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Kicked for a reason so stupid I had to laugh...


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of course i want the tank to stay, its a lot easier if they stay and speed up than to do it w/o them. also depends on the healer and the attitude of the group. i cant kick people out by myself. that's sort of a key point, isnt it?
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I mean this could be asked of 99% of the threads here. That being said, I don't think OP is whining.


I personally think the raiders just take the game too seriously, i mean so many things can be done in less gear they say they can't be done in....likely a way to make sure only the higher geared players do the run to allow easy progression.

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Oh look, another thread with uppity flashpoint heroes acting like they are a blessing to any queue just because they rolled tank or healer. And this time, it's not even on topic. I guess it's good to have a reminder every once in a while why I never queue for anything without the majority of the group being guild members.
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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.


There is a thread for such cases in the Community section you know...

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literate? that's an odd thing to say.


i dont think this is a stupid reason at all to kick someone. in fact its a very good reason.

this is a multiplayer game. if they dont want you in their group and fear you may hamper their progress, then they will remove you. they arent married to you; they dont have to group with you just because the groupfinder matched you.


if they thought you were in pvp gear you probably have 40k hp. kicking you before they see your skill is a bit aggressive, but like the rest of us, they probably have had to put up with so many poor performing players that they'd rather not try in the first place.



If I was in PvP gear yes it would be a good idea...., if it was clear I had a bunch of crap gear that would also be true


-----However none of the above applies.


When Called on it he changes his argument.


-----I am in mostly 192, and the gear was specifically picked to maximize the appropriate stats for healing (I will admit to being a min/maxer so some of it isn't even currency gear, I used crafted mods in my armor because some of the currency items choices are... odd), many, though not all, of the pieces even with top augments.


The only other option is to assume they think 198 gear is the proper FP level (which makes no sense whatsoever.)


So how is it wrong to say that the person may be illiterate, because if they had actually seen the gear they would see that their statement was way off and never made it.


Listen I know their are undergeared healers out there. More than once I have ended up in a HM where I ended up thrown in as dps, and half way through ended up saying "hey I can swap to heals if you want" and it was smooth sailing after that. Thing is the chain of events...


Not done opening cinematic (waiting on other players I was)> vote kick for PvP gear> called on the fact that couldn't be further from the truth> says "oh then your gear must have sucked" (very different than PvP gear and could not be further from the truth.)


As for "why this thread?"


People like complaining about bad players in PUGs (yes I do this too every now and then). It is only fair to show that there are also players who THINK they know what they are doing but have no clue as well. This is one of those times imo due to the circumstances.

Edited by Ghisallo
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So what is the point of this thread?

Besides the whining.

No to show that YOU elitist cry & kick everyone that doesn't have the top gear but yet then you ***** you cant fine anyone to join your asses in any FP "probly because your on their ignore list for booting them for no apparent reason" got to love these kids today :rolleyes:
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So what is the point of this thread?

Besides the whining.


Nope not to whine. Here is the thing. I used to be what many would call an "elitist". I raided hardcore in guilds where you were required to provide a phone number to the officers so you be subject to a 3am wake up call if necessary to log in because a contested mob had popped. The only reason I may not have truly fit the bill is that I was the kind who remembered when I was a noob so I tended to grin and bare it, if it got to bad I dropped group.


That said you hear and see a lot about how bad PUGs are how bad the "noobs" are etc. So, in the interest of balance, when I see someone who THINKS they are an elite player of some sort prove to be the noob I think it only right to put it out there. Funny how its fine to complain about your last "fail" PUG but when someone who acts like an elitist gets called on being...well fail...its suddenly whining lol.

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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.


That's ok - I got kicked from an HM FP the other day that I have ran umpteen times with relatively few issues other than the normal random pug issues. I was playing my healer at the time, and one DPS who was in somewhat poor gear for this particular HM FP, kept standing directly in AoE puddles - not kinds you can heal through, the "stupid" kind. We keep trying to get through this boss, time and again he can't get out of these things - has no idea how to manage his def cd, and keeps dying. All of a sudden he initiates a kick for me saying I was a terrible healer. The other two in the group who knew the fight mechanic and didn't stand in stupid - I had no issues keeping up and functioning, this maroon, not so much. In the end...I got kicked. Had to laugh, as the next time the GF popped I got the same HM FP and we breezed through it.

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Well when I first played a game with an LFD queue I learned something quick as a healer... When you have a bunch of wipes because one dps keeps standing in stupid whisper the tank saying "Jesus if Bob would stop standing in stupid you are not supposed to heal through the boss would be dead." If it goes past 5 wipes I then in group say "Bob, do you know the fight? You keep standing in fire that no one can heal through. I can explain the fight if you need."


Basically preempt the fail dps's QQ. Also I am not afraid to put in group "Hey tank...have you run this before? Don't be afraid to ask." If they are either a little under geared, having group pull AoE aggro issues or are dying likely due to poor CD management. This way I am not the goat for other people's failures.

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Err...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't HM FP's where you get better gear? "You can't do this FP until you've gotten the gear from doing this FP!" seems kind of odd. I mean, if you were in 178 or something I might understand, because you can get 186 quite easily.


Ah well, so glad I'm in a guild that has my back and is helping me gear up.

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