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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Off-DPS for Lurker?


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For those of you tanks who switch to DPS for Underlurker, which spec do you find most useful or natural? Tactics? Plasma? Does stacking DPS stats (except accuracy) in tank cell work at all for VG as it does for Guardians?
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Whatever you can play competently. If you spec tactics you'll probably want to focus on taking out the lurkerlings ASAP, reducing incoming damage, while in plasmatech you would want to help bring down the boss to avoid the enrage.


I don't know about your second question but I'd avoid it. You can just activate ion cell during the cross to minimize damage received, and then go back to your chosen dps cell.

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For those of you tanks who switch to DPS for Underlurker, which spec do you find most useful or natural? Tactics? Plasma? Does stacking DPS stats (except accuracy) in tank cell work at all for VG as it does for Guardians?


Everything is stance locked so no. Anyway, Tactics is the best VG spec for Underlurker, simply because it has better mobility, can reflect a hell of a lot more damage, has AoE reduction, more range, and the most important thing.


It isn't being nerfed into the ground, then being buried under 20 tons of concrete before having the piece of rock it was buried in flown into the sun. Only for the sun it was flown into being destroyed by a superweapon. Only for the supernova created by the superweapon to be consumed by a black hole.

Edited by TACeMossie
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