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Just saying... How to "save" SWTOR.


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I was wondering, if what I am to suggest below - is technically impossible. Please, read attentively. And sorry for my bad English.


Some whining, for starters: What the hell are these "undburdened" and "ventilated" gear? Seriously, what kind of a trainee was charged to do this? Fire him! This look so much like cheap "skimpy" mods for RPG games - just roughtly cut out interesting parts and pay no attention to object's design... Ventilated Scalene gear... Omg... Can you make me unsee it for 1200 CC, please?


I am not against excessively revealing clothes, but hell, there are so much gear models that could have been "cut" properly and could have been reasonably nice-looking. SO, the first point will be:


1. There are many beautiful low-level gear, and also civilians clothes on many planets are very nice-looking. It will be geat to have them via Cartel Market instead of stupid cutting or recoloring.


2. Hight level content should be progressive, and there must be an Index-filter. If you dont have the proper overall gear Index - you are not entering. Go back and farm some FP. Therfore unskilled or bad players - are also filtered. Entry-level PVE gear has to be earned the hard way with growing difficulty, so people may learn and get better by not having other choice.


3. Another way to give back reason to do FP runs - it should drop CC. Yes, yes, Cartel Coins. Or other tokens wich may be exchanged for CC. Not many. 1-5 per boss should be enought. That will make casual players want to play PVE daily, event if they are not targeting HM ops. Also, the rate of CC for subscribers may be augmented.


4. Now, this one is very important... I would love it to become true - all plantets should have High-level version with all missions repeatables, and H4 adapted for endgame difficulty, aaand - rewards! (tokens, If endgame FP-OP progression is adjusted correctly, or CC, if not, decorations should also do the trick)


The reason, why SWTOR is the most expensive MMO - is there: planets and quests... I would like this experience to be brought back. Imagine... Populated planets. Roleplay. PVP encouners. H4-groups. Casual players will have reasons to live the game again. Game will be truly endless. I understand the technical difficulty of this. But, it can be done planet by planet...


That is all for now. Please, tell me, why am I wrong on any of these. I bet SWTOR managers will notice this thread, won't they?

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...and there must be an Index-filter. If you dont have the proper overall gear Index - you are not entering. Go back and farm some FP. Therfore unskilled or bad players - are also filtered. Entry-level PVE gear has to be earned the hard way with growing difficulty, so people may learn and get better by not having other choice.


I don't see how that would weed out bad players. Gear is so easy to get in this game and the number 1 reason people are bad because they don't follow mechanics and stand in the bad circle or circles. This happens even with overgeared.


That aside, your post is quite hyperbolic. Why would I want CC for doing FP's? Give me some more decos! :p

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I d'want it to prosper and develop.


We all would. However, that ship has long sailed.


This game is akin to the Sith Empire, after the Battle of Corellia: it strives for survival, not domination or conquest.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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We all would. However, that ship has long sailed.


This game is akin to the Sith Empire, after the Battle of Corellia: it strives for survival, not domination or conquest.


Can you develop, please? It seems to me that everybody is pretty sure the game is going down.


Or links to threads on the subject...

Edited by Stormelf
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Can you develop, please? It seems to me that everybody is pretty sure the game is going down.


Or links to threads on the subject...


I don't believe the game is going down anytime soon. I do believe, however, that this is as good as it gets and it's all downhill from here. Assuming you've been around as long as I have -- closed Beta tester here BTW -- you look at the game, post-SoR, and what do you see?


Full fledged class stories, spawning a full planet, let alone a full chapter? Gone.

Unique stories for each faction? Gone.

Group phases similar to Vanilla or post-RotHC? Gone.

Flahspoints featuring secondary war scenarios, akin to the Vanilla ones? Gone.

Group heroic or Area missions? Gone.

Regular PvP updates? Gone.

Regular GSF updates? Gone.


And the list goes on and on and on...


Again, game ain't going anywhere anytime soon, but aside from regular CM updates, it has become a shadow of its former self, the same way Revan did. The latest expansion was released in December last year and still, they're trying to make harm's way, fixing the bugs plaguing Ravagers and ToS -- THREE MONTHS LATER.


Ultimately, Bioware Austin is akin to Imperial Balmorra: "understaffed and undersupplied",

The Empire -- EA in this case -- has set its sights on bigger fish. Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Here's 119 pages of why there is skimpy gear: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=425762&page=119


There's a demand for it, even if you don't happen to like it. (personally I don't care either way)


In Soviet Europe, Market allocates YOU!


P.S.: In America, we get a say in what's on the market, not the government (aka bioware)



^Please click for an inspiring American image.

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I don't believe the game is going down anytime soon. I do believe, however, that this is as good as it gets and it's all downhill from here. Assuming you've been around as long as I have -- closed Beta tester here BTW -- you look at the game, post-SoR, and what do you see?


Full fledged class stories, spawning a full planet, let alone a full chapter? Gone.

Unique stories for each faction? Gone.

Group phases similar to Vanilla or post-RotHC? Gone.

Flashpoints featuring secondary war scenarios, akin to the Vanilla ones? Gone.

Group heroic or Area missions? Gone.

Regular PvP updates? Gone.

Regular GSF updates? Gone.



Siiiiigh. So true.


The one that somehow escaped my attention until you brought it up is the H4 & Area Quests. Every planet up until Oricon/Ilum have those. I guess I got so used to the FA story arc that I just sort of forgot what a planet experience should be like.


And Yavin....ugh. It's a nice looking planet. But it's so damned LINEAR, which adds to the tedious feel it has after you've done those dailies enough to get the rep cap and that damned walker mount. The areas feel stupid small too - even in lower populated instances a lot of the quest objectives are just farmed to oblivion.

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Why are people assuming that we're not having faction unique stories anymore? Just because that was the case for Shadow of Revan doesn't make it the new standard. If Bioware wasn't planning to keep having a story for each faction, the Republic and Empire wouldn't have broke off their truce at the end of the expansion.
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Why are people assuming that we're not having faction unique stories anymore? Just because that was the case for Shadow of Revan doesn't make it the new standard. If Bioware wasn't planning to keep having a story for each faction, the Republic and Empire wouldn't have broke off their truce at the end of the expansion.


Basic deduction skills, in addition to reading comprehension, something you apparently lack.

Not to mention that, ever since Oricon, both factions have been experiencing the EXACT same story.


Then again, resident troll extraordinaire. Keep at it. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Basic deduction skills, in addition to reading comprehension, something you apparently lack.


Not to mention that, ever since Oricon, both factions have been experiencing the EXACT same story.


Then again, resident troll extraordinaire. Keep at it. ;)



You consider that trolling? Jesus, man.


That said, I geniunely hadn't seen that. I have to say that's pretty bad writing on Bioware's part. The Republic and Empire had no good in-character reasoning to split up RIGHT AFTER the Emperor showed up, but they did that and still plan to do a unified story? Didn't actually know that, and even I'M a little sore with them now.

Edited by Djiini
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