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Why the upcoming changes are almost retarted, pls devs read it


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Its very simple

apart the Undying Rage that is a usefull change (though we are punished by its cooldown ) as a defensive mechanic ,nothing of the changes adress the problems we have.Our main problem is getting cc'd/knocked/stuned easily at any moment we are about to use something important ,mostly ravage . What good is force camo immunity or getting back our root ,when u cant land a ravage due to cc's ? They used to think that since mara's ravage hits a lot more than a juggs ,we shouldnt be able to land it always like juggs can with their immunity after leap,why cant we get something similar now that its nerfed ? not to mention that if playing carnage ,no chance in hell they will let you land a gore+ravage ,at least previously you could land forcescream ,but now with the gore duration u cant fit them both so that if you loose ravage due to a knock at least u punish them with force scream (some would say use some alacrity ,but thats usefull if you play with 30-40 ms ,not when playing with 140+ms ).

We got a nerfed ravage ,a nerfed double saber throw ,a nerfed vicious throw and a nerfed gore (its timer ) and we are getting "these changes " ?

All they do is making us last a little more as a punching bag.DPS leaderboards show clearly that middle spec is underperforming in terms of max dps ,and pvp leaderboards show that the class is in deep sh@#.

I realy hope that they will see that the upcoming changes dont help/adress the main problems of our class.Sure i like the Undying rage and not having to use 2 times an ability in order to root (that was a completely pathetic idea,they should just admit it and give back saber throw ) but still GIVE US CC IMMUNITY AFTER LEAP instead of cc immunity during camo.we cant refresh leap so whats the problem ?

-cc imune after leap for 4 sec (or cc immunity when using gore once every 2 or 3 minutes if they are worried or just give us cc immunity during undying rage)

-the new undying rage

-the new root (or not ,wont matter if we have the rest)

-half a second more duration in gore ,so that with a little alacrity we fit ravage forcescream even on higher ms (OR make gore work like charges with a 7 seconds duration, 3 charges ,ravage uses 2 , 4 charges when used with berserk, camo erases all charges )

and then the class is fine,not op but competitive.It may sound as alot of improvments ,but its realy not ,when u compare them with the strengths of other classes,throw them in pts and see what goes.

Thnx for reading


ps i mostly talk for carnage since i realy dislike dotspecs ,no offence

Edited by stroumfita
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I think a 2 second window of physics immunity after a force charge and during ravage would be a bit more reasonable. We want sents and maras to be fun again, but we don't quite want 2.10 back.


EDIT: Maybe even 1.5 seconds.

Edited by llayles
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i dont see why some1 thought force camo immunity would be usefull .we need something to help us land our burst ,thus some sort of immunity during gore. Getting it while using Urage is faaaaaaaaaaar more of use than during camo.

Gore needs to be changed either back to 4.5 sec ,but i am up for the charges idea ,would make it harder to lock us during its phase ,and less predictable ,not to mention it will solve the problems we get during higher ms.

And yes ,they should stop this nonsense with Crippling Slash ,give us back saber throw ,it looks better.

I agrree,if you compare maras with assassins or other classes,the changes are much needed ,after all every1 can see maras with carnage are way too low in dps leaderboards ,and in ranked wz leaderboards maras are a joke.

We are missing options ,this will give us some much needed solutions


also ,spelling is not what is important here

Edited by xvlasis
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If you want the devs to read anything you post, you should probably bring it up on the PTS forums, because this is the where they check the most atm. I doubt they read the class forums more than once a month.

But before you post this on the PTS forum, check your spelling please.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Its very simple

apart the Undying Rage that is a usefull change (though we are punished by its cooldown ) as a defensive mechanic ,nothing of the changes adress the problems we have.Our main problem is getting cc'd/knocked/stuned easily at any moment we are about to use something important ,mostly ravage . What good is force camo immunity or getting back our root ,when u cant land a ravage due to cc's ? They used to think that since mara's ravage hits a lot more than a juggs ,we shouldnt be able to land it always like juggs can with their immunity after leap,why cant we get something similar now that its nerfed ? not to mention that if playing carnage ,no chance in hell they will let you land a gore+ravage ,at least previously you could land forcescream ,but now with the gore duration u cant fit them both so that if you loose ravage due to a knock at least u punish them with force scream (some would say use some alacrity ,but thats usefull if you play with 30-40 ms ,not when playing with 140+ms ).

We got a nerfed ravage ,a nerfed double saber throw ,a nerfed vicious throw and a nerfed gore (its timer ) and we are getting "these changes " ?

All they do is making us last a little more as a punching bag.DPS leaderboards show clearly that middle spec is underperforming in terms of max dps ,and pvp leaderboards show that the class is in deep sh@#.

I realy hope that they will see that the upcoming changes dont help/adress the main problems of our class.Sure i like the Undying rage and not having to use 2 times an ability in order to root (that was a completely pathetic idea,they should just admit it and give back saber throw ) but still GIVE US CC IMMUNITY AFTER LEAP instead of cc immunity during camo.we cant refresh leap so whats the problem ?

-cc imune after leap for 4 sec (or cc immunity when using gore once every 2 or 3 minutes if they are worried or just give us cc immunity during undying rage)

-the new undying rage

-the new root (or not ,wont matter if we have the rest)

-half a second more duration in gore ,so that with a little alacrity we fit ravage forcescream even on higher ms (OR make gore work like charges with a 7 seconds duration, 3 charges ,ravage uses 2 , 4 charges when used with berserk, camo erases all charges )

and then the class is fine,not op but competitive.It may sound as alot of improvments ,but its realy not ,when u compare them with the strengths of other classes,throw them in pts and see what goes.

Thnx for reading


ps i mostly talk for carnage since i realy dislike dotspecs ,no offence


Dont waste your ravage on gore windows.

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It may sound as alot of improvments ,but its realy not ,when u compare them with the strengths of other classes,throw them in pts and see what goes.

No, it really is a lot when you take into consideration the amount of coding and testing it would require.


Thnx for reading

Sorry, I myself did not really read through the OP, just glossed over it. The (lack of) format was giving me a headache so I did not try. Also, no idea if you are talking about PvP, PvE or both. -_-

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No, it really is a lot when you take into consideration the amount of coding and testing it would require.



Sorry, I myself did not really read through the OP, just glossed over it. The (lack of) format was giving me a headache so I did not try. Also, no idea if you are talking about PvP, PvE or both. -_-


The improvements are not alot in terms of buffing,not in terms of coding ,thats what it actually means.

The post's format is not the issue,the state of mara is ,both in pve and pvp :p

Yeah,yeah,i know i just fed a troll

Edited by xvlasis
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In my opinion undying rage should still consume health but it should grant a 100% cc immunity for it's duration being a real last stand option. Some utilities should be completely removed and just merged with abilities, like the ones affecting rebuke (usable while stunned, shorter cd when using abilities etc) or cleanse for force camo. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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