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Lifetime Memebership For SWTOR/F2P-Preferred status Rant


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That's sums you up well.. given STO and GW2 has more accounts then SWTOR


neither STO or GW2 even made the top 15 MMORPG list for revenue in 2014


SW:TOR was #4


If your going to call people names and argue semantics, at least know about the topic you are argueing for


EVERYTHING that other poster said to you was 100% correct

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ESO was a steaming pile of.. well crap. Also ESO was just like SWTOR at launch.. it was going to be SUB only and are having to retool to F2P


PW made a hub for all there games which is ARC just because they started a new hub but have the older stites still up does not mean bait and switch... not sure how you came to that conclusion. Also name one ship has gear restrictions in STO? Here is a hint there is none. You can slap a MK14 weapon on a tier 4 just as you can at tier 6...


Also you can get free Tier 6 and tier 5 ships so no you do not have to grind and grind, in fact in the last 2 months they have given away through in game events a T-6 cruiser and carrier that were fleet level.. and the expansion for T-6 just came out.. they already gave away 2 free to any who played the events. You get a free ships all the way up to T-4 just from leveling and they are ample for any basic content. Sounds like you do not even play.


I know just how restrictive STO is if you choose not to spend your money to remove those restrictions.


The ships you can get for "free" in STO are far inferior to the ships bought in their version of a CM.


The bought ships have more equipment slots and come with special superior equipment that is only available through their version of a CM.


Yes, you can get those bought ships for "free" in the game via the lockboxes (equivalent to SWTOR gambling packs) which drop from mobs. The caveat, however, is they require keys which must be purchased from their version of a CM in order to be opened.


That doesn't sound like full access to everything for free to me.



SWTOR doesn't sell you better gear in the CM than what you can get in the game. The restrictions that SWTOR places on F2P and preferred are, as someone pointed out earlier, much more honest and up front than STO.

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neither STO or GW2 even made the top 15 MMORPG list for revenue in 2014


SW:TOR was #4


If your going to call people names and argue semantics, at least know about the topic you are argueing for


EVERYTHING that other poster said to you was 100% correct


Good lord its talking to a wall....


Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue.... now read that again... and again lets repeat it

Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue... now should I repeat that so it sinks in?

Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue... now that's said... here is some info..


In the year ended December 31, 2013, Perfect World earned RMB3.1 billion ($504 million) in revenue, up from RMB2.8 billion in 2012.


They do not release how much NWN or STO is part of that number..

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I know just how restrictive STO is if you choose not to spend your money to remove those restrictions.


The ships you can get for "free" in STO are far inferior to the ships bought in their version of a CM.


The bought ships have more equipment slots and come with special superior equipment that is only available through their version of a CM.


Yes, you can get those bought ships for "free" in the game via the lockboxes (equivalent to SWTOR gambling packs) which drop from mobs. The caveat, however, is they require keys which must be purchased from their version of a CM in order to be opened.


That doesn't sound like full access to everything for free to me.



SWTOR doesn't sell you better gear in the CM than what you can get in the game. The restrictions that SWTOR places on F2P and preferred are, as someone pointed out earlier, much more honest and up front than STO.


You haven't played..


Special consoles are on free ships as well... In fact one the 1st Tier 6 fleet level ships was the FREE ship you got from the Q winter event. The free carrier has more slots then ANY T6 store bought ship they sell at this time.




So no you do not have get lock box ships to have end game ships for free.


STO does have restrictions on bank and credit limits just like STO but there credit limit is much higher. BUT they have NO LIMITS on content.


STO doesn't sell "better" gear it's just different... If you do not like the style of the free ships then you can spend money to buy a different style ship but all the ships in the same class and tier have the same number of console for there respective class ship..


Hell for people who paid money for T-6 ships will have to wait till fleet versions come out giving the advantage to people using the FREE fleet T-6 ships that they gave away during the winter and q events in the last 3 months.


So please stop with the disinformation...

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I know just how restrictive STO is if you choose not to spend your money to remove those restrictions.


The ships you can get for "free" in STO are far inferior to the ships bought in their version of a CM.


The bought ships have more equipment slots and come with special superior equipment that is only available through their version of a CM.


Yes, you can get those bought ships for "free" in the game via the lockboxes (equivalent to SWTOR gambling packs) which drop from mobs. The caveat, however, is they require keys which must be purchased from their version of a CM in order to be opened.


That doesn't sound like full access to everything for free to me.



SWTOR doesn't sell you better gear in the CM than what you can get in the game. The restrictions that SWTOR places on F2P and preferred are, as someone pointed out earlier, much more honest and up front than STO.


The thing is, you don't have to spend money to unlock the restrictions. All you have to do is grind dilithium and convert it to zen so that you can unlock those restrictions.

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I'm not going to argue about the difference between physical and Fiscal.. if is a annual report its fiscal year.

If you read the article they had LOTRO up there as it had SUB + MICRO earning listed. Also Perfect World does not release individual game earnings. So there is no way to list STO or any other of the PW games.


And nowhere on the figure does it say "Annual report", it clearly says 2013. Furthermore, the SuperData figures were released mid-July 2014, so even if EAs financial year ends in June, the data regarding the physical year 2013 were available.


Also where the hell are you getting 2.5mil for sto over 5 years.. more made up information on your part. Given there own release on there 4 your celebration with 3.2 million and it was at 3.5 over a year ago.


And you accused me of being dense lol. The 3.2/3.8 million figures were not Accounts but CAPTAINS.


This is their 5 year anniversary infographic and It very clearly states "2.5 Million Acounts and growing!" underneath the "3.8 Million in command", and this was released Jan 29 2015. Therefore it's 2.5 mil for sto over 5 years.


Thanks for quoting EA made up BS... so they go from 3.5 total to 10 mil... ya BS.. 10 million.. what a load of crap.. that's not even wow numbers anymore. Honestly this quote is to funny " From Jeff Hickman's introduction: 10 million + account created. 1 million + playing monthly." But hey keep sniffing what your sniffing you believe that.


Oh how quickly we went from "All you can go by is what the company's have released" to "OMG DAT IS BULLSHEEEET". I gave you numbers from official sources that show SWTOR have vastly more accounts created than STO. Even if you, for whatever reason, don't believe the 10 million figure, even the 3.7+ million figure beats STO severely.


As for "not even WoW numbers" you're absolutely right. WoW has over 10 million Subscribers as of Nov '14, and more than 100million accounts created as of Dec '13: http://media.wow-europe.com/infographic/en/world-of-warcraft-infographic.html

Edited by MFollin
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You haven't played..


Special consoles are on free ships as well... In fact one the 1st Tier 6 fleet level ships was the FREE ship you got from the Q winter event. The free carrier has more slots then ANY T6 store bought ship they sell at this time.




So no you do not have get lock box ships to have end game ships for free.


STO does have restrictions on bank and credit limits just like STO but there credit limit is much higher. BUT they have NO LIMITS on content.


STO doesn't sell "better" gear it's just different... If you do not like the style of the free ships then you can spend money to buy a different style ship but all the ships in the same class and tier have the same number of console for there respective class ship..


Hell for people who paid money for T-6 ships will have to wait till fleet versions come out giving the advantage to people using the FREE fleet T-6 ships that they gave away during the winter and q events in the last 3 months.


So please stop with the disinformation...


First of all, I have played. I stopped playing regularly when they went so blatantly P2W depsite the fact that I several admirals. I still login occasionally to continue the Characters/stories I have not finished. I still have a Kilngon and a Romulan I'm working on getting to max level.


You forget to mention that that carrier costs 1000 autographed pictures of Q.


Those are obtained by a couple of different methods.


One is by winning Q's race, which can only be done ONCE PER DAY during the event. That's not a lot of opportunity to grind them, is it?


Another way way is to purchase them with lobi crystals which can be obtained in limited quantities doing soe limited missions, or you can <GASP> obtain them from those lockboxes I mentioned. You know, those lockboxes that require those KEYS that are only available through their version of a CM.


With the apparent exception of that carrier, the ships available from their version of a CM are far superior to the same level of ship that is available in game. their version of a CM does not just sell different "looks" for the ships, but sells BETTER SHIPS. That makes STO P2W in my book.

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Good lord its talking to a wall....


Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue.... now read that again... and again lets repeat it

Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue... now should I repeat that so it sinks in?

Perfect World doesn't release individual game revenue... now that's said... here is some info..


In the year ended December 31, 2013, Perfect World earned RMB3.1 billion ($504 million) in revenue, up from RMB2.8 billion in 2012.


They do not release how much NWN or STO is part of that number..


Again, if your going to argue semantics, at least have a clue what your speaking of


The info is out there if you care to find it

I suspect you dont so you can keep yelling perfect world (who games are not now and never has been larger then any of the top 20 MMORPGs).


But what ever kid, you keep pretending you have a clue about this genre

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First of all, I have played. I stopped playing regularly when they went so blatantly P2W depsite the fact that I several admirals. I still login occasionally to continue the Characters/stories I have not finished. I still have a Kilngon and a Romulan I'm working on getting to max level.


You forget to mention that that carrier costs 1000 autographed pictures of Q.


Those are obtained by a couple of different methods.


One is by winning Q's race, which can only be done ONCE PER DAY during the event. That's not a lot of opportunity to grind them, is it?


Another way way is to purchase them with lobi crystals which can be obtained in limited quantities doing soe limited missions, or you can <GASP> obtain them from those lockboxes I mentioned. You know, those lockboxes that require those KEYS that are only available through their version of a CM.


With the apparent exception of that carrier, the ships available from their version of a CM are far superior to the same level of ship that is available in game. their version of a CM does not just sell different "looks" for the ships, but sells BETTER SHIPS. That makes STO P2W in my book.


Now your just being a troll.. the Q pictures were from a IN GAME EVENT and was TOTALY FREE.. and WAS and still is a more POWERFUL ship then any sold in the Z store. So your argument that its P2W is totally BS when no Fleet level Tier 6 ships can be directly bought from the Z-Store and were given away just by playing a event.

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Again, if your going to argue semantics, at least have a clue what your speaking of


The info is out there if you care to find it

I suspect you dont so you can keep yelling perfect world (who games are not now and never has been larger then any of the top 20 MMORPGs).


But what ever kid, you keep pretending you have a clue about this genre


You need to learn what semantics mean...


Speaking fact is not semantics. They do not release individual game numbers.. Cryptic did before Perfect World bought them. But PW does not and I did post the 2013 annual fiscal report for PW that's not semantics.

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And nowhere on the figure does it say "Annual report", it clearly says 2013. Furthermore, the SuperData figures were released mid-July 2014, so even if EAs financial year ends in June, the data regarding the physical year 2013 were available.




And you accused me of being dense lol. The 3.2/3.8 million figures were not Accounts but CAPTAINS.


This is their 5 year anniversary infographic and It very clearly states "2.5 Million Acounts and growing!" underneath the "3.8 Million in command", and this was released Jan 29 2015. Therefore it's 2.5 mil for sto over 5 years.




Oh how quickly we went from "All you can go by is what the company's have released" to "OMG DAT IS BULLSHEEEET". I gave you numbers from official sources that show SWTOR have vastly more accounts created than STO. Even if you, for whatever reason, don't believe the 10 million figure, even the 3.7+ million figure beats STO severely.


As for "not even WoW numbers" you're absolutely right. WoW has over 10 million Subscribers as of Nov '14, and more than 100million accounts created as of Dec '13: http://media.wow-europe.com/infographic/en/world-of-warcraft-infographic.html


Not to pop your bubble but warlords came out a that time and WoW saw a increase in subs of about 3 million. pre to warlords it was down to 7.9 million.


STO's wiki reports 3.2 million accounts as of Jan '14. Also do not know if they are releasing active accounts as in accounts played in 2014. or as WoW infogragh of 100 million life time accounts. If they are only reporting active accounts then STO has lost 700,000 subs over the last year. Granted that's not as bad as wow did in 2013 where it was losing 300k to 800k a quarter before warlords was released.


As far as SWTOR.. it does not have 10 million active accounts. as it stated there were 1 million active a month. Given that its a great mile stone. As a year into SWTORs life it was down to 300k in subs. If swtor had 10 million accounts then that's a pretty huge problem when only 1 in 10 sub.


Funny part is you are fanboying soo much your not seeing the problem with this. Lets say for arguments sake that SWTOR is miles ahead of STO or NWN or even buy to play GW2 (cant use them as a sub based argument given they have no subs) are able to patch and get content out faster then SWTOR.


You are so caught up in winning your argument and scream SWTOR is better when you get less content and support then any of the above games. So these other games support there players better and give more content with less money incoming is what your arguing in the end. That should make you a bit ticked at EA/Bioware not defending them.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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First of all, I have played. I stopped playing regularly when they went so blatantly P2W depsite the fact that I several admirals. I still login occasionally to continue the Characters/stories I have not finished. I still have a Kilngon and a Romulan I'm working on getting to max level.


You forget to mention that that carrier costs 1000 autographed pictures of Q.


Those are obtained by a couple of different methods.


One is by winning Q's race, which can only be done ONCE PER DAY during the event. That's not a lot of opportunity to grind them, is it?


Another way way is to purchase them with lobi crystals which can be obtained in limited quantities doing soe limited missions, or you can <GASP> obtain them from those lockboxes I mentioned. You know, those lockboxes that require those KEYS that are only available through their version of a CM.


With the apparent exception of that carrier, the ships available from their version of a CM are far superior to the same level of ship that is available in game. their version of a CM does not just sell different "looks" for the ships, but sells BETTER SHIPS. That makes STO P2W in my book.



Now your just being a troll.. the Q pictures were from a IN GAME EVENT and was TOTALY FREE.. and WAS and still is a more POWERFUL ship then any sold in the Z store. So your argument that its P2W is totally BS when no Fleet level Tier 6 ships can be directly bought from the Z-Store and were given away just by playing a event.


I'm being a troll? Does it make me a troll to point out that the currency used to buy that "free" starship was almost impossible to earn in sufficient amount to purchase that starship by "free" in game means and that the most efficient manner of obtaining that currency was through lockboxes requiring KEYS which can only be purchased through their version of a CM?


Explain to me exactly how possible it would be to obtain the 1000 autographed pictures of Q if I can only do the race ONCE A DAY for 25 pictures. That would mean that I would have to do the race every day for 40 days, and I do not think the event lasted that long. Meaning that it would be impossible to obtain the ship simply for running the race during the in game event, as you claim.

Edited by Ratajack
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Not to pop your bubble but warlords came out a that time and WoW saw a increase in subs of about 3 million. pre to warlords it was down to 7.9 million.


Your point being? I was pointing out WoW numbers are way beyond SWTOR and STO, even 7.9 million subs is still something STO and SWTOR can only dream about.


STO's wiki reports 3.2 million accounts as of Jan '14. Also do not know if they are releasing active accounts as in accounts played in 2014. or as WoW infogragh of 100 million life time accounts. If they are only reporting active accounts then STO has lost 700,000 subs over the last year. Granted that's not as bad as wow did in 2013 where it was losing 300k to 800k a quarter before warlords was released.


The Wiki is simply wrong. Look at the infographic yourself.


You can see the block with 3.2 million is named Captains. It refers to how many Captains are currently in STO, not the number of accounts. In the 5th anniversary infographic that number has increased by 600k to 3.8 million Captains, spread out on 2.5 million accounts.


As a year into SWTORs life it was down to 300k in subs.


Proof please.


If swtor had 10 million accounts then that's a pretty huge problem when only 1 in 10 sub.


It's 1 million Active players, not 1 million subs. They said SWTOR has about half a million subscribers.


Why is it a "pretty huge problem" that only 1 in 10 are active accounts?


Funny part is you are fanboying soo much your not seeing the problem with this. Lets say for arguments sake that SWTOR is miles ahead of STO or NWN or even buy to play GW2 (cant use them as a sub based argument given they have no subs) are able to patch and get content out faster then SWTOR.


You are so caught up in winning your argument and scream SWTOR is better when you get less content and support then any of the above games. So these other games support there players better and give more content with less money incoming is what your arguing in the end. That should make you a bit ticked at EA/Bioware not defending them.


The fact you're even mentioning fanboy shows exactly how completely and utterly clueless you are.

I have said nothing about which game is better, or has more/better content coming out.

All I have done here is to point out SWTOR has more accounts and higher revenue than STO has. There is one thing EA does well, and that is to pump out as many $$$ from their customers as they can. If EA believed a Lifetime subscription offering would be worth it they would do it straight away.

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I'm being a troll? Does it make me a troll to point out that the currency used to buy that "free" starship was almost impossible to earn in sufficient amount to purchase that starship by "free" in game means and that the most efficient manner of obtaining that currency was through lockboxes requiring KEYS which can only be purchased through their version of a CM?


Explain to me exactly how possible it would be to obtain the 1000 autographed pictures of Q if I can only do the race ONCE A DAY for 25 pictures. That would mean that I would have to do the race every day for 40 days, and I do not think the event lasted that long. Meaning that it would be impossible to obtain the ship simply for running the race during the in game event, as you claim.


ya your being a troll or just talking dribble...


For one you get 30 days to get the event done, you get 400 pictures for the 1st quest, the daily is 40 pictures not 25.. so it take 15 days out of the 30 to get the ship with a 5 mins quest. On top of that all you need to do is do one race with a alt to unlock the ship after you have unlocked it for just one toon. 400 + 15x40 = 1000 I know math its hard.


So if your saying in a month you can not log on 15 times for 5 mins then that's your problem not the games.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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ya your being a troll or just talking dribble...


For one you get 30 days to get the event done, you get 400 pictures for the 1st quest, the daily is 40 pictures not 25.. so it take 15 days out of the 30 to get the ship with a 5 mins quest. On top of that all you need to do is do one race with a alt to unlock the ship after you have unlocked it for just one toon. 400 + 15x40 = 1000 I know math its hard.


So if your saying in a month you can not log on 15 times for 5 mins then that's your problem not the games.


So, the event lasts 30 days.


Here is the link to the page regarding those autographed photos of Q.




I will admit that I got my figures backwards. 1000 photos at 40 photos a day is 25 days. I had those figures backwards, as I said. You'll notice, though, that NOWHERE does it say anything about the first race awarding 400 photos.


According to that very page, it would take 25 days EVERY DAY of doing that race to purchase even one ship. This still leaves the most efficient means of obtaining those photos being via purchasing Q's appreciation package for those lobi crystals which are obtained via those lockboxes and the keys from their version of the CM, requiring, you guessed it, REAL MONEY.


is it possible to obtain that ship for free? Yes, but it is not the most efficient way to do so.


Add to that, that your example is only ONE ship, a rarity.


No one can HONESTLY say that with the exception of your ONE ship, the carrier, that the ships bought for real money are not far superior to those available for "free" in game? You can try to deceive yourself and others, but that is all it is, an attempt to deceive and a refusal to acknowledge the truth.

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So, the event lasts 30 days.


Here is the link to the page regarding those autographed photos of Q.




I will admit that I got my figures backwards. 1000 photos at 40 photos a day is 25 days. I had those figures backwards, as I said. You'll notice, though, that NOWHERE does it say anything about the first race awarding 400 photos.


According to that very page, it would take 25 days EVERY DAY of doing that race to purchase even one ship. This still leaves the most efficient means of obtaining those photos being via purchasing Q's appreciation package for those lobi crystals which are obtained via those lockboxes and the keys from their version of the CM, requiring, you guessed it, REAL MONEY.


is it possible to obtain that ship for free? Yes, but it is not the most efficient way to do so.


Add to that, that your example is only ONE ship, a rarity.


No one can HONESTLY say that with the exception of your ONE ship, the carrier, that the ships bought for real money are not far superior to those available for "free" in game? You can try to deceive yourself and others, but that is all it is, an attempt to deceive and a refusal to acknowledge the truth.


I played the event... do not tell me what it was like and not the most efficient way.. it was FREE for just playing doing a 5 mins quest.


Also they had 2 events back to back for free T-6 ships




read the FAQ, 400 for the quest + 40 per daily after wards.


So in 3 months they had 2 free T-6 ships, oh and in a month they will have the spring Risa event that will have another free ship this summer for there summer event.


So how many free ships should they give you for just playing the game? Given they do not hide any content behind pay walls.


It's fine to dislike the game for its genre Ship combat and 3rd person ground combat is not for everyone but to make up BS about it.. just stop. PW is pretty dang generous with there give away's more so with STO then any other game. Even so NWN also doesn't charge or hide playable content behind pay walls as well. Nor does GW2.


So I ask again.. what are you getting for all the money invested into SWTOR? slow patch's and balance fix's, hardly any pvp content, and slow pve content. I like SWTOR but I'm not that much of a fanboy not to able to see many of its flaws. There are flaws for sure with STO as well that I can list. But free items that are end game items that you can get many times a year just for playing.... to have a person whine about that... sheesh.

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I played the event... do not tell me what it was like and not the most efficient way.. it was FREE for just playing doing a 5 mins quest.


Also they had 2 events back to back for free T-6 ships




read the FAQ, 400 for the quest + 40 per daily after wards.


So in 3 months they had 2 free T-6 ships, oh and in a month they will have the spring Risa event that will have another free ship this summer for there summer event.


So how many free ships should they give you for just playing the game? Given they do not hide any content behind pay walls.


It's fine to dislike the game for its genre Ship combat and 3rd person ground combat is not for everyone but to make up BS about it.. just stop. PW is pretty dang generous with there give away's more so with STO then any other game. Even so NWN also doesn't charge or hide playable content behind pay walls as well. Nor does GW2.


So I ask again.. what are you getting for all the money invested into SWTOR? slow patch's and balance fix's, hardly any pvp content, and slow pve content. I like SWTOR but I'm not that much of a fanboy not to able to see many of its flaws. There are flaws for sure with STO as well that I can list. But free items that are end game items that you can get many times a year just for playing.... to have a person whine about that... sheesh.


You continue to dodge the question. Allow me to phrase it another way.


Are the ships purchased for money GERNERALLY far superior to sships of equal level available for "free" in game? Are the personal weapons purchased via REAL MONEY ( you know, the ones that will auto upgrade as you level, etc.) far superior to those available for "free" in game?


IMO, the fact that the vast majority of the items available on their version of a CM are far superior to equivalent items obtained for "free" in game, and not simply cosmetic "fluff", puts that game in the P2W category. This is why I stopped playing that game on a regular basis.


I'm not saying that this game is better than STO, only that it is different in its approach to the cash shop and the differences between F2P, preferred and subscriber "perks".

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Your point being? I was pointing out WoW numbers are way beyond SWTOR and STO, even 7.9 million subs is still something STO and SWTOR can only dream about.




The Wiki is simply wrong. Look at the infographic yourself.


You can see the block with 3.2 million is named Captains. It refers to how many Captains are currently in STO, not the number of accounts. In the 5th anniversary infographic that number has increased by 600k to 3.8 million Captains, spread out on 2.5 million accounts.




Proof please.



It's 1 million Active players, not 1 million subs. They said SWTOR has about half a million subscribers.


Why is it a "pretty huge problem" that only 1 in 10 are active accounts?




The fact you're even mentioning fanboy shows exactly how completely and utterly clueless you are.

I have said nothing about which game is better, or has more/better content coming out.

All I have done here is to point out SWTOR has more accounts and higher revenue than STO has. There is one thing EA does well, and that is to pump out as many $$$ from their customers as they can. If EA believed a Lifetime subscription offering would be worth it they would do it straight away.


point being is 10 million subs for wow is not a sustained number.. its a boost do to the expansion by this summer it will have dropped. Its been sitting around 7 mill for a few years now.. that's till way beyond any other mmorpg but its not sustaining 10 mil like it was 5 year ago.


I guess you were not around on how bad it really was...



please show me where it total accounts vs active accounts.. if its 2.5 million active accounts then that's more then SWTOR.. we do not know in what way there releasing the total account information. Same thing as in SWTOR saying there are 10 million total accounts but only 1 million active.


the fact you arguing that a 10% retention rate is a good thing.... just wow.


The fact I play both games give me a hell off a lot more of a unbiased view then a person who only actively plays one and then only is able to defend one.


If you would like I can point out many flaws with STO just as I can with SWTOR. I do not defend STO or SWTOR blindly like some other do.

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You continue to dodge the question. Allow me to phrase it another way.


Are the ships purchased for money GERNERALLY far superior to sships of equal level available for "free" in game? Are the personal weapons purchased via REAL MONEY ( you know, the ones that will auto upgrade as you level, etc.) far superior to those available for "free" in game?


IMO, the fact that the vast majority of the items available on their version of a CM are far superior to equivalent items obtained for "free" in game, and not simply cosmetic "fluff", puts that game in the P2W category. This is why I stopped playing that game on a regular basis.


I'm not saying that this game is better than STO, only that it is different in its approach to the cash shop and the differences between F2P, preferred and subscriber "perks".


No there are no weapons that are superior to free weapons in game.... the fact you even ask this tell me how out of touch you are with STO.


The store bought ships even the newest T-6 ships have less stats then the Free T-6 ships as the free ones have been boosted to fleet level ships and the store bought ships are standard T-6 ships. So no the reason to buy a T-6 ship is cosmetic not because they are better.


Even T-5u ships that are upgraded pre expansion ships have higher stats then standard T-6 ships. It wont be until they release fleet T-6 ships that T-6 will have greater stats then last expansions upgraded ships. Then the store ones will be same level as the free T-6 ships are now.


In example on Z-Store ship weapon. The San Palo Quad cannon. Sure it levels up with you but its damage out put is less then a Mark 12 VR Dual heavy cannon with Crit D mods x 3, something that is a free weapon system. The only reason to use the Quad cannons is for looks (they do look cool when firing) or for role playing reasons. If you are min maxing your ship the Dual quad cannon are a dps loss.


Also you can not buy "weapons" in the store there are a few of them that are "specials" on certain ships and all of them are DPS loss vs in game weapons.. they just have neat effects or they level up with your ship making it more convenient as you level. But all in game weapons max out with higher dps.

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point being is 10 million subs for wow is not a sustained number.. its a boost do to the expansion by this summer it will have dropped. Its been sitting around 7 mill for a few years now.. that's till way beyond any other mmorpg but its not sustaining 10 mil like it was 5 year ago.


It's still irrelevant. WoW has much higher numbers than SWTOR and STO.



Nothing in that link states SWTOR only had 300k subscribers as you said. Try again.


please show me where it total accounts vs active accounts.. if its 2.5 million active accounts then that's more then SWTOR.. we do not know in what way there releasing the total account information. Same thing as in SWTOR saying there are 10 million total accounts but only 1 million active.


It's pretty simple. If they aren't explicitly saying Active Accounts, they don't mean active accounts.



Same company, same infographic approach, says 2 million Active Accounts. Next link says 50 million players for the same game.


Addtionally, consider your own "test", with ESD having 3000 players at primetime. 73% of players play Federation and thus use ESD as their hub. If this game had 2.5 million active players (= about 1.8 million Federation players), you don't think ESD would have just a bit more than 3000 online at primetime?


the fact you arguing that a 10% retention rate is a good thing.... just wow.


The fact you can't explain why 10% retention rate is a bad thing.... just wow.


The fact I play both games give me a hell off a lot more of a unbiased view then a person who only actively plays one and then only is able to defend one.


If you would like I can point out many flaws with STO just as I can with SWTOR. I do not defend STO or SWTOR blindly like some other do.


You really don't get it do you? There is nothing to defend. All I did was calling you out on your "STO has more accounts than SWTOR" ******** as that is obviously not correct.

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It's still irrelevant. WoW has much higher numbers than SWTOR and STO.


Nothing in that link states SWTOR only had 300k subscribers as you said. Try again.


It's pretty simple. If they aren't explicitly saying Active Accounts, they don't mean active accounts.



Same company, same infographic approach, says 2 million Active Accounts. Next link says 50 million players for the same game.


Addtionally, consider your own "test", with ESD having 3000 players at primetime. 73% of players play Federation and thus use ESD as their hub. If this game had 2.5 million active players (= about 1.8 million Federation players), you don't think ESD would have just a bit more than 3000 online at primetime?




The fact you can't explain why 10% retention rate is a bad thing.... just wow.




You really don't get it do you? There is nothing to defend. All I did was calling you out on your "STO has more accounts than SWTOR" ******** as that is obviously not correct.


No it states less then 100k /facepalm I was being generous. You must of not been playing when things were rock bottom in SWTOR.. I was and week before server transfers were allowed 5pm pst on a Tuesday.. you know raid night there were a total of 16 imps on my server.. I know this cause I /who every planet/zone to count the number of players it was that bad. I'm glad that SWTOR after consolidating all there servers and going f2p were able to recover some of there player base.


Nowhere does it say total accounts or active accounts given other source's have stated different active account number... so you are making crap up. WE just do not know.. same thing with SWTOR, one site says 2 mill another has some saying 10 mil.. that's a pretty big difference.


umm.. you do know that PWI has the same free to play structure as STO right?


ESD is one hub, ESD space has normally about same number as ESD then there is the STA, quonos, DS9, Romulus though will less players in those hubs.. those are hubs not end game zone's such as delta rising space sectors and planets.


Also 2.5mil active does not mean at the same time.. what type of stupid logic is that.


oh and FYI if you are going by the same numbers as PWI info graph then the one for STO would be active accounts.. not totally as in they only listed active accounts not total.

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No it states less then 100k you moron /facepalm I was being generous. You must of not been playing when things were rock bottom in SWTOR..


You said it yourself earlier:


All you can go by is what the company's have released


How about you live up to your own statements and keep your pathetic "moron" comment for yourself. Some user's halfassed math experiment doesn't count for anything.


Nowhere does it say total accounts or active accounts given other source's have stated different active account number... so you are making crap up. WE just do not know..


Nope, in fact the other "sources" are making crap up. They got their information from the infographic as well and there is ZERO grounds for saying the 2.5 million figures are Active Accounts when it's not explicitly described as Active Accounts in the infographic. It's that simple.


same thing with SWTOR, one site says 2 mill another has some saying 10 mil.. that's a pretty big difference.


If you had just some ability to comprehend information you'd know it's not the same thing at all.


Dec '11: Game released.

Feb '12: over 1.7m subscribers, 2 million units sold.

Nov '13: 10 million accounts total, currently 1 million active


F2P started Nov '12

March '13: Over 2 million new accounts


The 10 million comment covers almost 2 years of the game being out (1 year as F2P).

The "over 2 million new accounts" comment only covers the 4 months of Nov '12 to March '13.


That means the last ~6 million accounts would have been created in the periods March'12-Nov'12 and March'13-Nov'13.


umm.. you do know that PWI has the same free to play structure as STO right?


Exactly, and about 20 times more accounts.


ESD is one hub, ESD space has normally about same number as ESD then there is the STA, quonos, DS9, Romulus though will less players in those hubs.. those are hubs not end game zone's such as delta rising space sectors and planets.


Also 2.5mil active does not mean at the same time.. what type of stupid logic is that.


I know that, but with 2.5 million active players you should still see waaay more players in the main hub at primetime.

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You said it yourself earlier:


Gee at some point going from 1.3 mill at launch to only 100k there would of been only 300k at one point dur


How about you live up to your own statements and keep your pathetic "moron" comment for yourself. Some user's halfassed math experiment doesn't count for anything.


not sure what your talking about....


Nope, in fact the other "sources" are making crap up. They got their information from the infographic as well and there is ZERO grounds for saying the 2.5 million figures are Active Accounts when it's not explicitly described as Active Accounts in the infographic. It's that simple.


Wrong.. look at both info graphs.. both are set up the same way. AS in both state Active numbers and you had to go to another source for totally numbers.



If you had just some ability to comprehend information you'd know it's not the same thing at all.


Dec '11: Game released.

Feb '12: over 1.7m subscribers, 2 million units sold.

Nov '13: 10 million accounts total, currently 1 million active


F2P started Nov '12

March '13: Over 2 million new accounts


good for SWTOR its has 1 million active accounts.. and STO has 2.5 million active accounts by there own sources.


The 10 million comment covers almost 2 years of the game being out (1 year as F2P). The "over 2 million new accounts" comment only covers the 4 months of Nov '12 to March '13.



Exactly, and about 20 times more accounts.



I know that, but with 2.5 million active players you should still see waaay more players in the main hub at primetime.


Says who? having some 6k players in 2 hubs at 1 time during a 24 hours day its not 6k total for the day it's at any given time there could be that many.. on a game that has near some 20 space sectors and many other planets and space stations out side of ESD ground and space.


Given there are more then 1 hub per faction unlike SWTOR the population is more spread out given that just one hub equals 16 servers worth of hubs for SWTOR.. Many of the other hubs are tri-factions meaning Feds, Roms and KDF can go there like Delta Sphere and DS9 etc.




You are trying to bring up so many BS things.. when in fact PW has had more successes with there F2P model then SWTOR has.. thank you for proving it when you linked PWI.. given this thread is about LTS and SWTOR horrid F2P model you proved my point.


unless you are going to try to argue now about PSI and its 50 mill total subs and 2.5 mill active using the same F2P model as STO is all wrong as well..

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not sure what your talking about....


You said "All you can go by is what the company's have released", yet when I ask you for proof about 300k subscribers the only "proof" you can supply is a random user's math experiment. Show some official numbers or keep quiet.


Wrong.. look at both info graphs.. both are set up the same way. AS in both state Active numbers and you had to go to another source for totally numbers.


PWI's infographic clearly states Active Accounts. STO doesn't, it only states Acounts. That is the simple and yet massive difference.


You are trying to bring up so many BS things.. when in fact PW has had more successes with there F2P model then SWTOR has.. thank you for proving it when you linked PWI.. given this thread is about LTS and SWTOR horrid F2P model you proved my point.


unless you are going to try to argue now about PSI and its 50 mill total subs and 2.5 mill active using the same F2P model as STO is all wrong as well..


The only one consistenly bringing up BS here is you. You have provided ZERO evidence for your BS comments. Nowhere in the infographic does it state that it is Active Accounts, there is no grounds for assuming they talk about active accounts.


PSI shows the massive difference between STO and a geniuinely huge MMO. PSI boasts over 50 million accounts while STO can only present 2.5 million accounts created.


Even STO's own community is less deluded than you:


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your pathetic..


The whole decision was about LTS and F2P model...


You shoot your own argument in the foot when you linked PSI that used the same F2P model as STO and NWN.. Having more total accounts and active then SWTOR... and its not even a main stream franchise as Star Wars is..


Get your head out of rear... wake up and understand that the F2P model for SWTOR is not good for the game.. the game is doing ok in spite of a crappy f2p system.


Again, you're making it look like I'm saying things I have never ever said. I've never said SWTOR is doing well, or that F2P is the best model for SWTOR. My only objection is against Lifetime subscriptions, STO was brought as an example of "Lifetimers work really well, look here", except that SWTOR is doing massively much better than STO does.


Using PWI as an example also requires you to look at release dates. PWI has existed for a lot longer than SWTOR has, so they've had more time to get to 50 million. The competition, especially in China, was also a lot lower for PWI back in '05-'08 than it was for SWTOR globally in '11.

Speaking of PWI, do they have Lifetime subscription? No? Well there you go.

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