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Is Alacrity > Accuracy even for DPS ?


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My GuildMaster is a Sage healer (gearing like 7x alacrity 2x surge + 6 pieces bonus) and recently for story mode operation where 1 heal is sufficient (depending to encounter) he swaps to DPS (TK) but with the same gear.


We observe that his parse was really close to another sage in DPS gear (same level of gear) :eek:


If we forget the "level of skill", "rng for miss", "latency" ....


At which point alacrity can surpass accuracy ? And it is even possible ?

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this is what i get assuming you spam one ability (no crit,surge, alacrity buffs from trees):


uptime power rating crit rating surge rating accuracy rating alacrity rating

0.5 1990 810 342 758 0

0.6 2022 778 342 758 0

0.7 2022 778 183 758 160

0.8 1975 825 265 686 149

0.9 1990 810 237 565 298

1 2007 793 211 455 433


assuming 4300 main stat (pre buff) and 2800 force/tech power.

Edited by dipstik
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Alacrity is an incredibly powerful stat, moreso than any other stat in current gear levels. However, there are a couple of exceptions.


1. The first 300 points of surge are usually tied on a 1-for-1 basis with alacrity. After that point, surge hits such high diminishing returns that you dont bother with it again until alacrity gets over 1800 points.


2. You should get a few Power or Mainstat augments. 4-6 of them should be enough


3. You want 100% accuracy. Not because it gives more returns, but because the returns are more reliable. Whats the point of getting 10% more attacks if you miss 10% of your attacks? (Especially if the attack that misses is a big hit such as Turbulence, Cell Burst or Assault Plastique)

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Dipstik's post is correct, at least insofar as accuracy relates to alacrity. On a point for point basis, accuracy is very slightly stronger than alacrity, purely because accuracy is adding percentage points to a multiplier that starts at 0.9 rather than 1. However because of diminishing returns, you get your best average DPS by stacking almost as much alacrity as accuracy. And since you have to work with the values you can get with the pieces in game, for best average DPS you should use an equal number of accuracy and alacrity pieces.


That said, accuracy also improves consistency. Most people agree that consistency is worth losing the small ammount of average DPS you lose by taking it to 100%.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Not sure about alacrity, but these are notes I have when building up accuracy for a few of my toons (PVE using combo of equipment rating 180 or above.):



  1. I get ~33-40% misses with accuracy between 90-97% on all mobs
  2. With a little above 97% accuracy, no more misses on Non-boss mobs but still ~4-10% misses on bosses (Ops/FP). Although for some reason my PT is the only class with about 1-2% misses, but I don't know why.
  3. At and above 100%, I don't have misses on the bosses anymore, except toons using dual weapons (ie. Mercenary dps). I still get around 1%. I was able to get close to 102% and I still get misses, so there is no point of trying to get higher.


I use Parsec to capture and read off the log results of the fights, but I dont have time to compile. I'm sure there are posts you can read on people who theorize the effects of accuracy vs alacrity, but they are probably based on dps'ing the dummy and I don't find these very helpful. So, if you have a little bit of time, you may want to get Parsec and try to do some observation...maybe you'll find some interesting results...good luck!

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Not sure about alacrity, but these are notes I have when building up accuracy for a few of my toons (PVE using combo of equipment rating 180 or above.):



  1. I get ~33-40% misses with accuracy between 90-97% on all mobs
  2. With a little above 97% accuracy, no more misses on Non-boss mobs but still ~4-10% misses on bosses (Ops/FP). Although for some reason my PT is the only class with about 1-2% misses, but I don't know why.
  3. At and above 100%, I don't have misses on the bosses anymore, except toons using dual weapons (ie. Mercenary dps). I still get around 1%. I was able to get close to 102% and I still get misses, so there is no point of trying to get higher.


I use Parsec to capture and read off the log results of the fights, but I dont have time to compile. I'm sure there are posts you can read on people who theorize the effects of accuracy vs alacrity, but they are probably based on dps'ing the dummy and I don't find these very helpful. So, if you have a little bit of time, you may want to get Parsec and try to do some observation...maybe you'll find some interesting results...good luck!


Only gold+ enemies have a natural force/tech resist, so PTs (especially pyro spec) Operatives (concealment spec) and Sorcs only need accuracy for bossfights

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