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NEW Leaked Episode VII Info


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I have some new Episode VII info from my "source". It appears that the Sequel Trilogy will be a lot like The Hobbit movies in that they will be mostly CG. Each will be about 3 hours long (currently 174 minutes on VII), and, like the Hobbit, will contain a lot of fight scenes (some might say they are drawn-out). Due to new special effects technology, you will see new force powers never seen outside of video games. Some of the ones I have heard may be in the movies include Force Shockwave, Force Stasis, Force Destruction (Thundering Blast to you SWTOR players), and Force Drain. You may be wondering why the Clone Wars tv show is now considered canon. This is because some of the elements from a few of the episodes (mortis trilogy, the Nightsisters, Last few episodes from Season 6 [like the midi-chlorian homeworld, which will be revealed to be named Aetherias.] Korriban will be one of the planets in the trilogy, and both names for the planet are officially canon.)
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I have some new Episode VII info from my "source". It appears that the Sequel Trilogy will be a lot like The Hobbit movies in that they will be mostly CG. Each will be about 3 hours long (currently 174 minutes on VII), and, like the Hobbit, will contain a lot of fight scenes (some might say they are drawn-out). Due to new special effects technology, you will see new force powers never seen outside of video games. Some of the ones I have heard may be in the movies include Force Shockwave, Force Stasis, Force Destruction (Thundering Blast to you SWTOR players), and Force Drain. You may be wondering why the Clone Wars tv show is now considered canon. This is because some of the elements from a few of the episodes (mortis trilogy, the Nightsisters, Last few episodes from Season 6 [like the midi-chlorian homeworld, which will be revealed to be named Aetherias.] Korriban will be one of the planets in the trilogy, and both names for the planet are officially canon.)


You're improving. It actually makes sense now, compared to the BS you told before.

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You're improving. It actually makes sense now, compared to the BS you told before.


It would be hilarious if he turns out to be one of the main people on the set and is purposely spouting BS. Then right before the movie is released he gives away the full plot and no one believes him. No, I doubt it but it would be both brilliant/hilarious.

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It would be hilarious if he turns out to be one of the main people on the set and is purposely spouting BS. Then right before the movie is released he gives away the full plot and no one believes him. No, I doubt it but it would be both brilliant/hilarious.


That would be hilarious. That said I have seen one rumor that seems VERY plausible and if it is true I think a lot of fans will be perturbed. I won't detail it here, it can be googled quite easily. I will say it involves Luke and it actually makes sense if you picture him as what he was. An initially niave and unworldly kid who suddenly comes into great mystical power but lacking much in the way of formal training on how to cope with the powers. Remember most Jedi go through over a decade of constant and formal study with great masters, sometimes just to be declared a padawan, followed by more formal training until they earn a Knight hood. Luke went through study with one of the greatest of masters but it was off and on over a period of only 4 years. For the most part he has been self taught without even the lost Jedi Archives as a guide. That could lead to "troubles" for him.

Edited by Ghisallo
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It would be hilarious if he turns out to be one of the main people on the set and is purposely spouting BS. Then right before the movie is released he gives away the full plot and no one believes him. No, I doubt it but it would be both brilliant/hilarious.


Hehehe that would be funny indeed :D:D

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Hardly going out on a limb with "new SW flick is going to have a lot of CGI and saber fights & what they said is canon is canon" predictions...


When I said "CGI heavy", I meant that it will look like the the three original SWTOR trailers, only with real actors. They might even replace the actors' faces with CGI using motion capture (mainly to make the female characters more attractive).

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My source says that the sequel trilogy will be very different than the other Star Wars movies. The plot will be very confusing, with lots of flashbacks. Fans of Doctor Who will probably like it a lot. You will also need to know a lot about KOTOR era Star Wars lore to understand the movie. Episode 8 is all about the dark side entity Singularity's race of minions, the Drenk. Episode 9 may be considered strange, and will clear up a lot of the arguments about the midichlorians, the Netherworld of the Force, dathomir magic, and Darth Plagueis.

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My source says that the sequel trilogy will be very different than the other Star Wars movies. The plot will be very confusing, with lots of flashbacks. Fans of Doctor Who will probably like it a lot. You will also need to know a lot about KOTOR era Star Wars lore to understand the movie. Episode 8 is all about the dark side entity Singularity's race of minions, the Drenk. Episode 9 may be considered strange, and will clear up a lot of the arguments about the midichlorians, the Netherworld of the Force, dathomir magic, and Darth Plagueis.


people dont like doctor who for the confusing flashbacks(which there arnt btw) they like it because the main goul is makeing every episoid a good story without give much thoght to cannon( which lets face it is about a sensible as 12 explantion of time) that and bowties are cool:D

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When I said that Doctor Who fans would like the sequel trilogy, I meant for the same reason you say. There will just be a lot of confusing flashbacks. Time travel through the Force might also be involved, but I can't say at this time...
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When I said that Doctor Who fans would like the sequel trilogy, I meant for the same reason you say. There will just be a lot of confusing flashbacks. Time travel through the Force might also be involved, but I can't say at this time...


but no bow ties or fezs you have clue about the whovians. also make your fake leaks more plausible next your going to say disneys doing a starwars cristmas movie with santa clause as a suporting charater which no self respecting scifi would ever do:p

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My source says that the sequel trilogy will be very different than the other Star Wars movies. The plot will be very confusing, with lots of flashbacks. Fans of Doctor Who will probably like it a lot. You will also need to know a lot about KOTOR era Star Wars lore to understand the movie. Episode 8 is all about the dark side entity Singularity's race of minions, the Drenk. Episode 9 may be considered strange, and will clear up a lot of the arguments about the midichlorians, the Netherworld of the Force, dathomir magic, and Darth Plagueis.


Stop! Just kriffing stop! You might be a successful troll if you mentioned things people would actually believe. As it is, in ever thread you make, NOTHING is believable! You are not fooling anyone. Just stop with all the BS and go away.

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Stop! Just kriffing stop! You might be a successful troll if you mentioned things people would actually believe. As it is, in ever thread you make, NOTHING is believable! You are not fooling anyone. Just stop with all the BS and go away.


He's branching out in fact.


In addition to the time he spends here and in the Story & Lore section, he's now posting his inane drivel on the General Discussion section as well.


Emperor save us all.


* pause *


Well, someone I guess. :p

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I have some new Episode VII info from my "source". It appears that the Sequel Trilogy will be a lot like The Hobbit movies in that they will be mostly CG.


Wasn't Revenge of the Sith mostly CG? And that was what, 10-11 years ago? Hardly a revelation here


Each will be about 3 hours long (currently 174 minutes on VII), and, like the Hobbit, will contain a lot of fight scenes (some might say they are drawn-out).


So your saying there will be wars in the new star wars movie?


Due to new special effects technology, you will see new force powers never seen outside of video games. Some of the ones I have heard may be in the movies include Force Shockwave, Force Stasis, Force Destruction (Thundering Blast to you SWTOR players), and Force Drain.


Again, looking at the state of movies today, hardly a surprise. Seems to me you are attempting to troll with this "inside source" BS

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