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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lord Modo in KDY takes WAY too long

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I know how to fight it.

How can you be so sure?


I've never had a 9-minute run on Modo, and I've run it with plenty of derps.

I cannot control the other 3 people!

If you're such the expert on this fight (as you seem be to implying) why wouldn't you give the others advice? Are you just looking for a faceroll experience? Do you even talk to the other players in the group at all?


Looking back in this thread and I see this:

What is KDY for? Leveling. It's not there to refine people's skills at the game.

Why must the leveling experience require absolutely no player skill whatsoever? If that's what you're interested in, then go run solo content at > 6 levels over recommended. You won't have to refine your skill at the game at all.


But group content? I believe that SHOULD require some level of coordination, cooperation and at least a modicum of competence. If someone fights Sairisi for 20 minutes, it's not because the developers gave him too much HP, it's because the players never figured out to dps the droids at the same time. As soon as they figure it out, the fight goes from a drag to a win.


There's probably something similar happening with your fights with Modo.

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If you don't think KDY isn't JUST for leveling, then you, my friend, are a lost cause.


Why else would it be for levels 15-54? Why doesn't it give almost a full bar of XP when you run it?


Yes, I have told people to man the kolto stations... stay out of getting stunned, etc. Doesn't mean they do it.


All I am asking is that it be on par with the other two boss fights. 5-7 minutes. Yes, I am whining over 2 minutes. It's just moronic for it to be any different than the other two.

Edited by LJ_Gibbs
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If you don't think KDY isn't JUST for leveling, then you, my friend, are a lost cause.

"Lost cause"? What's the heck is your cause, anyway? "Eliminate all skill from the leveling process?"


You've taken one of the easiest flashpoints in the entire game, and started arguing how one of the boss fights takes to long and needs to be nerfed.


Then, other people respond with how it doesn't take them that long, but this doesn't pique your interest even a little bit. No questions from you about how to run it better. Never asking for advice. Never ONCE considering that it might be within your grasp to make that fight run better without Bioware hitting it with the nerf hammer.



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Lost cause as in it's a lost cause to talk to you. Why? You came on here like some Tommy Tough guy and said "learn to play"


I know how to make it last 7 minutes. Don't get caught in the red. Don't get hit with his knockback. And dps to the best of your abilities that you have at the time. It still takes considerably longer (2 minutes) than the other two guys, no matter how you want to look at it. People turn it into an e-peen thing. "Oh you suck if you can't do it faster than me". It's ok. I expected it. All I know is EVERY SINGLE TIME I go into that flashpoint, the whole group MOANS about how Modo sucks. Now why would that be? Maybe because it IS the longest fight of all the ones in the flashpoint. Is it too much to ask to make it on par with the others? I guess so for you as you bring up the "nerfhammer". Nerfhammer would make it 3 minutes with no strategy at all.


Thank you for your continued interest in my post.

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"With abilities you have at that level" What's this?


You use abilities you have at that level, not just abilities some guide tells you to use.

If you have any DoTs use them even if it's not part of your rotation.


It takes this level 55 group less than 3 minutes to kill Jedi:



This level 55 Operative kills trooper in less than 6 minutes (and yes, that's HK so no lack of dps):


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Lost cause as in it's a lost cause to talk to you. Why? You came on here like some Tommy Tough guy and said "learn to play"

It's interesting that this is your take away from my posts. Or perhaps you're conflating me with other people in this thread? I'm not telling you to "learn to play". I'm telling you to start "asking for advice".


It's an approach to handling group content in this game. Your posts all act like you know everything there is to know about everything, and that the developers have made a horrible mistake and need to rectify that immediately.


But what if there were something else to learn? What if, instead of demanding for the fight to be changed, you had it within your power to change the dynamic of that fight yourself?

Edited by Khevar
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When was the last time you did it with level 15 ?


This... This right here. When you go in say under 20 or so, you do have a limited number of abilities. Spamming them in the best rotation you can while avoiding the knockbacks and the stuns is about all you can do. Name something else that could possibly be done. What other advice do I possibly need? Please enlighten me. I've done the droid and the guy with the grenades many, many times fighting for about 5 minutes. So I would like to think I do know a little bit about how to play.

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This... This right here. When you go in say under 20 or so, you do have a limited number of abilities. Spamming them in the best rotation you can while avoiding the knockbacks and the stuns is about all you can do.

So all this fuss about low-level characters got me curious. I had a level 10 Assassin sitting around gather dust, so I leveled him to 15 and queued for KDY.


I was hoping for Master Khoris (the imperial counterpart of Lord Modo) but I got Major Benes three times in a row. (Go figure).


Anyway, my level 15 Hatred Assassin (screenshot) pulled 730 single-target dps on Benes (screenshot), despite having to cleanse the grenades, attack the adds, and go to the Kolto stations a couple of times.


I suppose I could keep requeing until I got Khoris for a more precise comparison. But there's hardly more downtime in Khoris than with Benes as long as you don't stand in Every. Freaking. Circle.


So this theoretical 9-minute fight of yours? Which adds up to 360 dps per player? Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say there is something that could be learned.

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Well, then. oh SWTOR master.... enlighten me. What do I need to learn?


Do I need to learn to control 3 other players brains through the Internet to make them do all their rotations at optimum? Do I need to control their brains to make them stay out of every stun (which I don't think that was the problem).


I am just trying to state that if the KDY flashpoint were to have 3 boss fights that a roughly the same time (by the way there is less uptime on the droid boss than there is on Modo to theoretically IT should have the longest fight time, but in my experience it hasn't) I wouldn't be so frustrated with it.

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My first suggestion is that you turn on combat logging and upload your next Lord Modo fight to Torparse.


If you're only running around 360 dps, someone could help you spot some basic things that are going on.

Edited by Khevar
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So, this boss is tougher and more time-consuming than others in KDY. I got it. So what? Is that such a big deal?

I don't rly get ur problem with that. Let's say you are a good player. Let's say other 3 players suck to some point. As you claim. It should at least be challenging for you.

If the length is only problem, then it's like 3 mins more? 2 mins? Not that much time. It matters though if you ONLY do KDY while leveling. But in this case you don't care about fun.

I kinda get that it might be a little inconvenient for you. What I don't understand is why you think such a little matter requires redesigning entire boss fight, which always proves to be hard for BW( usually when they nerf something they kill all the fun ). So don't expect the ''issue'' to be adressed.

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Tbh if you are levelling through KDY then you clearly don't care about having fun, so why does it matter if a dull, boring and easy fight takes 2 minutes longer than you want? You would only have spent those 2 minutes bored out of your mind doing a different bit of kdy.


And why complain about a long boss. Have you noticed that the "destroy 3 cannon" mission takes longer than "ship assembly"?


why should everything take exactly the same amount of time?

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KDY need to be more challenging to be fun and not soo bored


You're not going to get more challenge out of a tactical flashpoint. even if it can be run at max level, it also has to be able to be possible to be run successfully by 4 dps with barely any skills and no self heals at level 15. of course the healing ports help, but holding the boss near a healing port and clicking it on cooldown is hardly a challenge. Getting out of the circles is the challenge of that boss and it's fairly difficult as is. I am fine with harder overall content, but it's a 15-60 tactical flashpoint, give people a break. KDY's floors go so fast yet some of the bosses take quite a while to complete. It would be nice if they shaved a minute's worth of health off of him IMO.

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KDY's floors go so fast yet some of the bosses take quite a while to complete. It would be nice if they shaved a minute's worth of health off of him IMO.


It takes less than 3 minutes to kill Sith/Jedi boss in level 55 version. How many minutes would you like to be removed?

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