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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kicked for a reason so stupid I had to laugh...


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And then you ask why tanks/healers don't queue.


I always find it funny that 9 times out of 10 if someone dies the ones who will get blamed for it is the tank, the healer, or on rare occasions both even when it wasn't actually their fault it's just that the rest don't want to admit they screwed up.

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And then you ask why tanks/healers don't queue.


One Sentinel got killed today in KDY because everyone was just "hurry up we don't have whole day". Do you even understand what that does to healer. Seeing dps going down and you can't help. I did warn about my bad healing at the beginning. Almost got kicked because of that.


Dang you beat me to it! :p

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speaking as a player who plays multiple tanks and healer classes mostly


when it comes to PUGs,

DPS has exactly ZERO say in speed or tactics used in a HM Flashpoint

If they don't like that, they can leave

If they try and pull, well

I will often simply allow a PUG DPS who pulls to die

When they complain (and they always do) I just shrug

"Tank pulls, if you don't like it you are free to leave and be replaced at a snap of a finger"

Course I'm also not trying to set speed run records and don't object to a slower pace if that's what the tank comfortable with. I can do the fast speed run or slow plodding run, makes no difference to me and prefer the TANK (not the DPS) is comfortable with the action and rotation happening.


To many DPS players think they are the focus point of a PUG


As for OP

I wouldnt have kicked him, and certainly not for gear issues (unless greatly under 186 in a 60 HM as there is simply no acceptable reason to not have 186 now with how easy basic coms come).


But I also suspect the OP isn't giveing us all the full story on what happened to him/her

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or they both can just vote you out...that gives them a say now doesnt it?


never been voted out so nope, really doesnt give them a say

But you keep fooling yourself if you want to think otherwise


See truth is most good dps hate you types that pull and try to force the actions as much as the tanks and healers.

Edited by Kalfear
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Let's imagine this:

I'm noob-healing real FP. Tank is good but a bit slow. DPS is 2x Zerg-Maras.


Who I'm going to heal? You guessed right. Tank. I wouldn't waste my resources on DPS who pulls before the tank. Tank is the only one between enemies and me. DPS can't handle aggro like good tank does. In case of Maras I don't have problems with sacrificing them.

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never been voted out so nope, really doesnt give them a say

But you keep fooling yourself if you want to think otherwise


See truth is most good dps hate you types that pull and try to force the actions as much as the tanks and healers.

i've voted out plenty of tanking divas in my day.


actually knocked one out of korriban last night. we finished it with 3 dps and a healer. no problemo.


but i guess i was just fooling myself?


dps can be annoying of course, so can healers and tanks. being a tank and hard to replace affords you the ability to be more difficult to tolerate...and breeds a bad attitude in many.

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speaking as a player who plays multiple tanks and healer classes mostly


when it comes to PUGs,

DPS has exactly ZERO say in speed or tactics used in a HM Flashpoint

If they don't like that, they can leave

If they try and pull, well

I will often simply allow a PUG DPS who pulls to die

When they complain (and they always do) I just shrug

"Tank pulls, if you don't like it you are free to leave and be replaced at a snap of a finger"

Course I'm also not trying to set speed run records and don't object to a slower pace if that's what the tank comfortable with. I can do the fast speed run or slow plodding run, makes no difference to me and prefer the TANK (not the DPS) is comfortable with the action and rotation happening


Pretty much on board with this. If I'm on my healer, I'll move with the pace of the tank. If I'm tanking I run it pretty quick, but I always make sure the healer is completely regen'd before the next pull.


Regarding a dps pulling, I let them die, they pull again, they're removed.


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i've voted out plenty of tanking divas in my day.


actually knocked one out of korriban last night. we finished it with 3 dps and a healer. no problemo.


but i guess i was just fooling myself?


dps can be annoying of course, so can healers and tanks. being a tank and hard to replace affords you the ability to be more difficult to tolerate...and breeds a bad attitude in many.


>thinking finishing a tactical with no tank is an accomplishment


oh lawdy my sides. I'm dying

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And then they sit around waiting for another healer or tank. While the tank or healer gets another group pretty much instantly.
hey if thats what they'd prefer.


still quicker than dropping and re-entering the queue tho isnt it?

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The one thing I love about playing a Healer is that I literally hold your life in my hands if you don't do what the tank (who sets the pace) tells you and you try to pull instead of him I'll let you die without hesitation.


It's a group effort and yahoos who do stupid things that risk the rest of the group deserve what they get. Death and a repair bill. ;)

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>thinking finishing a tactical with no tank is an accomplishment


oh lawdy my sides. I'm dying

it was a hardmode...korriban is easy.

who does tacticals anymore?

i dont think it was an accomplishment, he said its never happened and im just giving an example.


ive done every hm now except BH without a true tank. of course this is with people i know. i'd rather do it with a tank but if you pull enough silly diva crap or take too slow, then *poof* cya later!

Edited by Pagy
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The one thing I love about playing a Healer is that I literally hold your life in my hands if you don't do what the tank (who sets the pace) tells you and you try to pull instead of him I'll let you die without hesitation.


Best thing about it?

There's plenty of DPS in queue just waiting for it... And if you have even a little bit of luck you get a good DPS.

Edited by Halinalle
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The one thing I love about playing a Healer is that I literally hold your life in my hands if you don't do what the tank (who sets the pace) tells you and you try to pull instead of him I'll let you die without hesitation.


It's a group effort and yahoos who do stupid things that risk the rest of the group deserve what they get. Death and a repair bill. ;)

teaching humility is fun for sure but ultimately slows things down.


anyone whos played a healer has done this for sure

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teaching humility is fun for sure but ultimately slows things down.


anyone whos played a healer has done this for sure


True it slows you down but I'd rather take a minute or two to teach him or her a lesson and move on then to have him or her not learn one and wipe the whole group which will slow us down even more.


It's comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils.

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silly diva crap or take too slow, then *poof* cya later!


So, let me get this straight. You simply kill off anyone who doesn't meet your standards, BEFORE even asking them to speed up and tanks are the divas? You don't seem to understand that it has always been the case that tanks have set the pace a group moves at. This is not a player driven phenomenon. It's how a *********** MMO is built.

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for sure every situation is different.


i was with two guildies and a pug tank for hm manaan before a raid a cpl weeks back and the healer wanted to teach the tank some humility for tanking only one add at a time.


tank went full diva and left. we did the first boss with treek and i tanked the rest in my dps gear after we queued for another dps.

Edited by Pagy
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So, let me get this straight. You simply kill off anyone who doesn't meet your standards, BEFORE even asking them to speed up and tanks are the divas? You don't seem to understand that it has always been the case that tanks have set the pace a group moves at. This is not a player driven phenomenon. It's how a *********** MMO is built.
of course i ask them to speed up first? why wouldnt i?


i dont think anyone disagrees that the tank shoud pull and set the pace. sometimes that pace is too slow...its just a matter of opinion. sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesnt. case by case basis.

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