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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce I now have 12 level 60's. Server first.


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To: Sir Copperfield

From: Bryce Q. Cheathem, Esq.




I have resorted to contacting you through this online gaming forum, as all my other attempts to reach you by mail, phone, and in person have come to naught. I regret to inform you that you have missed your last three divorce proceedings, as well as two child custody hearings. Due to this, the judges in both matters have issued judgements favoring your wife. Congratulations, you are now divorced. You are also hereby banned from seeing your two lovely daughters. Your alimony and child support payments of $1000/week will hereafter be deducted from your Social Security and Welfare payments, leaving you with a grand total of $40/month to live on. Good luck. Your wife suggests you use some of the millions of credits you have amassed to pay for food and lodging. She further suggests you use your vast knowledge of "achievements" and "PvP" to give lectures, that other similarly mentally challenged individuals will no doubt pay you handsomely for in real-world currency.


On a more personal note, I must tell you that your ex-wife and I have become quite fond of one another. She and the children are moving in with me, and I promise you that I will take good care of them. We have even come up with some very creative ways for your ex-wife to pay off her legal fees. Such fun! I promise you that I will spare no expense to rid your daughters of the night terrors that have them awaken screaming "For the love of God! Cleanse you Bastards! Heal! Heal!"


Please do not attempt to contact any of us, in any manner, as there are numerous protection orders in effect proscribing any contact at all, of any kind. I carry a gun and will not hesitate to use it.


Good luck in any real world endeavors,


Atty. Bryce Cheathem


P.S. The electric, gas and water will all be turned off later this afternoon.

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Does anyone ever see this guy in game? I wonder what kind of player he is.

I do. And he's the best kind.


One time, in a Voidstar, we were down to 87 seconds remaining without a bomb planted in the 1st room...Sir Copperfield joined after someone quit, saw the dire straights our team was in, and rather than lecturing us all, he proceeded to leap into action, planting the bomb, extending the bridge, planting the next bomb and getting through the last rooms barrier before time expired. Had he had just 20 seconds more, I know he'd have hit the data core.


Round 2 started...Imps knew they were doomed, warzone shut down after 30 seconds. Who wants to fight impossible odds?


He's amazing...<3

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WTH does the OP saying?

I have 9 60s, master crafter, all datacrons, achieve number 36k+, 70+mill overall

and im semi-casual player :eek::eek::eek:


not to mention that are ppl with 22 60s already


And OP? server 1st can only be sure for it is for the achievements,

Anyone can reach 60...only Sir Copperfield can do it like he does. Show him the respect he deserves and stop trying to compare your casual achievements to his legendary ones. Geezus...kids these days.

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Anyone can reach 60...only Sir Copperfield can do it like he does. Show him the respect he deserves and stop trying to compare your casual achievements to his legendary ones. Geezus...kids these days.


I agree. These kids have no respect for a real genius. I say, the parents of these kids should thrown their kids out at once. It's no hope for them. Making fun of Sir Copperfield... what's next? Making fun of the Emperor? Or our mighty saviour, leaveshill?

No, I can't take this. I need to... sit down.....

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