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What Are Your Expectations for Ziost?


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Official Ziost specs


5 Solo missions, the first will be different for both sides, and the last one will be a class mission.


2 Tactical flashpoints after the main storylines, both with solo mode. (boss fight strats coming soon)


Appearance designer, can use cartel coins or credits (cc are advisable as it will cost a LOT in credits).

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I'll tell you a story: Once upon a time, people wanted video games to be fun. The end.


I find this game very fun, for the two reasons I just said. There are much better games for group content and PVP.

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Official Ziost specs


5 Solo missions, the first will be different for both sides, and the last one will be a class mission.


2 Tactical flashpoints after the main storylines, both with solo mode. (boss fight strats coming soon)


Appearance designer, can use cartel coins or credits (cc are advisable as it will cost a LOT in credits).


Sounds about par for the course.

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Official Ziost specs


5 Solo missions, the first will be different for both sides, and the last one will be a class mission.


2 Tactical flashpoints after the main storylines, both with solo mode. (boss fight strats coming soon)


Appearance designer, can use cartel coins or credits (cc are advisable as it will cost a LOT in credits).


Can you go crawl to the hole from whence you came? :rolleyes:

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Expecting: Tactical FP

Small planet

Token dailies

A weekly



Large fleshed out endgame freeplay area. Not that disgusting excuse called Yavin.


While I have to agree with many of the sentiments voiced within this thread so far, I still have yet to see any viable solutions to how Ziost can be constructed in a dynamic manner which avoids many of the pitfalls that has plagued the planet areas voiced within this thread (i.e. small planet, daily grind, bugged ops, or meager tactical flash points).


What are aspects that you have liked about previous planetary additions that should remain, and what are things Bioware should forget about altogether? Me personally I don't get the enjoyment of daily areas, while it provides reasoning for a player to return to a planet, it adds no meaningful content to the game (addition of lore, story, or dynamic activity that is interactive in an evolving play mechanic (i.e. swoop bike race, pazaak, PvP implementation). I have enjoyed many tactical flash points if they add atmospheric and character driven value to a planet, but don't care for how they quickly became a game mechanic recycled to merely earn more comms (or make a Hard Mode). :confused:


In your post you mentioned a large "fleshed-out" endgame free-play area; but what does this look like? What are your primary desires for such an addition? More character story-lines specifically for your character's class? (I know many people want this and realize the amount of resources which would have to be put into this; although I thought the smaller class quests available during RIshi were at least a step in the right direction). I would love to see whole flashback cinematics to recap all the major events of my character's story, as I struggle to remember what has happened when I started my character more than a year ago). Would it involve the evolution of character companions, with more commentary, questlnes or voiced-dialogue (comparatively to Makeb, our companions were pretty silent in Rishi/Yavin)? Or is a new game mechanic necessary something that involves a "puzzle" approach to questlines (and what might that look like)? In the Makeb expansion we at least had the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid quest lines which in many ways (regardless if you liked the quest lines) added new types of quests and mechanics for trying to avoid lasers, interacting with puzzle quest aspects within the environment, jumping puzzles, and other such implementations. For Yavin and RIshi no such new mechanic or quest approach was provided, which left the game a little more stale in my opinion. How can this be remedied?


Perhaps I am optimistic, and would like to find ways to be constructive towards the future of this game despite its natural faults that many have noted within this thread (many of which I agree are valid; and if you think Ziost is a lost cause then you are entitled to that opinion). But what are the top ideas and wish list features which we could generate here so that Ziost has at least a prospective chance at being (dare I say it) a success? :rak_01:

Edited by ObsidianVashti
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While I have to agree with many of the sentiments voiced within this thread so far, I still have yet to see any viable solutions to how Ziost can be constructed in a dynamic manner which avoids many of the pitfalls that has plagued the planet areas voiced within this thread (i.e. small planet, daily grind, bugged ops, or meager tactical flash points).


What are aspects that you have liked about previous planetary additions that should remain, and what are things Bioware should forget about altogether? Me personally I don't get the enjoyment of daily areas, while it provides reasoning for a player to return to a planet, it adds no meaningful content to the game (addition of lore, story, or dynamic activity that is interactive in an evolving play mechanic (i.e. swoop bike race, pazaak, PvP implementation). I have enjoyed many tactical flash points if they add atmospheric and character driven value to a planet, but don't care for how they quickly became a game mechanic recycled to merely earn more comms (or make a Hard Mode). :confused:


In your post you mentioned a large "fleshed-out" endgame free-play area; but what does this look like? What are your primary desires for such an addition? More character story-lines specifically for your character's class? (I know many people want this and realize the amount of resources which would have to be put into this; although I thought the smaller class quests available during RIshi were at least a step in the right direction). I would love to see whole flashback cinematics to recap all the major events of my character's story, as I struggle to remember what has happened when I started my character more than a year ago). Would it involve the evolution of character companions, with more commentary, questlnes or voiced-dialogue (comparatively to Makeb, our companions were pretty silent in Rishi/Yavin)? Or is a new game mechanic necessary something that involves a "puzzle" approach to questlines (and what might that look like)? In the Makeb expansion we at least had the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid quest lines which in many ways (regardless if you liked the quest lines) added new types of quests and mechanics for trying to avoid lasers, interacting with puzzle quest aspects within the environment, jumping puzzles, and other such implementations. For Yavin and RIshi no such new mechanic or quest approach was provided, which left the game a little more stale in my opinion. How can this be remedied?


Perhaps I am optimistic, and would like to find ways to be constructive towards the future of this game despite its natural faults that many have noted within this thread (many of which I agree are valid; and if you think Ziost is a lost cause then you are entitled to that opinion). But what are the top ideas and wish list features which we could generate here so that Ziost has at least a prospective chance at being (dare I say it) a success? :rak_01:


I try to keep it brief because I'm at work. I can elaborate when I get off. Or level my inquisitor. Spoiler alert: It's probably the latter.*



*But you never know!

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My expectations:


  1. Lots of rage because someone's pet preference wasn't fulfilled.
  2. Lots of rage because the CM got an update and PvP/OPs/RP didn't.
  3. Lots of rage because all extant bugs were not fixed.
  4. Lots of rage because someone's headcanon was violated.



Lots of rage.

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Judging from the species it is, plus your avatar, not really. :p


Well that's good to know and yep I've wanted to play a togruta since I started playing TOR and was really pissed when they released Cathar before togruta especially when the playable cathar look nothing like the NPC cathar

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I'll tell you a story: Once upon a time, people wanted video games to be fun. The end.


Once upon a time people stopped playing games they didn't find fun, instead of crying on forums and treating people who find it fun like they are the ones with issues.

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I would like a large planet:


One that would have farming areas, something to keep us on the planet. the problem with current system is you go do your 7 dailies and then leave. So you invest maybe an hour tops a day in the new zone.


Zones need more then just dailies to keep them vibrant.


Things like Public events/quests that randomly happen.

Rare spawning mobs.

Random mission generator.

Rare Crafting nodes and drops from mobs with new crafting items for those mats.


I know none of the above will happen.. but would be nice.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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