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The 2 day unlock wait

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Keep the lockout timer for accounts that do not have an active security key generator linked. If somebody were to remove the linked generator then they would have to deal with the timer again. Another incentive to take a simple step to protect your account.
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You mean the cooldown to sell all those cartel items?

It's there for multiple reasons, though I'm willing to bet they won't tell us all of them.


I for one don't mind it. Gives the market time to prepare for my items. Plus it gives me time to consider do I want it, or not. I ended up keeping some of the gear as I was getting ready to post it, so I appreciate the timer :)

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The timer provides a measure of fraud prevention so that the items can't be fraudulently purchased and then immediately disposed of through the system.

It also grants a narrow window of item exclusivity, during which only people who have spent coins on the items can have them but I suspect that on the list of reasons it was done this way, this would be at the bottom.


As for the time difference between sub and non-sub, I'd imagine that 1) it's yet another non-sub penalty and 2) a wider fraud prevention window since non-sub accounts are more likely to be abused.


Either way, it would be nice if you could trade the items between your own characters during the countdown but that's more likely a limitation of the system than anything else.

Edited by Rankyn
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