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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bug on Ancient Hypergate map?


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Hello, so the first time I experienced it I dismissed it as whatevs but having happening again I would like to ask if this a bug and happened to others, (it's only happened twice and only in the last month)


On the Ancient Hypergate map I was in mid on the sides to prevent LOS and grapple while waiting for the other team to take cover and ambush them or knock back with others. My back is against the wall and clearly in a soon as a open up I die not from enemy fire but the pylon fire (0 dmg from Pylon). No one else near me dies. The other time I was mid as well and standing on the centerpiece and no enemies nearby and was right on top of a teamate who didn't die. Has this happened to anyone else? It doesn't seem like its intended and wonder if I'm clipping some environment making the game think I'm outside when I'm not.


Just wanted to share and ask.



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I've had the same issue of dying to the pylon even tho im clearly standing inside the room. At first i didnt think much of it but i've realized its happening a lot to me. Im starting to take screen shots of where i die every time it happens from now on to see if i can maybe figure out if its a certain place im standing that is somehow bugged.


http://imgur.com/45GbmHg Heres one i hav so far

Edited by Arikon-
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I've had this happen several times as well. My best guess is the problem is your position is not being updated on the server for whatever reason. Best thing I can think of to do is, once you are inside, jump. Jumping auto updates your position on the servers.
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Hypergate has been causing me all sorts of problems today, although I have not had this specific problem yet, I have been dc/booted from several and needed to restart pc each time since I was not even able to login after


Everything else in game was working normally

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Not sure if the spec has anything to do with it, but this only happens on my sage.


Was Balance since I rolled the character, never a problem. 3.0, never a problem. Once I respecced a few weeks ago to TK, it happened a few times.


I never get this on my other characters.

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