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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Returning player - where to start?

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So, as stated, I am returning to SWTOR after approx a 10 month break. When I left, DF/DP were the top end & the had just released the NiM for both. My guild had SM on farm for both and we were having pretty good success in HM DF, but still struggling a bit in HM DP. Sadly, the guild I was in dissolved while I was gone and many things have changed game-wise.


The two toons I mained were my Carnage Marauder (which I notice is gutted nicely now, thanks BW..) & my Medicine Operative. Both are outfitted nicely in mostly 180 ultimate comms gear and raid drops gear from those Ops.


My questions is now, once I hit 60, where should I look to start gearing for this next level of content? Obviously, I'll be looking to join a guild, thats a given. But from what I have read around here, it seems the new FP's do not give rewards relative to difficulty and on top of that, the comms gear is not much better.


So, realistically, what should I be doing to start re-gearing for this next tier of content?


Thanks in advance for the insight.

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Once You hit 60hopefully You will have a ton of basic comm. Buy a full gear and start doing weekly/gf uests to start grinding out next tier comms. Meanwhile if You think You are ready just find a pug gtoup for ravagers and tos sm. Once You collect enough comm+token gear (2-3 weekes with a small luck) You are ready to do HM with Your guildies.


Gl and welcome back.

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Keep 180 set bonus and gets some crafted enhancements of 186. Also 186 relics are now craftable. The 2 new ops are Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice. Ravages on Rishi ToS on Yavin. You should have no trouble clearing these on SM and getting the token pieces of 192. 198 is now the top gear from HM. They have new class guides out and read up on the discipline system. Best of luck.
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