant drops to the player who really needs it), I could definitely support class/player based loot.

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Instead of free for all?


Uhh as leader you can set it to master looter or actually talk to the people beforehand to establish rules. Other party members won't tolerate anyone breaking the rule.

Also I don't want this as we have something called legacy which allows us to move gear around to alts who need it. Very important in playing endgame. People can make rules on what can be needed on and for who beforehand but it shouldn't be a game mechanic to lock us out if you are running a guild run to get alts more gear. So I am against this as long as we have legacy and people actually communicate beforehand.

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